Eddie Yeghiayan
Pachet, Pierre. "Jean Baudrillard: Publications récentes." Nouvelle Revue Française (August 1, 1978), 307:131-134.
Painter, Neil Irvin. "Representing Truth: Sojourner Truth's Knowing and Becoming Known." Journal of American History (September 1994), 81(2):474n34.
Pakulski, Jan and Malcolm Waters. "The Reshaping and Dissolution of Social Class in Advanced
Society." Theory and Society (October 1996), 25(5):673,
Part of a symposium on "Class."
Pallez, Frederic. "Ordeal and Abandonment: Absence and Simulation in the Techno-Age." Works and Days (Spring-Fall 1995), 13(1-2) [25-26]:287.
Palmer, Richard . "The Scope of Hermeneutics: The Problem of Critique and the Crisis of Modernity." Texte: Revue de Critique et de Théorie Littéraire (1984), 3: 224.
Pandolfo, Stefania. "Detours of Life: Space and Bodies in a Moroccan Village." American Ethnologist (February 1989), 16(1): 21n6, 22.
Pannell, Sandra. "'Circulating Commodities': Reflections on the Movement and Meaning of Shells and Stories in North Australia and Eastern Indonesia." Oceania (September 1993), 64(1):58, 75.
Panell, Sandra. "Mabo and
Museums: 'The Indigenous (Re)Appropriation of Indigenous Things'."
Oceania (September 1994), 65(1):18, 34, 37.
Quotes Baudrillard's observations on repatriation.
Panicali, Anna. "Grigio su grigio: Vittorini, Pasolini e l'erede Sciascia." Ponte: Rivista Mensile di Politica e Letteratura (May 1980), 36(5): 486n13.
Panoff, Michel. "Objets précieux et moyens de paiement chez les Menge de Nouvelle-Bretagne " L'Homme: Revue Française d'Anthropologie (April 1980), 20(2):34.
Papson, Stephen. "Comment on
Thurot and Thurot's 'The Ideology of Class and Tourism' ." Annals of
Tourism Research (1984), 11(3):514, 516.
See below Jean-Maurice Thurot and Gaétane Thurot's "The Ideology of Class and Tourism: Confronting the Discourse of
Pardeck, John T., John W. Murphy, and Karen Callaghan. "Computerization and Social Services: A Critical Appraisal." Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare (January 1994), 39(1):2.
Pardo, José Luis. "North
by Northwest." Cuadernos del Norte (October 1986), 7(38):43,
Subjectivity and nature as semiotic cartographic principles.
Parigi, Robert S. "Reading the
Entrails: Splatter Cinema and the Post Modern Body." Art
Criticism (1988), 4(2):5-6, 16n30.
Argues that postmodernity dissolves the modern myth of the subject by
simply stating that the subject does not exist, but is, according to
Baudrillard, "a schizo…only a pure screen, a switching center for all the
networks of influence."
Parijs, Philippe Van . "Triadic
Distributions and Contrepied Strategies: A Contribution to a Pure Theory
of Expressive Bahaviour." Journal for the Theory of Social
Behavavior (October 1977), 7(2):148, 58.
Mentions Baudrillard's remark that in contrast to middle-class
overloaded living rooms, intellectuals tend to adopt a brutalistic, naked
Parker, Andrew. "Futures for
Marxism, an Appreciation of Althusser." Diacritics (Winter
1985), 15(4):67-68, 71.
Review of Alex Callinicos' Is There a Future for Marxism?
Cites Baudrillard's stressing of the metaphysical dimension in
Marx's notion of use-value.
Parker, Gavin. "ELMs Disease: Stewardship, Corporatism and Citizenship in the English Countryside." Journal of Rural Studies (October 1996), 12(4):410.
ELMs stands for Enviornmental Land Management schemes.
Parker, Ian. "Psychology, Science Fiction and Postmodern Space." South African Journal of Psychology (September 1996), 26(3):144, 148.
Parkin, David. "Nemi in the
Modern World: Return of the Exotic?" Man (March 1993),
28(1):86, 89, 98.
