Eddie Yeghiayan
Saccone, Antonio. "L'occhio postumo. Palazzeschi debuttante: figure dello sguardo e punto di vista." Lingua e Stile (June 1983), 18(2): 292n32, 293n34, 297.
Sachs-Jeantet, Céline. "Humanizing the City." International Social Science Journal (March 1996), 48(1) [147]:134.
Translated from the French.
Sack, Warren. "Painting Theory Machines." Art & Design (May/June 1996), 11: 80-92
Sadler, Simon. The Situationist City, pp. 66, 179n155. Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 1998.
Sadri, Mahmoud and Ahmad Sadri. "Doppelganger: Twins' Disruption of the Assumptions of Constancy and Uniqueness of Self in Everyday Life." Symbolic Interaction (Summer 1994), 17(2):220n8, 222.
Saillant, Francine. "Un corps
de l'autre." Études Littéraires (December
1979), 12(3):333, 337n5.
Cites Baudrillard's comparision of poetry to a savage feast.
Issue is entitled "FÉMINaire."
Saíz, Próspero and Anne Reilly. "Introduction." Contemporary Literature (Fall 1981), 22(4): 404.
They quote Baudrillard's The Mirror of Production (1975), pp. 56-57, where Marx's moral imperative is summarized.
Salado, Régis. "Barthes/Baudrillard: La corruption de la théorie." In Catherine Coquio and Régis Salado, eds., Barthes après Barthes: Une actualité en questions, pp. 145-156. Actes du colloque international de Pau, 22-24 nov. 90. Pau: Publications de l'Université de Paris, 1993.
Saldívar, Ramón . "Ideologies of the Self: Chicano Autobiography."
Diacritics (Fall 1985), 15(3): 32, 33.
Review of Richard Rodriguez' Hunger of Memory: The Education of
Richard Rodriguez and Ernesto Galarza's Barrio Boy: The Story
of a Boy's Acculturation.
Salgas, Jean-Pierre. "Théo, mon ami." La Quinzaine Litteraire (May
16-31, 1985), 440:22n4.
Review of Elie Théofilakis' Modernes et après: Les
Assert that the other great Hegelian of our time could be said to be
Baudrillard: his theory of simulation is a variation on the theme of the
end of History.
Salleh, Kay. "Of Portnoy's
Complaint and Feminist Problematics: A Reconciliation with
Critical-Theory." Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Sociology (March 1981), 17(1):12n8, 13.
Says that the Frankfurt School's concern with the question of
psych-economy and its sexually differentiated exchange-values predates the
work of Lévi-Strauss on the exchange of women as 'signs' and the
current interest in the breakdown of symbolic-exchange by Baudrillard.
Sanchez, Cynthia Ann. "'Blessed is the fruit of thy
womb...': The Politics of the Representation and Reproduction of the
Mythical Mother In New Mexico Cultural Traditions." Ph.D. Dissertation,
1998, New York University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June
1998), 58(12A):4757-A.
Sanchez-Tranquilino, Marcos and John Tagg. "The Pachucho's Flayed Hide: Mobility, Identity, and Buenas Garras." In Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paul Treichler, eds., Cultural Studies, pp. 563, 564n1. New York & London: Routledge, 1992.
Sandland, Ralph. "The Real, the
Simulacrum, and the Construction of 'Gypsy' in Law." Journal of
Law and Society (September 1996), 23(3):383, 398n1, 400n23.
Use of the term simulacrum 'subsumes', and therefore renders incoherent
the true/simulated distinction. Some everyday examples are idol worship,
which challenges the real/simulated representational distinction and
implies that the idol, the simulation, is the real, and the "placebo
effect," which undermines the real/simulated medicine distinction.
Santamaría, Ulysses. "Jean Baudrillard: critica de una critica." Revista de Ciencias Sociales (March-June1980), 22(1-2):127-148.
Santamaría, Ulysses. "La teorías de Jean Baudrillard." Revista de Occidente (July-September 1981), 6:102-121.
Santi, Gualtiero de. "L'ordine del discorso. Gli influssi della cultura francese contemporanea in Italia." Quaderni d'Italianistica (1985), 6 (2):211, 216n55.
Sarbanes, Janet Matina. "In the
Phase of Modesty of Consciousness: Toward a Theory of Postrealism." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1997, University of California, Los Angeles.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(February 1998), 58(8A):3136-A.
Sardar, Ziauddin. "Do Not Adjust Your Mind: Post-Modernism, Reality and the Other." Futures (October 1993), 25(8):881-882, 892nn17-19, 22.
Sardar, Ziauddin. "Terminator
2: Modernity, Postmodernism and the 'Other'." Futures (June
1992), 24(5):498, 506n17.
Films like Robocop and Terminator gives us a
terminal America of half-repressed anxieties where cities, in
Baudrillard's language, are "mobile deserts, with no monuments, no
Sartwell, Crispin. "Representation and Repetition." Philosophy Today
(Fall 1989), 33(3-4):221-224, 230, 230n1.
After discussing Baudrillard's views on representation and reality,
argues for a contrary view that they are not opposed but covertly
conspiratorial, and that every representation is a covert supplementation
of the actual.
Sarup, Madan. An Introductory Guide to
Post-Structuralism and Postmodernism, 2nd edition, pp. 161-168.
New York & London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993.
