Eddie Yeghiayan
Taborsky, Edwina. "Syntax and Society." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie et d'Anthropologie (February 1985), 22(1): 81, 85, 86, 89, 91.
Tacussel, Patrick. "Une pensée crépusculaire: Jean Baudrillard." Revue d'Esthétique (1989), 16:161-163.
Taminiaux, Pierre. "La consommation de la crise." Revue de l'Institut de Sociologie [Bruxelles] (1983), 3-4:491nn1, 2.
Tani, Stefano. "Philip Marlowe e il sistema degli oggetti." Ponte: Rivista Mensile di Politica e Letteratura (November-December 1984), 40(6):88, 108nn3, 5.
Tarter, James Jon. "Postmodern
Communities: Collective, Non-Human Subjectivities in Recent American
Literature and Contemporary Ecology." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1994, University
of California, Irvine.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(November 1994), 55(5A):1265-A.
Tarter, Jim. "Baudrillard and the Problematics of Post-New Left Media Theory." American Journal of Semiotics (1991), 8(4):155-171.
Taureck, Bernard H.F. "Ethik jenseits von Moral. Sartre, Lévinas, Baudrillard." Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (1991), 39(11):1212-1230.
Taussig, Michael. "Maleficium: State Fetishism." In Emily Apter and William Pietz, eds., Fetishism as Cultural Discourse, p 236. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1993.
Teale, Tamara M. "The
Liberty-Genocide Paradox: American Indians in European
and American Travel Literature, 1795 to 1991." Ph.D. Dissertation,
1996, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May
1997), 57(11A):4733-A.
Tennenhouse, Leonard. "Simulating History: A Cockfight for Our Times." TDR: The
Drama Review (Winter 1990), 34(4):137-140,
The issue is entitled "Simulations."
Tennessen, Carol. "Authority
and Resistance in Language: From Michel Foucault to Compere Lapin."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1985, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (August
1986), 47(2A):517-A.
Tennessen, Carol. "Nothing but
the Truth: The Case of Paul Rivière." University of Toronto
Quarterly (Winter 1987-88), 57(2):291, 302-303, 304n3, 305nn17, 19,
Explains and discusses Baudrillard's view on simulation, reality,
surfeit of information and his view of Foucault. The author maintains that
truth depends on changing descriptions of it, and if conflicts of accounts
are irreconcilable, we can do more than observe the points of conflict.
Foucault is not saying his account of Pierre Rivière is just
another one -- he is saying his is better because it adds to
Tennessen, Carol. "'Talk to me
of Disaster': Authoritative Discourse in the Schools." Anthropology
& Education Quarterly (1986), 17(3):139, 143.
Uses Baudrillard's notion of "operational negativity," of proving one
term by its opposite.
Terdiman, Richard. "Deconstruction/Mediation: A Dialectical Critique of
'Derrideanism'." Minnesota Review (Fall 1982), 19:110n2.
Refers to Baudrillard as a post-Marxist theoretician in Europe who
questions whether we are still living under capitalism at all.
Terdiman, Richard. "Structures of Initiation: On Semiotic Education and Its Contradictions in Balzac." Yale French Studies (1982), 63:209, 217.
Terrail, Jean-Pierre. "Besoins,
consommation et occultation des rapports de protection." La
Pensée (March-April 1975), 180:181-184.
Issue is on "Besoins et consommation."
Terrio, Susan J. "Creating Grand Cru Chocolates in Contemporary France." American Anthropologist (March 1996), 98(1):77n3, 78n9, 78.
Tetzlaff, David James. "The
Antenna Towers of Babel: News, Television, Madonna and the Politics of
Postmodern Popular Culture." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1993, University of
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January
1994), 54(7A):2374-A.
Teuber, Bernhard. Review of Karlis Racevskis' Michel Foucault and the Subversion of Intellect. Zeitschrift für Französische Sprache und Literatur (1986), 96(2):177, 177n9.
Teubner, Gunther. "How the Law Thinks: Toward a Constructivist Epistemology of Law." Law & Society Review (1989), 23(5):742, 753.
Teyssot, Georges. "'Acqua e gas
a tutti i piani': Appunti sull'estraneità della casa/Water and Gas
All Floors: Notes on the Extraneousness of the Home." Lotus
International (1985) 44:85, 93n2.
Teyssot, Georges. "Frammenti per
un discorso funebre: L'architettura come lavoro di lutto/Fragments of a
Funerary Discourse: Architecture as a Work of Mourning. " Lotus
International (1983), 38:17.
Thackara, John. "Jogging Cool
Memories." Listener (December 1, 1988),
"Is television a catastrophe producing a state in which the nature of
reality has changed? John Thackera talks to Jean Baudrillard, the French
writer, philosopher and theorist of the media."
Thesen, Doreen Faye. "The
Function of Gift Exchange in Stendhal and Balzac." Ph.D. Dissertation,
1996, University of Alberta.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April
1998), 58(10A):3943-A.
Thiel, Wolf-Gunter. "Synthetic Abstraction." Flash Art (November-December 1997) , 197:67-71.
Thomas, Calvin. "Baudrillard's Seduction of Foucault." In William Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 131-145. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Thomas, Jean-Jacques. "Benveniste's 'métasémantique' and Pragmatics."
Semiotica (1981),
Special Supplement:154n5, 154.
