Eddie Yeghiayan
Wagner, Ina. "Connecting Communities of Practice: Feminism, Science, and Technology." Women's Studies International Forum (March-June 1994), 17(2-3):261, 264.
Wagner, Peter. "Liberty and
Discipline: Making Sense of Postmodernity, or, Once Again, Towards a
Sociohistorical Understanding of Modernity." Theory and
Society (August 1992), 21(4):468, 486n4, 487nn8, 10, 12,
Part of a forum on Postmodernism.
Wagner, P.L. "A German Critique
of Modern Geography." Geographical Review (October 1989),
79(4):473, 474n8.
Baudrillard's view of commodities as symbolic in character "changes the
whole ball game."
Wain, Kenneth "Foucault, Education, the Self and Modernity." Journal of Philosophy of Education (November 1996), 30(3);348, 359n4, 360.
Waitt, Gordon. "Marketing Korea as an International Tourist Destination." Tourism Management (March 1996), 17(2):114, 120n18.
Walden, George. "Flaming
Optimist." New Statesman (May 30, 1997), 10(455):22-23.
"Jean Baudrillard a depressive? High priest of postmodernist
meaninglessness? Try again."
Waliger, Gregory T. "The Moral
Universes of Libertarian Press Theory." Critical Studies in Mass
Communication (June 1991), 8(2):158, 165.
Excess of information by the media precludes response by recipients.
Informed debate has disappeared and the underlying power structure that
was to be checked by the media has ceased to be meaningful.
Wallace, Michele. "Negative Images: Towards a Black Feminist Cultural Criticism." In Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paul Treichler, eds., Cultural Studies, p. 662.. New York & London: Routledge, 1992.
Wallendorf, Melanie and Eric J. Arnould. "'My Favorite Things': A Cross-Cultural Inquiry into Object Attachment, Possessiveness, and Social Linkage." Journal of Consumer Research (March 1988), 14(4):535, 544.
Walsh, Kevin. "The Post-Modern Threat to the Past." In Ian Bapty and Tim Yates, eds., Archaeology after Structuralism: Post-Structuralism and the Practice of Archaeology, pp. 279, 280-283. London & New York: Routledge, 1990.
Walters, Ian. "Vietnam Zippos." Journal of Material Culture (March 1997), 2(1):66, 74.
Wang, Xiaoying. "The Philosophy
of Capital."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1994, Brown University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January
1995), 55(7A):1997-A.
Ward, Steven C. "In the Shadow of the Deconstructed Metanarratives: Baudrillard, Latour and the End of Realist Epistemology." History of Human Sciences (November 1994), 7(4):73-94.
Ward, Steven C. "The Making of
Serious Speech: A Social Theory of Professional Discourse." Current
Perspectives in Social Theory (1995), 15:78.
Theory becomes the seducer rather than the teacher, according to
Baudrillard's The Ecstasy of Communication (1988).
Ward, Steven Craig. "Postmodernism as the Sociocultural Deconstruction of Modernity."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991, University of New Hampshire.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (August
1991), 52(5A):1918-A.
Ward, Steven. "The Revenge of the Humanities: Reality, Rhetoric, and the Politics of Postmodernism." Sociological Perspectives (Summer 1995), 38(2):119, 120, 124.
Ward, Samantha. " 'Welcome Home, Brother': Simulacra in Filmic Representations of Vietnam Veterans." In C.W. Spinks and John Deely, eds., Sources in Semiotics, pp. 301-307. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America, October 19-22, 1996, Santa Barbara, Calif. Annual Proceedings of the Semiotic Society of America. New York: Lang, 1997.
Wark, McKenzie. Virtual Geography: Living with Global Media Events, pp. xiii-xiv, 23, 26, 28, 71, 87, 93, 135, 159, 160, 232nn63, 68, 236n47, 238n37, 241n15, 243n62. Art and Politics of the Everyday. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Warren, Stacy. "Disneyfication of the Metropolis: Popular Resistance in Seattle." Journal of Urban Affairs (1994), 1692):91, 105.
Warren, Stacy. "Popular
Cultural Practices in the 'Postmodern City'." Urban Geography
(August 16-September 30, 1996), 17(6):545, 547, 553, 554,
A special issue on Urban Geography and Cultural Studies.
Warry, Wayne. "The Eleventh
Thesis: Applied Anthropology as Praxis." Human Organization
(Summer 1992), 51(2):156, 162.