According to Baudrillard, individuals delude themselves into thinking
that they choose to take on the values of consumer objects. The goods
enter the realm of simulacra, in which images of goods proliferate in
cross-reference to each other but never to any single referent, producing
an imagined materiality.
Parmentier, Richard J. Signs in Society: Studies in Semiotic Anthropology, pp. 192, 200. Advances in Semiotics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Parrochia, Daniel. "Algorithmics and the Limits of Complexity." Science in
Context (Spring 1996), 9(1):54n8, 55.
Refers to Baudrillard's comment in L'Échange symbolique et
la mort (1976) on Arthur C. Clarke's The Nine Billion Names
of God.
"Pass Notes: Jean Baudrillard. An All-Consuming Passion." European éLAN (May 31-June 2, 1991), 56:33.
Patton, Cynthia Kay. "Resistance Without 'The Subject'." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992,
University of Massachusetts.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (December
1992), 53(6A):1712-A.
Patton, Paul. "This Is Not War." In Nicholas Zurbrugg, ed., Jean Baudrillard: Art and Artefact, pp. 121-135. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997.
Paulston, Rolland G. and Martin Liebman. "An Invitation to Postmodern Social Cartography."
Comparative Education Review (May 1994), 38(2):218, 220,
They quote Baudrillard's The Revenge of the Crystal (1990)
in support of the view that social cartographers turn events into
consumable commodities for readers by filtering, fragmenting, and
re-elaborating them by a whole series of industrial procedures into a
finished product, into the material of finished and combined signs.
Pavis, Patrice. "Problems of a
Semiology of Theatrical Gesture." Poetics Today (Spring
1981), 2(3):66, 92.
Translated by Elena Biller-Lappin.
Pavlich, George. "Contemplating a Postmodern Sociology: Genealogy, Limits and Critique." Sociological Review (August 1995), 43(3):549-550, 568.
Pawlett, William. "Utility and Excess: The Radical Sociology of Bataille and Baudrillard." Economy and Society (February 1997), 26(1):92-125.
Payant, René. "Picturalité et autoportrait: la fiction de
l'autobiographie." Degrés (Spring-Summer 1981),
Cites Baudrillard's claim in La Séduction (1979)
that there is a femininity in self-portrait, regardless of whether the
subject is masculine or feminine.
Payant, René. "La force des formes. Vidéo et télévision." Études Françaises (1987), 22(3):89n6.
Pecora, Vincent P. "Adversarial Culture and the Fate of Dialectics." Cultural Critique (Winter 1987-88), 8:207.
Peer, Limor. "The Practice of
Opinion Polling as a Disciplinary Mechanism: A Foucauldian Perspective."
International Journal of Public Opinion Research (Autumn
1992), 4(3):239-240, 241.
Discusses Baudrillard view of resistance to opinion polls: it is not
the lack of opinions that indicates resistance, it is their abundance.
Pefanis, Julian. Heterology and the Postmodern: Bataille, Baudrillard, and Lyotard. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991.
Peillon, Michel. "La sociologie
américaine en France." Cahiers Internationaux de
Sociologie (January-June 1982), 72:159-172
This number is on "Habiter, produire, l'espace."
Peleggi, Maurizio. "National
Heritage and Global Tourism in Thailand." Annals of Tourism
Research (1996), 23(2):433, 446.
Refers to Baudrillard's view that the image of the past depicted in
cultural heritage attractions may be nothing but nostalgia, "a
proliferation of myths of origin and signs of reality; of second-hand
truth, objectivity and authenticity."
Penaloza, Lisa and Linda L. Price. "Consumer Resistance: A Conceptual Overview." Advances in Consumer Research (1993), 20:127.
Pence, Jeffrey S. "Terror Incognito: Representation, Repetition, Experience in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer." Public Culture (1994), 6(3) [14]:533, 538, 544.
Penezic, Vida. "Belgrade City
Center, or: Some Aspects of the Transnational In Culture." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1992, Bowling Green State University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(November 1993), 54(5A):1856-A.
