Eddie Yeghiayan
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Review of Jean Baudrillard's Toward a a Political Economy of
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Inhuman and Slavoj Zizek's Looking Awry.
Valentin, Jeremie. "De la
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Abstract in Masters Abstract International (1998),
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Refers to Baudrillard's analysis of the fetishism of ruins.
Translated by Betsy Wing.
Van Den Abbeele, Georges. "Sade,
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He says we should: "non pas oublier Foucault, mais plutôt le
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Cites Baudrillard's questioning of the relevance of evaluating
non-western non-capitalist systems in terms of 'productivity', considering
the concept itself to be embedded in western culture.
Veber, Hanne. "Extermal Inducement and Non-Westernization in the Uses of Ashéninka Cushma." Journal of Material Culture (July 1996), 1(2):170, 178, 179.
Venkatesh. Alladi. "Postmodernism, Consumer Culture and the Society of the Spectacle." Advances in Consumer Research (1992), 19:200, 202.
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Vigna, Carmeli. "Nascere e morire come estremi dell'io." Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica (July-September 1984), 76(3):437n23.
Vila, Pablo. "Narrative Identities: The Employment of the Mexican on the U.S.-Mexican Border." Sociological Quarterly (Winter 1997), 38(1):151, 181.
Villa, Dana R. "Postmodernism and the Public Spehere." American Political Science Review (September 1992), 86(3):712, 717, 720.
Villani, Arnauld. "L'âne
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Philosophiques (April-September 1987), 2-3:300n6.
Review of the French translation, L'Intelligence artificille:
mythes et limites, of Hubert Dreyfus' book What Computers
Can't Do.
Vincent, Gilbert. "L'apocalyptique dans la critique contemporaine de la science." Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions (January-March 1982), 53(1) [27]:95-96, 97, 101, 118n26.
Vine, Richard. "The Ecstasy of Jean Baudrillard." New Criterion (May 1989), 7:39-48
Virilio, Paul. "Interview." In
Florian Rötzer's Conversations with French Philosophers,
pp. 97, 98. Foreword by Rainer Rochlitz.. Atlantic Highlands, NJ:
Humantities Press, 1995.
Translation by Gary E. Aylesworth.
Vogelgesang, Waldemar. "Jugend- und Medienkulturen. Ein Beitrag zur Ethnographie medienvermittelter Jugendwelten." Kolner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (September 1994), 46(3):486n26, 488.
Voigt, Vilmos. "Sacrificing Semiotics." Semiotica (1989), 73(3-4):370, 372n2, 372.
Vogl, Mary Beth. "Picturing the
Maghreb: Orientalism, Photography and Representation in Contemporary
Francophone Texts." Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1998.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March
1999), 59(9A):3485-A.
Voisin, Michel. "Communautés utopiques et structures sociales: le cas de la Belgique francophone." Revue Française de Sociologie (April-June 1977), 18(2):295.
Voye, Liliane. "Religion et
économie: apports et limites de l'analyse de religieux à
partir de cadres théoriques empruntés à
l'économie." Social Compass (March 1992),
On religious analysis using economic models.