Chapter 7 is entitled "Baudrillard and Some Cultural Practices."
Sassoon, Joseph. "Colors, Artifacts and Ideologies." Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales (1989), 28(2):368, 381, 383.
Sassoon, Joseph. "Ideology, Symbolic Action and Rituality in Social Movements: The Effects on Organizational Forms." Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales (1984) 23, 4-5: 863, 864, 866, 872.
Saunier, Diane. "Museology and Scientific Culture." Impact of Science on Society (1988), 38[4] [152]:353.
Sauri-Pujol, David and Joan Carles
Llurdés-Coit. "Embellishing Nature: The Case of the Salt Mountain
Project of Cardona, Catalonia, Spain." Geoforum (February
1995), 26(1):44, 47.
Historical legacy becomes a commodity ready for tourist consumption in
the form of representations, signs and simulacra.
Sauvageot, Anne. "Mémoire
et anticipation d'un imaginaire numérique ." Cahiers
Internationaux de Sociologie (January-June 1987), 82:100.
This special issue is entitled "Nouvelles images, nouveau
Sauvageot, Anne. "Orientations
de lecture." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie
(January-June 1987), 82:229.
This special issue is entitled "Nouvelles images,
nouveau réel."
Sawchuck, Kim. "Semiotics, Cybernetics, and the Ecstasy of Marketing Communications." In Douglas Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 89-116. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Sawicki, John D. "Towards a Politics of Apathy: Baudrillard, Bartleby, and Adorno." M.A. Thesis, 1997, University of Western Ontario.
Abstract in Masters Abstract International (1998), 36(6):1461.
Schacter, Jane S. "The Pursuit of 'Popular Intent': Interpretive Dilemmas in Direct Democracy." Yale Law Journal (October 1995), 105(1):133n107.
Schechter, Joel. "Politics as
Theater, Or, How I Too Lost the Election in 1988." TDR: The Drama
Review: A Journal of Performance Studies (Fall 1989), 33(3):162,
Refers to Baudrillard's argument that our age is one of simulated
political power, that it produces nothing but signs of its resemblance,
and that it is no longer present except to conceal that there is none.
Schechter, Russell. "Kat and Maus." Communication Research (August 1989), 16(4):556.
Scherpe, Klaus R. "Dramatization
and De-Dramatization of 'the End': The Apocalyptic Consciousness of
Modernity and Post-Modernity." Cultural Critique (Winter
1986-87), 5:97, 98, 99-102, 126, 128.
Translated by Brent O. Peterson.
Schiller, Dan. "From Culture to Information and Back Again: Commodization as a Route to Knowledge." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (March 1994), 11(1):93.
Schirmacher, Wolfgang. "Schopenhauer und die Postmoderne " Revue Internationale de
Philosophie (1988), [42] 164(1):73, 75, 80.
This issue is on Schopenhuer.
Schlag, Pierre. Laying Down the Law: Mysticism, Fetishism, and the American Legal Mind, pp. 172-173n22, 173n34. New York: New York University press, 1996.
Schlag, Pierre. "Normativity and the Politics of Form." University of Pennyslvania Law Review (April 1991), 139(4):907.
Part of a symposium on "The Critique of Normativity."
Schlag, Pierre. "The Problem of
the Subject." Texas Law Review (June 1991),
States that Baudrillard's La Transparence du mal (1990)
has an alienated and apocalyptic vision and may be viewed as tending
towards anti-humanist extremes; however, it aptly describes the
anti-humanist social circumstances we may have stumbled into.
Schlag, Pierre. "This Could be
Your Culture -- Junk Speech in a Time of Decadence." Review of Ronald
K.L. Collins and David M. Skover's The Death of Discourse.
Harvard Law Review (May 1996), 109(7):1805.
States that what the public consumes is an image of itself consuming an
image and quotes the following from Baudrillard: "What if all advertising
were an apologia not for a product but for advertising itself?"
Schlegel, Jean-Louis. "Revenir de la sécularisation?." Esprit (April-May 1986), 4-5:22n30.
Schlesinger, Philip. "Islam,
Postmodernity and the Media: An Interview with Akbar S. Ahmed."
Media, Culture & Society (January 1993), 15(1):35,
The issue is on "Islam and Communication."
Schmid, Georg and Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager. "Österreichische Literatur -- Obsession und Phantasma." Modern Austrian Literature (1984), 17(3-4):126n13.
Schneider, Ulrich Johannes. "Fraktionierungen des philosophischen Diskurses: Über Baudrillard, Lyotard und Nancy." Lendemains (1988), 13(49):98-102.
Schofer, Peter. "Literature and
Communicative Competence: A Springboard for the Development of Critical
Thinking and Aesthetic Appreciation or Literature in the Land of Language.
" Foreign Language Annals (September 1990), 23(4):333n4.
States that, according to Baudrillard, little is authentic in America
and we live in a second level of reality, hyperreality, that of signs and
Schofield, Peter. "Cinematographic Images of a City: Alternative Heritage Tourism
in Manchester." Tourism Management (August 1996),
17(5):333-334, 339nn6, 7.
Presents Baudrillard's precession of the simulacra and discusses two
concepts central to postmodernism: decentering and hyperreality.