Citing Baudrillard's Forget Foucault/Forget
(1987) claims that theory is constructed post facto from interpretation
and acts as a type of "simulation" to reality.
Wartmann, Brigitte. "'No Future' postmoderner Avantgarde oder: die (ver)letzen Illusionen des patriarchalen Bürgertums." Das Argument (January 1986), 28(155):30-33, 35, 37, 42.
Waters, Malcolm. "Succession in the Stratification System: A Contribution to the 'Death of Class' Debate." International Sociology (September 1994), 9(3):311n16, 311.
Waters, Malcolm. "The Thesis of the Loss of the Perfect Market." British Journal of Sociology (September 1995), 46(3):423, 427.
Watkins, Evan. "'For the Time Being Forever': Social Position and the Art of Automobile Maintenance." Boundary 2 (Summer 1991), 18(2):157.
Watson, G. Llewellyn and Joseph P. Kopachevsky.
"Interpretations of Tourism as Commodity."
Annals of Tourism Research (1994), 21(3):643, 647, 656,
Tourism is a complex sociocultural experience, one that cannot be
properly understood except in terms of what Baudrillard calls "the
political economy of the sign." Dean MacCannell in his book The
Tourist discusses a semiotic of capitalist production. Fake
commodities imported from third-world countries attest to the element of
social make-believe in what Baudrillard calls the postmodern situation.
Such play-acting being part of the larger fetishism of commodities in
daily life.
Watson, James R. "The Ego and the Other." Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (1976), 38(4):601n32.
Watt, Stephen. "Baudrillard's America (and Ours?): Image, Virus, Catastrophe." In James Naremore and Patrick Brantlinger, eds., Modernity and Mass Culture, pp. 135-157. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Watson, S. "Guilding the Smokestacks: The New Symbolic Representations of Deindustrialised Regions." Enviornment and Planning D: Society and Space (March 1991), 9(1):59, 69.
Watson, Stephen. "Kant and Foucault: On the Ends of Man." Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (March 1985), 47(1):85n26.
Watt, Stephen. "Beckett By Way of Baudrillard: Toward a Political Reading of Beckett's Drama." In Katherine H. Burkman, ed., Myth and Ritual in the Plays of Samuel Beckett, pp. 103-123. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1987.
Weaver, Ole. "European Security
Identites." Journal of Common Market Studies (March 1996),
34(1):122, 128.
Cites Baudrillard and others for the view that Europe's 'Other' is not
any identifiable group, but is Europe's own past which should not be
allowed to become its future.
Weber, Cynthia. "Dissimulating
Intervention: A Reading of the US-Led Intervention into Haiti."
Alternatives (July-September 1995), 20(3):267-268, 276nn5, 6,
Uses and explains Baudrillard's ideas of simulation and dissimulation
to discuss sovereignity and the Clinton administration's intervention into
Webster, Frank and Kevin Robins. "Plan and Control: Towards a Cultural History of the Information-Society." Theory and Society (May 1989), 18(3):349n40.
Webster, Steven. "Some History of Social Theory in
Sahlins' Structuralist Culture History." Critique of
Anthropology (Winter 1989), 9(3):31, 39-45, 56.
A section is entitled "Baudrillard and Sahlins' turn to
Webster, Steven. "Structuralist Historicism and the History of Structuralism: Sahlins, the Hanson's Counterpoint in Maori Culture, and Postmodernist Ethnographic Form." Journal of the Polynesian Society (March 1987), 96(1):52-57, 59, 63.
Wenger, Morton G. "Idealism Redux: The Class-Historical Truth of Postmodernism." Criticical Sociology (1993), 20(1):53-78.
Wehinger, Brunhilde. "Zum Vergnügen am 'Code du Mouchoir'." Kodikas/Code Ars Semeiotica (January-June 1984), 7(1-2):129, 130n12, 130.
Weinberg, Steven D. "The
Subversion of the Ideal and the Rise of Simulation." M.A. Thesis, 1997,
California State University, Dominguez Hills.
Abstract in Masters Abstract International (1998),
Weiner, James F. "Reply." Current Anthropology (April 1997), 38(2):229, 232.
Weiner, James F. "Televisualist Anthropology: Representation, Aesthetics, Politics." Current Anthropology (April 1997), 38(2):207, 232.