Pepermans, Roland. "The Meaning of Consumption." Journal of Economic Psychology (1984), 5(3):282, 305.
Peponis, John. "Space, Culture and Urban Design in Late Modernism and After." Ekistic: The Problems and Science of Human Settlements (January/February-March/April 1989), 56(334-335):101, 107.
Pereda, Carlos and Miguel Angel de Prada. "The Breakdown of Religious Debates in Spain in the 80's." Social Compass (1986), 33(4):350.
Perkowska-Alvarez, Magdalena. "Historias Híbridas: El Posmodernismo y la Novela
Históríca Latinoamericana, 1985-1995." Ph.D. Dissertation,
1997, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January
1998), 58(7A):2681-A.
Perniola, Mario. "Scambio, simbolico, iperrealissmo, simulacro." Aut Aut (March-June 1979), 170-171:67-70.
Perniola, Mario. "Die venusiansle charme." In Stig Brogger, et al, eds., Implosion og forforels: Jean Baudrillard. Mario Perniola , pp. 87, 107n1. Copenhagen: Det kongelige danske Kunstakademi, 1984.
Perrot, Philippe. "Aspects
socio-culturels des débuts de la confection parisienne au XIXe
siècle." Revue de l'Institut de Sociologie (1977),
2:194, 201n23.
Quotes the following from Baudrillard:
" Just as, in the wake of the bourgeois revolution, no other classes ever gradually acquired positions of political responsibility, so likewise, in the wake of the industrial revolution, consumers have never won equality before the object." (The System of Objects (1996), p. 154)
Pertierra de Rojas Roman, José. "La viviendra de fines del siglo XIX. Valor simbólico de los objetos." Goya (January-February 1984), 178:187, 189n3.
Pessin, Alain. "Introduction." In Michel Maffesoli and André Bruston, eds., Violence et transgression, p. 8. Paris: Éditions Anthropos, 1979.
Peters, Bernhard. "Why Is it so Hard to Change the World?" International Sociology (September 1994), 9(3):279, 292.
Peters, John Durham. "Satan and Savior: Mass-Communication in Progressive Thought." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (September 1989), 6(3):247, 262.
Petitat, André. "Les circuits du don: 'Kula', charité et assurances." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (January-June 1991), 90:65n13.
Pétonnet, Colette. "L'observation flottante. L'exemple d'un cimetière parisien." L' Homme: Revue Française d'Anthropologie (October-December 1982), 22(4):39
Petrey, Sandy. "Discours social et littérature dans Germinal." Littérature (May 1976), 22:62n8.
Issue is entitled "Lectures symboliques."
Petro, Patrice. "Reception Theories and the Avant-Garde." Wide Angle (1986), 8(1):17, 17n12.
Petruso, Thomas F. "Madame Bovary in the Consumer Society." Ça Parle [Berkeley] (Fall 1985), 1(1):46, 48, 56, 58, 58n2.Says that Georges Perec's Les Choses (1965) uncannily anticipates the analysis of Baudrillard's La Société de consommation (1970).
Peucker, Brigitte. "Looking and Touching: Spectacle and Collection in Sontag's Volcano Lover." Yale Journal of Criticism (Spring 1998), 11(1):164.
Pfaffenberger, Bryan. "Social Anthropology of Technology." Annual Review of Anthropology (1992), 21:502, 514.
Pfeiffer, Carsten G. "'Simulacre, simulation-déconnection, obscuration.' Der Wandel des öffentlichen Diskurses bei Jean Baudrillard und Ollier." Lendemains (1992), 17(65):53-57.
Pfeiffer, K. Ludwig. "Mentalität und Medium: Detektivroman, Grossstadt oder ein zweiter Weg in die Moderne." Poetica (1988), 20(3-4):246n34, 249-250.
Pfohl, Stephen. "Twilight of the Parasites: Ultramodern Capital and the New World Order." Social Problems (May 1993), 40(2):125, 132, 141, 150.