Schoonmaker, Sara. "Capitalism and the Code: A Critique of Baudrillard's Third Order Simulacrum." In Douglas M. Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 168-188. Cambridge, Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
Schor, Naomi. "Cartes Postales: Representing Paris 1900." Critical Inquiry (Winter 1992), 18(2):201-202.
Discusses Baudrillard's views on the psychology of collecting.
Schram, Sanford F. "The Post-Modern Presidency and the Grammar of Electronic Electioneering." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (June 1991), 8(2):214, 216.
Schroeder, Randy. "Playspace Invaders: Huizinga, Baudrillard and Video Game Violence." Journal of Popular Culture (Winter 1996), 30(3)143-153.
Schulte-Sasse, Jochen. "Imagination and Modernity: Or the Taming of the Human Mind." Cultural Critique (Winter 1986-87), 5:46-47.
Schulte-Sasse, Jochen. "Framing
the Issue." Cultural Critique (Winter 1986-87), 5:20-21.
The issue is on "Modernity and Modernism, Postmodernity and
Schultz, Majken and Mary Jo Hatch. "Living with Multiple Paradigms: The Case of Paradigm Interplay in Organizational Culture Studies." Academy of Management Review (April 1996), 21(2):539, 541, 542, 553, 556.
Schütz, Egon. "Humanismuskritik und Modernitätskrise." Zeitschrift für Padagogik (1992), S29:144, 145, 148.
Schütze, Jochen C. and Dietmar Voss. "Postmoderne im Kontext." Zeitschrift für Germanistik (June 1987), 8(3):331, 332, 341.
Schuyler, Sarah Elizabeth. "Running Hot and Cold: A Cultural History of Late-Modern Bodies."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1990, University of Washington.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March
199 ), 51(9A):3070-A.
Schwab, Gabriele. "Die Ökologie des Textes: Zu Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow."
Amerikastudien/American Studies
(1987), 32(3):347, 347n6.
Schwartz, Jonathan Matthew. "Tracking-down the Nordic Spirit in Thorstein Veblen's Sociology. "Acta Sociologica (1990), 33(2):122, 124.
Schwartz, Martin D. and David D. Friedrichs. "Postmodern Thought and Criminological Discontent: New Metaphors for Understanding Violence." Criminology (May 1994), 32(2):223, 228, 237, 239.
Schwartz-Morgan, Nicole. "Euthanasie et dépistage génétique."
Futuribles (January-February 1978), 13:28n13.
Refers to Baudrillard for "motel suicide": "d'un motel pour suicidaires."
Schwarz, Henry. "Simulation,
Hyperreality, and the Ends of the Text: Introduction to Baudrillard." In
Amiya Dev, ed., Approaches to Paraliterature: Translating Poetry
from Indian: Comparative Literature Methodology, pp. 43-49.
Calcutta: Jadavpur University, 1992.
Schwichtenberg, Cathy. "Baudrillard and South Florida: The Hyperbole of Everyday Life."
Annals of Scholarship (1989), 6(2-3):207-230.
Issue is on Modernism and Postmodernism.
Schwoch, James. "Cold War, Hegemony, Postmodernism: American Television and the World System, 1945-1992." Quarterly Review of Film and Video (1993), 14(3):24n45.
Scott, Allen J. "The Cultural Economy of Cities." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (June 1997), 21(2):323, 336.
Scott, W.T. "Candour, Euphemism and the Professional-Client Relationship." International Journal for the Semiotics of Law/Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique (1990), 3(9):259n5.
Searle, Adrian. "Pictures of
Hyper Reality." Guardian (February 13, 1998):26-27.
Review of Strange World, an exhibition of photographs by
Jean Baudrillard at the Trinity House Gallery, De Montfort University,
Leicester through March 1998..
Sebastian. (Enrique Carbajal, G.). "Intimate Objects." Leonardo (Winter 1980), 13(1):48n1.
Sebeok, Thomas A. "Fétiche." Études Littéraires
(Winter 1988-1989), 21(3): 198, 208n9.
Translated by Janice Daledalle-Rhodes.
Sebeok, Thomas A. A Sign Is Just a Sign, pp. 118, 159. Advances in Semiotics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Seed, David. "Mediated Realities in the Works of Philip K. Dick." In Hans Bertens and Theo D'haen, eds., Narrative Turns and Minor Genres in Postmodernism, pp. 205-206, 209, 224. Postmodern Studies , 11. Amsterdam: Rodopi., 1995.
Seidman, Steven "The Political Unconscious of the Human Sciences." Sociological Quarterly (Fall 1996), 37(4):700, 717.
Sertoli, Giuseppe. "The
Seductiveness of Literature." Differentia (Autumn 1986),
1:91, 104-107, 109n1, 111nn34-38, 41-45.
Translated by Anne B. McLaughlin.
Seval, Christian. "Who's who du
savoir contemporain." Magazine Littéraire (November
1983), 200-201:60. Photo on p. 62.
"Les quatre-vingt seize penseurs, intellectuels et chercheurs qui
comptent les plus dans les sciences humaines d'aujourd'hui."
Shalin, Dmitri N. "Modernity, Postmodernism, and Pragmatist Inquiry: An Introduction." Symbolic Interaction (Winter 1993), 16(4):309-310, 312-313, 316, 321, 322, 329.
Special feature: "Self in Crisis: Identity and the Postmodern Condition," edited by Dmitri N. Shalin.
Shapiro, Michael J. "Literary Production as a Politicizing Practice." Political Theory (August 1984), 12(3):402, 421n45.