Weisenburger, Steven C. "Errant
Narrative and The Color Purple." Journal of Narrative
Technique (Fall 1989), (19(3):271, 274.
Discusses how, from the perspective of Baudrillard, the issue of a
fiction like The Color Purple poses further
Weiss, Michael D. "Terror
Reigns in Manhattan."
Social Anarchism (1995-96), 21:8-10,
Baudrillard's goal is to rediscover and recapture reality by bringing
us something that cannot be transformed into hyperreal gibberish.
Weiss, Wendy A. "The Anthropologist as a Figure of Hegemony? An Introduction." Anthropological Quarterly (October 1993), 66(4):167, 240.
Welchman, John C. "Art and America: Remarks on the Later Baudrillard." In his Modernism Relocated: Towards a Cultural Studies of Visual Modernity, pp. 233-247. London: Allen & Unwin, 1995.
Welsch, Wolfgang. "Tradition und Innovation in der Kunst. Philosophische Perspektiven der Postmoderne." Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunst-Wissenschaft (1985), 30(1):89n23.
Welsch, Wolfgang. "Vielheit ohne Einheit? Zum gegenwärtigen Spektrum der philosophischen Diskussion um die 'Postmoderne'. Französische, italenische, amerikanische, deutsche Aspekte." Philosophisches Jahrbuch (1987), 94(1):124-126, 141.
Went-Daoust, Y. "Les Paravents de Jean Genet ou les signes du vide." Neophilologus (January 1986), 70(1):37, 39, 46nn5, 7.
Wernick, Andrew. "Global Promo: The Cultural Triumph of Exchange." Theor, Culture & Society (February 1991), 8(1):103, 108n8, 109.
Wernick, Andrew. "Jean Baudrillard: Seducing God." In Philip Blond, ed., Post-secular Philosophy: between Philosophy and Theology. London & New York: Routledge, 1998.
Wernick, Andrew. "Post-Marx: Theological Themes in Baudrillard's America." In Philippa Berry and Andrew Wernick, eds., Shadow of Spirit: Postmodernism and Religion, pp. 57-71. New York: Routledge, 1992.
Wenick, Andrew. "Sign and
Commodity: Aspects of the Cultural Dynamic of Advanced Capitalism"
Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory/Revue Canadienne de
Théorie Politique et Sociale (1991), 15(1-3):152-169.
Part of a special section on Baudrillard entitled "Power and
West, Nancy Martha. "Soft Murder
by the Camera Eye: Photographic Fears and the Victorian Writer." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1992, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June
1993), 53(12A):4339-A.
West, Patrick. "Health Inequalities in the Early Years: Is There Equalisation in Youth?" Social Science & Medicine (March 1997), 44(6):836, 855n43.
Westenholz, Ann. "Democracy as 'Organizational Divorce' and How the Postmodern Democracy is Stifled by Unity and Majority." Economic and Industrial Democracy (May 1991), 12(2):175, 186.
Weston, Anthony. "Self-Validating Reduction: Toward a Theory of Enviornmental Devaluation." Environmental Ethics (Summer 1996), 18(2):125.
Wexler, Philip. "And Now for a Little Deconstruction: A Response to Kurtzman." New Ideas in Psychology (1987), 5(1):75, 76.
White, Mimi. " Representing
Romance: Reading/Writing/Fantasy and the 'Liberated' Heroine of Hollywood
Films of the 1980s." In Jeanne Ruppert, ed.,
Gender: Literary and
Cinematic Representation, pp.
Florida State Univeristy Conference on Literature
and Film 11.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida ,
Selected Papers from the
Eleventh Annual Florida State University Conference on Literature and
Reprinted from Cinema Journal (Spring 1989), 28(3): 54,
White, Mimi. "Resimulation:
Video Art and Narrativity." Wide Angle (1985), 6(4): 71,
Postmodern video is trapped in the play of simulation and implosion
described by Baudrillard.
White, Philip G. and James Gillett. "Reading the Muscular Body: A Critical Decoding of Advertisements in Flex Magazine." Sociology of Sport Journal (March 1994), 11(1):35, 36.
Wickham, Gary. "The Political Possibilities of Postmodernism. "Economy and Society (February 1990), 19(1):134-135, 148.
Wiener, Margaret J. "Doors of
Perception: Power and Representation in Bali." Cultural
Anthropology (November 1995), 10(4):499, 506.