Pfohl, Stephen. "Welcome to the
PARASITE CAFÉ: Postmodernity as a Social-Problem. " Social
Problems (November 1990), 37(4):421, 422, 425, 433, 437, 439,
Part of a section on "Postmodernity and Panic."
Pfohl, Stephen and Avery Gordon. "Criminological Displacements: A Sociological Deconstruction." Social Problems (October-December 1986), 33(6):S103, S111.
Phelan, Peggy. "Thirteen Ways of Looking at Choreographing Writing." In Susan Leigh Foster, ed., Choreographing History, p. 210n11. Unnatural Acts: Theorizing the Performative. Bloomington: Indiana University press, 1995.
Phillips, Christopher. "The
Judgment Seat of Photography." October (Fall 1982),
Says photography qualifies as what Baudrillard has called an
"industrial simulacrum": all those products of modern industrial processes
that can be said to issue in potentially endless chains of identical,
equivalent objects.
Phillips, R.S. "The Language of
Images in Geography." Progress in Human Geography (June
1993), 17(2):190, 192.
Baudrillard has semiotically conceptualized north American deserts and
cities as social; Baudrillard says: "you cross the desert as if in a
western; the metropolis is a continual screen of signs and formulae."
Philo, C. "Foucault Geography." Enviornment and Planning B-Society and Space (April 1992), 10(2):137-161.
Piccone, Paul and Russell Berman. "Recycling the 'Jewish Question'." New German Critique (Fall 1980), 21:120, 124n29.
Pichault, Francois. "Vers une théorie sociologique de l'art. Elaboration d'un modèle d'explication et application à l'oeuvre musicale de Karlheinz Stockhausen." International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music (June 1983), 14(1):75.
Pickles, John. "Discourse on Method and the History of Discipline: Reflections on Dobson's 1983 Automated Geography." Professional Geographer (November 1993), 45(4):452, 454.
Pietrykowski, Bruce. "Knowledge and Power in Adult Education: Beyond Freire and Habermas." Adult Education Quarterly (Winter 1996), 46(2):88, 95.
Pietz, William. "Fetishism and Materialism: The Limits of Theory in Marx." In Emily Apter and William Pietz, eds., Fetishism as Cultural Discourse, pp. 122-124, 149. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1993.
Pile, S. and G. Rose. "All or Nothing? Politics and Critique in the Modernism-Postmodernism Debate." Enviornment and PlanningD: Society and Space (April 1992), 10(2):124, 126, 134.
Pironi, Gualtiero. "Il comico, l'amore e la morte." Cineforum (December 1980), 20(12) [200]:822n8..
Pironi, Gualtiero. "Cinema '79: Hollywood propone l'estrema intensita del neutro." Cineforum (April 1979), 19(4) [183]:184, 185n1, 187.
Pitaro, Edmund. Review of Sophie Calle and Jean Baudrillard's Suite Venitienne. Please Follow Me (1988) and Alex Gotfryd's Appointment in Venice. Modern Photography (April 1989), 53(4):112.
Plant, Sadie. "Baudrillard's Woman: The Eve of Seduction." In Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, eds., Forget Baudrillard? pp. 88-106. London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
Plessis, Michael du "Space,
Story and History: Reading Gold Reef City." English Studies in
Africa (1987), 30(2):111, 112nn23, 24.
Mentions that Baudrillard has discussed the abolition of historical
reality by means of its precise simulation and that nostalgia, le
mode rétro, is the sole historicism of which the late
twentieh century is capable. Both claims apply to Gold Reef City.
Plotz, John. "Motion Slickness:
Spectacle and Circulation in Thomas Hardy's 'On the Western Circuit'."
Studies in Short Fiction (Summer 1996), 33(3):370n1, 385.
Cites Guy Debord's and Baudrillard's work on simulations and the
distinction Baudrillard makes between "dissimulation" and "simulation"--
one conceals what already exists, while the other produces what had not
heretofore existed, but in such a way that it obliterates or replaces the
no longer distinguishable real beneath it.