Sharp, Joanne P. "Publishing
American Identity: Popular Geopolitics, Myth and The Reader's
Digest." Political Geography (November 1993),
12(6):496, 502.
Discusses Baudrillard's view of America's self-image of its hegemony of
moral perspective which, if it should lose, would lead to its
Sharrett, Christopher. "The Hero as Pastiche: Myth, Male Fantasy, and Simulacra in 'Mad Max' and the 'Road Warrior'." Journal of Popular Film and Television (1985), 13(2): 80.
Shaughnessy, Robert. "The Last Post: Henry V, War Culture and the Postmodern Shakespeare." Theatre Survey (May (1998), 39(1):58, 60n52.
Shearer, Teri L. and C. Edward Arrington. "Accounting in Other Wor(l)ds: A Feminism without Reserve." Accounting Organizations and Society (February-April 1993), 18(2-3):259n8, 262n10, 271.
Sherwin, Richard K. "Law Frames: Historical Truth and Narrative Necessity in a Criminal Case." Stanford Law Review (November 1994), 47(1):62n107, 69.
Shields, R. "Social Spatialization and the Built Environment: The West Edmonton Mall." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (1989), 7(2):162.
Shields, R. "A Truant
Proximity: Presence and Absence in the Space of Modernity."
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (April 1992),
10(2):193, 196.
Claims that Foucault's postmodernist vision demotes the individualistic
status of the subject, reducing egocentric individuals to mere bodies
penetrated by relations and forces of power and not separated from their
environment, and that such a vision of the body may be found in
Baudrillard's work which can be read as an ironic critique of the
Shilling, Chris. "Reconceptualising Structure and Agency in the Sociology of Education: Structuration Theory and Schooling." British Journal of Sociology of Education (1992), 13(1):72, 85.
Sholle, David J. "Critical
Studies: From the Theory of Ideology to Power Knowledge." Critical
Studies in Mass Communication (1988), 5(1):28, 39.
Mentions Baudrillard's view that ideology should be freed from a
dependence on the notion of a subject.
Sidaway, James Derrick. "Geopolitics, Geography, and 'Terrorism' in the Middle
East." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space ( June
1994), 12(3):366, 368.
Baudrillard seemed to argue that the Gulf War was a simulation, located
in the hyperspace of television -- that it was somehow not real.
Sidaway, James Derrick. "Political Geography in the Time of Cyberspaces: New Agendas?"
Geoforum (November 1994), 25(4):497n15, 498.
Baudrillard's work, in Simulations (1983), must be used as
a guide to the project to theorize or map cyberspace.
Sieburth, Richard. "Une
idéologie du lisible: le phénomène des
'Physiologies'." Romantisme (1985), 15(47):52.
Translated by Chantal de Biasi.
Sievers, Burkard. "Beyond the
Surrogate of Motivation." Organization Studies (1986),
7(4):342, 348.
Quotes Baudrillrd that accident at work belongs to the economic order
and has no symbolic value.
Sievers, Burkard. "Motivation als Sinnersatz." (Teil II) Gruppendynamik: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Sozialpsychologie (August 1987), 18(3):269.
Silberman, Marc. "The Politics of Representation: Brecht and the Media." Theatre Journal (December 1987), 39(4):456-457.
Silliman, Ron. "What Do the Cyborgs Want? (Paris, Suburb of the Twentieth Century)." In William Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 27-37. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Silverman, Kaja. "Liberty, Maternity, Commodification." In Mieke Bal and Inge E. Boer, eds., The Point of Theory: Practices of Culture Analysis, pp. 18-31. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press; New York: Continuum, 1994.
Sim, Stuart. "Structuralism and Post-Structuralism." In Oswald Hanfling, ed., Philosophical Aesthetics: An Introduction. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1992
Sim, Stuart. "'The Text Must Scoff at Meaning': Baudrillard and the Politics of Simulation and Hyperreality." In his Beyond Aesthetics: Confrontations with Poststructuralism and Postmodernism, pp. 118-133. Toronto & Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1992.
Simon, Jean-Paul. "Double
Production: The Segmentation of the Market, Ideological Differentiation,
and Signifying Production." Film Reader (1982), 5: 198,
Translation by Blaine Allan.
Refers to Baudrillard's criticism of Brecht and Enzensberger on the good use of media and that if one supresses exchange value, use value disappears; it is exchange value which creates the illusion of use value and the desire which was apparently tied to it.
Simon, William. "Deviance as History: The Future of Perversion." Archives of Sexual Behavior (February 1994), 23(1):9, 18.
Simone, Abdou Maliqualem and Edgar Pieterse. "Civil Societies in an Internationalized Africa."
Social Dynamics: A Journal of the Centre for African Studies
University of Cape Town (Summer 1993), 19(2):62, 67.
Refers to Baudrillard for the view that the social coherence associated
with generosity and traditional societies or even a working class ethos
has dissipated into the mediazation of a homogenized majority.
Simons, Marlise. "Why Ancient Images Haunt Modern Minds." New York Times (June 30, 1996), Section 2 "Arts & Leisure":H31(National); 31(Local).
Simonsen, Kirsten. "Planning on 'Postmodern Conditions'." Acta Sociologica (1990), 33(1):56, 61.