This special supplement is entitled: "Polyphonic Linguistics: The Many
Voices of Émile Benveniste," edited by Sylvère Lotringer and
Thomas Gora.
Thomas, Jean-Jacques.
"Entretien avec Henri Meschonnic." Sub-Stance
(1976), 15:121.
Jean-Jacques Thomas interviews Henri Meschonnic in French.
Assesssments and disagreements with Baudrillard's Pour une
Critique de l'economie du signe, in particular that Baudrillard
confuses the signified with the referent, reifies the sign and
semioticizes the real.
Thomasseau, Jean-Marie. "Pour
une analyse du para-texte théâtral: Quelques
éléments du para-texte hugolien." Littérature
(February 1984), 53:87n34.
Refers to Baudrillard for the problem of an object functioning as an
abstract sign.
This issue is entitled "Le Lieu/La Scène."
Thompson, Craig J. and Douglas B. Holt. "Communities and Consumption: Research on Consumer Strategies for Constructing Communal Relationships in a Postmodern World." Advances in Consumer Research (1996), 23:204, 205.
Thompson, Herb. "Theorizing
Simple Commodity Production in Papua, New Guinea." Journal of
Contemporary Asia (1987), 17(4):450, 454n55.
Quotes Baudrillard's remark that Marxist structuralists pretended to
illuminate, through a mirror of production, earlier non-capitalist
societies in the light of the present structure of capitalism.
Thompson, John B. "Ideology and the Social Imaginary: An Appraisal of Castoriadis and Lefort." Theory and Society (September 1982), 11(5):670, 679n23.
Thomson, David. "Old Wine, New
Bottles." Canadian Literature (Summer 1994),
Review of Julian Pefanis' Heterology and the
Bataille, Baudrillard, and Lyotard, Peter Carravetta's
Prefaces to the Diaphora: Allegory, and the
Interpretation of
Postmodernity, and Marjorie Perloff, ed. Postmodern
Thrift, Nigel. "For a New Regional-Geography. 1. " Progress in Human Geography (June 1990), 14(2): 273, 277.
Thurot, Jean-Maurice and Gaétane Thurot. "The Ideology of Class and Tourism: Confronting the
Discourse of Advertising." Annals of Tourism Research (1983),
10(1):177-178, 179, 189.
They start from Baudrillard's analysis of the ideological character
inherent in all consumption.
Special issue on "The Anthropology of Tourism."
Tierney, Thomas. "Death, Medicine and the Right to Die: An Engagement with Heidegger, Bauman and Baudrillard." Body & Society (December 1997), 3(4):51-77.
Tomkins, Calvin. "Between Neo- and Post-." New Yorker (November 24, 1986), 62:104.
Travers, Andrew. "The Identification of Self." Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour (September 1995), 25(3):330, 334, 33, 338.
Travers, Andrew. "Shelf-Life Zero: A Classic Postmodernist Paper." Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1989), 19(3):292, 297-298, 305-306n20, 307n23, 311, 313n29, 317.
Trend, David. "Rethinking Media Activism: Why the Left is Losing the Culture War." Socialist Review (1993), 23(2):31n14.
Tricart, Jean-Paul. "Initiative privée et étatisation parallèle: Le secteur dit de l'enfance inadaptée." Revue Française de Sociologie (October-December 1981), 22(4):579n8.
Trichur, Raguraman S. Review of Stephen M.
Fjellman's Vinyl Leaves: Walt Disney World and America.
Annals of Tourism Research (1994), 21(3):673.
To substantiate his argument the author of the book uses the writings
of Baudrillard.
Tullio-Altan, Carlo. "Un'antropologia senza problemi antropologici." La Critica Sociologica (Autumn 1974), 31:11.
Turim, Maureen. "Cinemas of Modernity and Postmodernity." In Ingeborg Hoesterey, ed., Zeitgeist in Babel: The Postmodernist Controversy, pp. .181, 189n5. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Tseëlon, Efrat. "Fashion and Signification in Baudrillard." In Douglas M. Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 119-132. Cambridge, Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
Tuathail, Gearóid O. "Problematizing Geopolitics: Survey, Statesmanship and Strategy." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (1994), 19(3):261, 270.
Tuathail, G earóid O. Review of McKenzie
Wark's Virtual Geography: Living with Media Global Events.
Annals of the Association of American Geographers (December
1995), 85(4):757, 758.
The book reviewed explores the meaning and implications of
Baudrillard's remarks on the precession of simulacra and his view that the
map engenders the territory.
Tunander, Ola. "The Logic of Deterrence." Journal of Peace Research (November 1989), 26(4):363, 364.
Türcke, Christoph. "Filosofia come genialità e filosofia come penitenza." Belfagor (November 1988), 43(6):720.
Türcke, Christoph. "Philosophie. Eine Kolumne." Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für europaisches Denken (June 1988), 42(6) [472]:503.
Turkel, Gerald. "The Public/Private Distinction: Approaches to the Critique of Legal Ideology." Law & Society Review (1988), 22(4):813n7, 821.
Turner, Bryan S. "Baudrillard for Sociologists." In Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, eds., Forget Baudrillard? pp. 70-87. London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
Turner, Bryan S. "Cruising America." In Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, eds., Forget Baudrillard? pp. 146-161. London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
Turner, Graeme. "'It Works for Me': British Cultural Studies, Australian Cultural Studies, Australian Film." In Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paul Treichler, eds., Cultural Studies, p. 650n1. New York & London: Routledge, 1992.