Says Derrida and Baudrillard have questioned whether there is anything
but representation.
Wiggen, Carlos Christian. "Barbari Og Sivilisasjon: Refleksjoner Over Det Fellesborgerlige
Dannelsesprosjekt Med Utgangspunkt I Kants Senere Moralpolitiske
Tenkning." [Barbary and Civilization: Reflections on the Common Project
of Civil Edification from the Point of View of Kant's Later
Moral-Political Thinking] Dr. Philos Dissertation, 1996, Universitetet I
Bergen, Norway.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (1996),
Wilcox, Leonard. "Baudrillard, DeLillo's White Horse, and the End of Heroic Narrative." Contemporary Literature (Fall 1991), 32(3):346-365.
Willems-Braun, Bruce. "Buried
Epistemologies: The Politics of Nature in (Post)colonial British
Columbia." Annals of the Association of American Geographers
(March 1997), 87(1):5, 28.
Refers to Baudrillard's view of the binary logic of regulated
opposition that is the form and content of highly mediatized
Willaime, Jean-Paul. "La relègation superstructurelle des réferénces culturelles: Essai sur le champ religieux dans les sociétés capitalistes post-industrielles." Social Compass (1977), 24(4):329.
Willett, Cynthia. "Baudrillard, After Hours, and the Postmodern
Suppression of Socio-Sexual Conflict." Cultural Critique
(Fall 1996), 34:143-161.
Reprinted in Janet Lungstrum and Elizabeth Sauer, eds.,
Agonistics: Arenas of Creative Contest, pp.
SUNY Series: The Margins of Literature. Albany:
State University of New York
Press 1997.
Williams, Raymond Leslie. "Women Writing in the Americas: New Projects of the 1980s." In Raymond Leslie Williams, ed., The Novel in the Americas, pp. 124, 126, 131. Niwot: University Press of Colorado, 1992.
Williams, Simon J. and Michael Calnan. "The Limits of Medicalization: Modern Medicine and the Lay
Populace in Late Modernity." Social Science & Medicine
(June 1996), 42(12):1615, 1620.
Citing Baudrillard, they state that in contemporary experience, the
reality is that there is no reality, only "hyperreality," the icon of
which is the video. The real disappears. In an endless chain of
self-referential images or simulacra, TV becomes reality and reality
becomes TV.
Willinsky, John. "Postmodern
Literacy: A Primer." Interchange (1991), 22(4):73, 74.
Discusses Baudrillard's view that we are in the business of consuming
signs which others have created out of objects.
Willis, Anne-Marie. "After the Afterimage of Jean Baudrillard: Photography, the Object, Ecology and Design." In Nicholas Zurbrugg, ed., Jean Baudrillard: Art and Artefact, pp. 136-148. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997.
Willis, Sharon. "Disputed
Territories: Masculinity and Social Space."
Camera Obscura (January 1989), 19:14, 22nn6, 10,
On To Live and Die in LA by William Friedkin.
Willis, Sharon. "Seductive Spaces: Private Fascinations and Public Fantasies in Popular Cinema." In Diane Hunter, ed., Seduction and Theory: Readings of Gender, Representation, and Rhetoric, pp. 58, 68-69n8, 69n15. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1989.
Willis, Susan. "Nobodys Mulata."
I & L: Ideologies & Literature: A Journal of Hispanic and
Luso-Brazilian Literatures (September-October 1983), 4(17):146,
On Mulata de Tal by Miguel Angel Asturias.
The epigram of the article is a quote from Baudrillard's De la
Séduction (1979).
Observes that Baudrillard envisages
seduction as the external antithesis of systems of production, which it
undermines and subverts, hence the Mulata, who cannot be made to bear
children, is outside the circuit of production, but enters into it by
means of seduction and in so doing disrupts the whole enterprise.
Willis, Susan. "Spectacular
Topographies: Amérique's Post Modern
Spaces." In
Marco Diani and Catherine Ingraham, eds., Restructuring
Architectural Theory, pp.
60-69. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern
University Press, 1988.
Originally published in Threshold: Journal of the School of
Architecture, University of Illinois at Chicago
(Spring 1988), 4:62-68.
Wilson, April Dawn. "Irving
Babbitt on the Individual and Political Imagination." Ph.D. Dissertation,
1992, Purdue University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July
1993), 54(1A):205-A.