Simpson, John H. "'The Great Reversal': Selves, Communities and the Global System." Sociology of Religion (Summer 1996), 57(2):120, 124.
Singer, Brian. "Baudrillard's
Seduction." Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory/Revue
Canadienne de Théorie Politique et Sociale (1991),
Part of a special section on Baudrillard entitled "Power and
Singer, Jonathan A. "Sign(all)ing the Subject: A Critique of the Baudrillardean
Subject." M.A. Thesis, 1996, University of Western Ontario.
Abstract in Masters Abstracts International (1996), 34(6):2262.
Sinker, Mark. "Pilger/Baudrillard mix -- Virtual Geography by MacKenzie Wark." New Statesman & Society (June 2, 1995), 8(355):45-46.
Sköldberg, Kaj. "Tales of Change: Public Administration Reform and Narrative Mode." Organization Science (May 1994), 59(2):228, 236.
Skov, Lise. "Fashion Trends,
Japonisme and Postmodernism, or, 'What is so Japanese about
Comme des Garçons?'" Theory, Culture &
Society (August 1996), 13(3):145, 149.
Refers to Bryan Turner's statement that Baudrillard is the new prophet
in the desert and the latter's view that Japan is a satellite of the
planet earth: artificial, de-territorialized, weightless, beyond the
Skrtic, Thomas M. and Wayne Sailor. "School-Linked Services Integration: Crisis and Opportunity in the Transition to Postmodern Society." Remedial and Special Education (September 1996), 17(5):273, 280.
Slama, Alain-Gérard." "Idées: Baudrillard, le réactionnaire fataliste." Spectacle du Monde (July 1990), 340:79-81.
Slater, Don. "On Development Theory and the Warren Thesis: Arguments Against the Predominance of Economism." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (September 1987) 5(3):277, 279.
Slater, Don. "On the Borders of
Social Theory: Learning from Other Regions." Enviornment and
Planning D: Society and Space (June 1992), 10(3):310-311, 325.
Discusses Baudrillard, and Spivak's comments on Baudrillard, in regard
to the ethnocentrism of Western marxism and the universalist narrative of
historical materialism.
Slater, Don. "On the Wings of
the Sign: Commodity Culture and Social Practice." Media Culture
& Society (October 1987), 9(4):463, 479.
Discusses Baudrillard's views on the relation of utility between
subjects and objects and his critique of essentialist concepts of need and
use-value: the notion is tautological and empty, one has to posit a need
in order to link them.
Slater, Don. "Theories of Development and Politics of the Post-Modern--Exploring a Border Zone." Development and Change (July 1992), 23(3):285, 286-287, 288, 299, 312n5, 315.
Discusses Spivak's claim that Baudrillard shows no recognition of the history of imperialism and colonialism.
Slaughter, James. "A Question of Narration: The Voice in International Human Rights Law." Human Rights Quarterly (May 1997), 19(2):412.
Sless, David. In Search of Semiotics, pp,. 144-145, 161. London & Sydney: Croom Helm, 1986.
Slobin, Kathleen. "Fieldwork and Subjectivity: On The Ritualization of Seeing a Burned Child." Symbolic Interaction (Winter 1995), 18(4):496, 501.
Smaje, Chris. "The Ethnic Patterning of Health: New Directions for Theory and Research." Sociology of Health & Illness (1996), 18(2):139.
Smart, Barry. "Europe/America: Baudrillard's Fatal Comparison." In Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, eds., Forget Baudrillard? pp. 47-69. London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
Smart, Barry. " On the Disorder of Things: Sociology, Postmodernity and the 'End of the Social'." Sociology (August 1990), 24(3):400, 403, 404-407, 410, 411, 414nn3-5, 415.
Smart, Barry. Review of Jean Baudrillard's
Seduction. (1990). Contemporary Sociology (May
1991), 20(3):461.
" If you are interested in questions concerning representation,
truth/error, masculinity/femininity, sexuality/power, and
modernity/postmodernity, then there is something in Baudrillard for you.
But be prepared to be disturbed as well as diverted, infuriated as well as
informed. This is very much the point of Baudrillard's seductive
Smith, Barbara Herrnstein. "Contingencies of Value." Critical Inquiry (September 1983), 10(1): 33n24.
Smith, Barbara Herrnstein. Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory, pp. 134, 146, 173, 174, 191n2, 192n6, 197n18, 214-215n44, 220n23, 220-221n26. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988.
Smith, Jonathan. "Baudrillard and Ethics: Is Mystery His Message?" Social Semiotics [Sydney] (April 1998), 8(1):93-120.
Smith, Joel. "Emancipating Sociology: Postmodernism and Mainstream Sociological Practice." Social Forces (September1995), 74(1):54, 58, 61, 64, 67, 69n4, 70n11, 75.
Smith, Michael French. "Bloody
Time and Bloody Scarcity: Capitalism, Authority, and the Transformation of
Temporal Experience in a Papua- New-Guinea Village." American
Ethnologist (August 1982) 9(3):514n2, 516.
Quotes Baudrillard to the effect that scarcity produces and reproduces
economic exchange.
Smith, Michael William. "Reading Simulacra: Fatal Strategies, Hyper-Aesthetics, and
Postmodernity." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1995, Florida State University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1995), 56(4A):1351-A.
Smith, Mike. "Changing Sociological Perspectives on Chance." Sociology (August 1993), 27(3):521, 522, 529.
Smith, Neil. "Geography, Empire
and Social Theory." Progress in Human Geography (December
1994), 18(4):499.
Says Baudrillard's aggressive postmodernist resignation to the
hijacking of signified by signifier, of his making the Gulf War disappear
into its signs, has come for excoriating criticism from Christopher Norris
Smith, Neil. "History and Philosophy of Geography: Real Wars, Theory Wars." Progess in Human Geography (June 1992), 16(2):268, 269.
Deconstructing the media representation of the Gulf War, Baudrillard, exposing the complicity of technology and postmodern style, concludes that it did not take place.
Smith, Paul Julian. "Juan Goytisolo and Jean Baudrillard: The Mirror of Production and the Death of Symbolic Exchange." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (May 1989), 23(2):37-61.
Smith, Paul Julian. "Juan
Goytisolo and Jean Baudrillard: The Mirror of Production and the Death of
Symbolic Exchange." Antípodas (1997),
8-9:111-129.Reprinted from his Representing the Other : "Race", Text, and Gender in Spanish and Spanish American
Narrative, pp. 191-215 Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York :
Oxford University Press, 1992.
Chapter 6 entitled "Juan Goytisolo and Jean
Smith, Richard G. "Following Baudrillard: A Bibliography of Writings on Jean Baudrillard." In Nicholas Zurbrugg, ed., Jean Baudrillard: Art and Artefact, pp. 168-179. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997.
Smith, Tony. "Critique of Marxism in Baudrillard." Rethinking Marxism (Fall 1990), 3(3):275-285.
Smith, Tony. Dialectical Social Theory and Its
Critics: From Hegel to Analytical Marxism and Postmodernism, pp. 3,
123-137, 158-161, 164. SUNY Series in Radical Social and Political
Theory. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992.
Chapter VIII is entitled "The Critique of Marxism in Baudrillard's Late Writings."
Sobchack, Vivian. "Beating the Meat/Surviving the Text, or How to Get Out of This Century Alive." In Mike Featherstone and Roger Burrows, eds., Cyberspace/Cyberbodies/Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment, pp. 205-214. Theory, Culture & Society. London & Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1995.
Sobchack, Vivian. "In Response
to Jean Baudrillard: Baudrillard's Obscenity." Science-Fiction
Studies (November 1991), 18(3) [55]:327-329.
See Baudrillard's "Two Essays: 1. Simulacra and
Science Fiction. 2. Ballard's Crash" (1990).
Sobry, Claude. "Le retour d'Icare." Esprit (April 1987), 4:108n6, 109.
Soiffer, Stephen S. and Gretchen M. Herrmann. "Visions of Power: Ideology and Practice in the American Garage Sale." Sociological Review (February 1987), 35(1):56, 59, 81.
Sokal, Alan and Jean Brichmont. Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science, pp. 3n5, 5, 9, 147, 152-153. New York: Picador, 1998.
Sontag, Susan. Coversations with Susan Sontag, pp. 210-211. Edited by Leland Poague. Literary Conversations Series. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1995.
Soriano, Marc. "Radio and Television 'Live 'Programming in the Long-Term." Cultures (1982), 8(1):99.
Translated by David Lieberman.
Soto-Crespo, Ramon E. "Retromodernist Horizons: Fin-de-Millenium
Cultural/Political Imaginaries and the Postmodern Dare."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1996, Purdue University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(September 1997), 58(3A):859-A.
Soutif, Daniel. "Found and Lost:
On the Object in Art." Artforum (October 1989), 28(2):157,
Translated by Hanna Hannah.
Discusses the origin of the word "fetish" and mentions Baudrillard in the context of the claim that a tribal idol by becoming a fetish is robbed of its divinity and becomes a simple handiwork.
Spitulnik, Debra. "Anthropology and Mass Media." Annual Review of Anthropology (1993), 22:296, 308.
Spitz, Ellen Handler. "Calvin and Hobbes: Postmodern and Psychoanalytic
Perspectives." Psychoanalytic Review (Spring 1993),
80(1):79-80, 81.
Mentions a sequence in the cartoon strip that virtually illustrates
Baudrillard's work, beginning with Calvin's statement that "television
validates existence."
Spitzack, Carole. "Confession
and Signification: The Systematic Inscription of Body
Consciousness." Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (November
1987), 12(4): 367n5, 368.
Quotes Baudrillard: "Fashion continually fabricates the 'beautiful' on
the basis of the radical denial of beauty, by reducing beauty to the
logical equivalent of ugliness." (For a Critique of the Political
Economy of the Sign (1981), p. 79)
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "Description and Its Vicissitudes." Semiotica (1984),
49(3-4):356, 360.
Asks us to forget Baudrillard's critique of production itself as a
fetishized notion in Marx.
Springborg, Patricia. "Aristotle and the Problem of Needs." History of Political Thought (1984), 5(3):393.
Squier, Susan M. "The Modern City and the Construction of Female Desire: Wells's In the Days of the Comet and Robins's The Convert. " Tulsa Studies in Womens Literature (Spring 1989), 8(1): 71, 74n11.
Squires, Judith. "Private Lives, Secluded Places: Privacy as Political Possibility." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (August 1994), 12(4):397, 400.
Srivastava, Sanjay. "Postcoloniality, National Identity, Globalisation and the Simulacra of the Real." Social Semiotics [Sydney] (August 1998), 9(2-3):255-281.