Wilson, Elizabeth. Adorned in Dreams: Fashion and Modernity, pp. 47, 53-54, 91, 95, 251nn12, 13, 255n6, 268. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
Wilson, Robert. "Defining
Postmodernism: Naming the NOW." Southern Review
[Adelaide] (July 1988),
Review of E. A. Grosz, ed., Future*Fall: Excursions into
Wilson, Sarah. "From Barthes to Baudrillard: Art History, Criticism and the 'Philosophes' in France." In Malcolm Gee, ed., Art Criticism since 1900, pp. 218-236. Manchester: Manchester University Press; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
Wing, Nathaniel. "Detail and
Narrative Dalliance in Flaubert 's Bouvard et
Pécuchet." French Forum (January 1988),
Quotes Baudrillard on the fetishism of consumer goods.
Winn, Colette H. "An Instance of
Narrative Seduction: The Heptaméron of Marguerite de
Navarre." Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Foreign
Literatures (Fall 1985), 39(3):218, 224n5, 226nn21, 22.
Quotes Baudrillard:
"Tout la séduction consiste à laisser croire à
l'autre qu'il est, et reste, le sujet du desir."
Winn, Colette H. "Rire et angoisse dans L' Heptameron. " Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature (1987), 41(1-2):51.
Winter, S.L. "For What It is
Worth." Law & Society Review (1992), 26(4):796, 817.
Response to Joel F. Handler's "Postmodernism, Protest, and the New
Social Movements," pp.
Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey. "Lichtenberg und die Französische Revolution: Zum
Verhältnis von Sprache, Naturwissenschaft und Aufklärung."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991, University of British Columbia.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May
1993), 53(11A):3942-A.
Wirsching, Michael. "Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie im Umbruch. Der ökologische Wandel auf dem Wege in eine andere Moderne." Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Mideizin und Psychoanalyse (1991), 37(4):389.
Wischke, Mirko. Review of Jürgen Habermas' Die nachholende Revolution. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (1991), 39(1):111n5.
Woestelandt, Evelyne. "Le Corps
venal: Rosanette dans L' Education Sentimentale. "
Nineteenth-Century French Studies (Fall 1987-Winter 1988),
16(1-2):125, 130n6.
Mentions Baudrillard's discussion of two conceptions of the body in
relation to symbolic exchange and exchange value and connects it with
Woldring, H.E.S. Moderne Franse filosofen: Foucault, Ricoeur, Irigaray, Baudrillard, Levinas, Derrida, Lyotard en Kristeva. Kampen: Kok Agora; Antwerpen: De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1993.
Wolf, Werner. "Lewis Carrolls 'Alice'-Geschichten als sprach- und erkenntniskritische Metafiktionen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des metafiktionalen Romans im 19. Jahrhundert." Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift (1987), 37(4):423.
Wood, Philip R. "French Thought, 1940-1990, the Millenium, and the New World Order." L' Esprit Créateur (Winter 1992), 32(4):70-72.
Wood, Timothy Dylan. "The
Eleventh Thesis: Strategico-Theoretical Interrogations of Jean Baudrillard
and the Situationist International." M.A. Thesis, 1996, University of
Western Ontario.
Abstract in Masters Abstract International (1997),
Woodhull, Winifred. "Configurations of the Family in Un Coeur Simple." Comparative Literature (Spring 1987), 39(2):144n8, 157, 158.
Woodhull, Winifred. "Marguerite Duras, and the Question of Community." Modern Language Studies (Winter 1987), 17(1):7, 16n9.
Wooley, Benjamin. Virtual Worlds: A Journey in Hype and Hypereality, pp. 190, 196-199, 200-201, 209, 209nn1-3, 210nn17, 19-22, 33, 244, 257. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1992.
Wulf, Christoph. "Vom Subjekt des Begehrens zum Objekt der Verführung." Lendemains (1989), 14(54):119-123.
Wyatt, Justin and R.L. Rutsky. "High-Concept: Abstracting the Postmodern." Wide Angle (1988), 10(4):47, 48, 49nn14, 18.
Wynne, Derek. Leisure, Lifestyle and the New Middle Class: A Case Study, pp. 147-148, 158. International Library of Sociology. London & New York: Routledge, 1998.
Wynters, Sylvia. "On
Disenchanting Discourse: Minority Literary/Criticism and Beyond."
Cultural Critique (Fall 1987), 7:
This issue is on "The Nature and Context of Minority Discourse