Stafford, Jean. "Dire le crime." Canadian Journal of Criminology (1977), 19:383n12.
Stallabrass, Julian. "Just Gaming: Allegory and Economy in Computer Games." New Left Review (March-April 1993), 198:93.
Stanley, Christopher. "Law of Space, Space of Law. (Part II: Transgressive Strategies for Surviving Megalopolis.)" International Journal of the Sociology of Law (March 1995), 23(1):80, 85, 96, 89, 91, 95.
Stanley, Christopher. "Politics and Ethics in Cultural Criminology: A Reading of Blanchot's The Most High." Crime, Law, and Social Change (1997), 26(1):24n7.
Stanley, Christopher. "Repression and Resistance: Problems of Regulation in Contemporary Urban Culture. (Part I: Toward Definition.)" International Journal of the Sociology of Law (March 1993), 21(1):24, 29, 30, 34, 43, 44n4, 45, 45n8.
Stanley, Christopher. "Repression and Resistance: Problems of Regulation in Contemporary Urban Culture. (Part II: Determining Forces.)" International Journal of the Sociology of Law (June 1993), 21(2):121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 132, 135, 136-137, 140, 142nn2, 3, 143.
Stanley, Christopher. "Spaces
and Places of the Limit: Four Strategies in the Relationship between Law
and Desire." Economy and Society (February 1996),
25(10):40, 43, 62.
Summarises Baudrillard's views and contrasts him with Lyotard.
Stanley, Christopher. "Teenage Kicks -- Urban Narratives of Dissent Not Deviance." Crime, Law and Social Change (1995), 23(2):115, 119n36.
Staples, William G. "Small Acts of Cunning: Disciplinary Practices in Contemporary Life." Sociological Quarterly (November 1994), 35(4):649, 663.
Starrett, Gregory. "The
Political Economy of Religious Commodities in Cairo." American
Anthropologist (March 1995), 97(1):53, 63, 64, 67.
Cites several of Baudrillard's works that view objects as meaningful in
their collective consumption; in their relations to other objects as a
field of signifiers; and consumption as the collective and systematic
manipulation of signs.
Stearns, William Peter. "Space
and the Place of Harold D. Lasswell." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991, University
of Wisconsin, Madison.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (1991),
Stearns, Willam and William Chaloupka."Introduction: Baudrillard in the Mountains." In William Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 1-6. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Stearns, William and William Chaloupka, eds. Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Stefanoni, Lodovico. "Chiamavano Bilbao de Bigas Luna." Cineforum (October 1979), 19(10) [188]:615, 616, 621.
Stefanoni, Lodovico. "Cina: il cinema delle contraddizioni e la contraddizione del Cinema." Cineforum (December 1978), 18(12) [180]:726, 727, 730.
Steinberg, Philip .E. "…And Are
the Anti-Statist Movements Our Friends?" Political Geography
(January 1997), 16(1):17, 19.
Quotes Baudrillard to the effect that Americans are closer to the
models of thought of the eighteenth century, which are utopian and
pragmatic, rather than that of the French Revolution, which were
ideological and revolutionary.
Steiner, Reinhard A. "Die Frage nach der Person: Zum Realität scharakter von Andy Warhols Bildern." Pantheon: Internationale Jahreszeitschrift für Kunst (1984), 42(2):152, 157n6.
Steenbergen, Bart van. "Scenarios for Europe in the 1990s: The Role of Citizenship and Participation." Futures (November 1990), 22(9):964, 969n10.
Stein, Sarah Rosalind. "Redefining the Human in the Age of the Computer: Popular
Discourses, 1984 to the Present." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1997, University of
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(November 1997), 58(5A):1490-A.
Sternberg, Ernest. "The Meaningful Restaurant: Reality and Authenticity in Environmental Design." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines (Winter 1997), 17(2):101, 102-106, 110, 111, 112nn12-18, 23.
A section is entitled "Beyond Boorstin and Baudrillard."
Sternberg, Ernest. "Transformations: The Eight New Ages of Capitalism." Futures (December 1993), 25(10):1022, 1038n11.
Stettler, Michael. "The Rhetoric of McCloskey's Rhetoric of Economics." Cambridge Journal of Economics (June 1995), 19(3):391, 402.
Stevenson, Nick. "Globalization, National Cultures and Cultural Citizenship." Sociological Quarterly (Winter 1997), 38(1):41, 42, 64.
Stevenson, Nick. Understanding Media Cultures:
Social Theory and Mass Communication, pp. 3, 5, 7, 64, 115,
144-177, 185, 187, 194, 218-219. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.:
Sage, 1995.
Chapter 5 is entitled "Baudrillard's Blizzards:
Postmodernity, Mass Communications and Symbolic Exchange," and has the
following headings: Postmodernism as a Heterogeneous Field; Baudrillard,
Althusser and Debord; Postmodernism, Symbolic Exchange and Marxism; The
French McLuhan: Simulations, Hyperrreality and the Masses; Baudrillard and
Jameson; Baudrillard's Irrationalism.
Stewart, Susan. "The Marquis de
Meese." Critical Inquiry (Autumn 1988) 15(1):165n6.
On the Meese Commission Report on Pornography and Sade's 120 Days
of Sodom.
Still, Judith. "A Feminine Economy: Some Preliminary Thoughts." In Helen Wilcox, Keith McWatters, Ann Thompson, and Linda R. Williams, eds., The Body and the Text: Hélène Cixous, Reading and Teaching, pp. 49-60. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990.
Stivale, Charles J. Review of Jean Baudrillard's La Gauche divine (1985)and Luc Ferry and Alain Renaut's La Pensée 68: essai sur l'anti-humanisme contemporain. French Review (April 1987), 60(5):742-744.
Stockwell, Jeff. "Baudrillard, Jean." Los Angeles Magazine (December 1997), 49(12):66-67.
Stone, Jennifer. "Gramsci's
Architexture and Postmodernism." Italian Quarterly
(Summer-Fall 1984), 25(97-98):74, 79n23.
Refers to Jameson's Baudrillardian "ecstasy of communication."
Stone, Robert V. "Freedom as a
Universal Notion in Sartre's Ethical Theory." Revue Internationale
de Philosophie (1985), [39] 152-153(1-2):145n15.
Cites Baudrillard's criticism levelled against Marx that he accepted
too many 'workerist' or 'positivist' premises of political economy to go
beyond it, similarly Sartre's Being and Nothingness is too
imprisoned by its bourgeois premises to effect their deconstruction.
Stormer, Nathan. "Embodying Normal Miracles." Quarterly Journal of Speech (May 1997), 83(2):177, 190.
Stratton, Jon. "Serial Killing
and the Transformation of the Social." Theory, Culture &
Society (February 1996), 13(1):78, 79, 94, 97.
Asserts that the social was a discursive construct of modernity and
cites Baudrillard 's view that we are in the process of burying the social
beneath a simulation of the social, and his view that in a world dominated
by simulation, the loss of the real has led to a generalized
Stratton, Jon. Writing Sites: A Genealogy of the Postmodern World. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990.
Strathausen, Carsten. "At War
with the Senses: Nazi Aesthetics and Cinematic Perception." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1995, University of Oregon.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July
1996), 57(1A):244-A.
Streisand, Marianne. "Frauenfuguren in den Theatertexten Heiner Müllers." (II) Theater der Zeit (1989), 44(2):29n9.
Sturrock, John. "Global Village Idiocies." Independent (on Sunday Review) [London] (July 8, 1990):28.
Suberchicot, Alain. "Poésie anti-nucléaire et mythe prolongé chez Brain Coffey et Jonathan Griffin. " Études Anglaises (April-June 1987), 40(2):159, 165.
Suchman, Mark C. "On Beyond Interest: Rational, Normative, and Cognitive Perspectives in the Social Scientific Study of Law." Wisconsin Law Review (1997), 3:491n44.
Sue, Roger. "Contribution à une sociologie historique du loisir." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (July-December 1991), 91:290-291, 295, 297.
Sue, Roger. "Entre travail et temps libre: le émergence d'un secteur quaternaire." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (July-December 1995), 99:408.
Suerdem, Ahmet. "What Are You Doing After the Orgy? Or Does the Consumer Really Behave ('Well')?"
Advances in Consumer Research
(1992), 19:207, 210, 212.
Suleiman, Susan Rubin. "Feminism and Postmodernism: A Question of Politics." In Ingeborg Hoesterey, ed., Zeitgeist in Babel: The Postmodernist Controversy, pp. 112, 126n4. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Sulkunen, Pekka. "Mythologie, Récit, Sociologie." Kodikas/Code Ars Semeiotica (January-June 1983), 6(1-2):19, 33.
Sulkunen, Pekka. "Society Made Visible --On the Cultural Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu." Acta Sociologica (1982) 25, 2:112, 114.
Sunic, Tomislav. "Historical Dynamics of Liberalism: From Total Market to Total State?" Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies (Winter 1988), 13(4):470n5.
Sunic, Tomislav. "The Persistence of the Communist Mystique." Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies (Spring 1994), 19(1):103n2.
Susumu, Nishibe.. "Japan as a Highly Developed Mass Society: An Appraisal." Journal of Japanese Studies (Winter 1982), 8(1): 94.
Svab, Alenka. "Baudrillardovo zapeljevanje zenske. Vprasanje subjekta in subjektivitete pri feminizmu in postmodernizmu." Teorija in Praksa (September-October 1996), 33(5):775-785.
In Slovene.
Swanson, Diane L. "Neoclassical Economic Theory, Executive Control, and Organizational Outcomes." Human Relations (June 1996), 49(6):738, 752.
Swed, Mark. "Hundreds, by
Design, Weigh Role of Chance." Los Angeles Times (November
11, 1996):A1, A24.
"Philosophy: Gathering at desert casino examines chaos and its effects
on the world."
Photos of Baudrillard with the caption "Jean Baudrillard, backed by
Chance Band, reads his work."
Swidler, Ann and Joge Arditi. "The New Sociology of Knowledge." Annual Review of Sociology (1994), 20:320, 324.
Symons, Gladys L. Review of John Hassard and Martin
Parker, eds. Postmodernism and Organizations. Canadian
Public Adiminstration/Administration Publique du Canada (Summer
1995), 38(2):312, 314.
Parker distinguishes between the postmodernists (i.e. Lytotard and
Baudrillard - the bad guys) and the poststructuralists (i.e. Derrida and
Foucault - the good guys).