Pogliano, Claudio. "Foucault, con interpreti." Belfagor (March 1985), 40(2):172n40.
Poirier, Richard. "America
Deserta." London Review of Books (February 16, 1989),
11(4):3, 5, 6.
Review of Jean Baudrillard's America (1988), Roland Wells, ed., America Observed: The Newspapers Years of Alistair Cooke and Albert Camus' American Journals.
Polac, Michel. "Médiocrités en tout genre." Evénement du Jeudi (September 27-October 2, 1990), 308:122.
On Jean Baudrillard, Robert Soulat and Françoise Verny.
Polan, Dana B. "Fables of Transgression: The Reading of Politics and the Politics of Reading in Foucauldian Discourse." Boundary 2 (Spring 1982), 10(3):378n6.
Polan, Dana. "Film as Language, Film as Power." East-West Film Journal (June 1988), 2(2):109, 113.
Polan, Dana Bart. "Image-Making
and Image-Breaking: Studies in the Political Language of Film and the
Avant-Garde." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1981, Stanford University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May
1981), 41(11A):4523-A.
Polan, Dana. "Powers of Vision, Visions of Power." Camera Obscura (September 1988), 18:119n12.
Review of Gilles Deleuze's Foucault.
Polan, Dana B. "Terminable and
Interminable Analysis: Formalism and Film Theory." Quarterly Review
of Film Studies (Fall 1983), 8(4):77n6.
Review of Kristin Thompson's Eisenstein's Ivan the
The author acknowledges that the general argument of his article owes its inspiration to Baudrillard's The Mirror of Production (1975).
Polizzi, Gaspare. "Introduzione 'Rome' di Michel Serres." Aut Aut (September-December 1983), 197-198:3.
Poole, Steven. "The World According to Jean Baudrillard." Guardian (February 13, 1998):27.
Pop, Denise. "Evolution d'un système vestimentaire dans les sociétés rurales de Roumanie." L' Homme: Revue Française d'Anthropologie (1984), 24(1):62.
Popovic, Pierre. "De la ville à sa littérature." Études Françaises (1988), 24(3):120.
Popovic, Pierre. "Le livre sans son texte." Études Françaises (1982), 18(2):63.
Porter, Roy. "Baudrillard: History, Hysteria and Consumption." In Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, eds., Forget Baudrillard? pp. 1-21. London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
Portes, Alejandro and A. Douglas Kincaid. "Sociology and Development in the 1990s: Critical Challenges and Empirical Trends." Sociological Forum (1989), 4(4): 484, 485, 500.
Porush, David. "In Response to
Jean Baudrillard: The Architextuality of Transcendence."
Science-Fiction Studies (November 1991), 18(3)
See Baudrillard's "Two Essays: 1. Simulacra and Science Fiction. 2.
Ballard's Crash" (1990).
Post, Ken. Regaining Marxism, pp. 4, 10, 25-26, 49, 60-61, 88, 98, 130, 131, 135-136, 259, 268, 278-279, 285, 289, 368, 379. London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
Poster, Mark. "Baudrillard and
T.V. Ads: The Language of the Economy." In his The Mode of
Information: Postructuralism and Social Context, pp. 43-68.
Cambridge: Polity, 1990.
Reprinted in The Polity Reader in Social Theory.
Cambridge: Polity/Blackwell, 1994.
Poster, Mark. "Critical Theory and Technoculture: Habermas and Baudrillard." In Douglas M. Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 68-88. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Poster, Mark. "Foucault and
History." Social Research (Spring 1982), 49(1):140n26.
This issue is entitled "Modern Masters."
Poster, Mark. Foucault, Marxism and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information. Cambridge: Polity; New York: Blackwell, 1984.
Poster, Mark. "Foucault, the Present and History." Cultural Critique (Winter 1987-88), 8:118n17.
Poster, Mark. "Introduction." In Jean Baudrillard's Selected Writings, pp. 1-9. Edited by Mark Poster. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1988.
Poster, Mark. "Postmodernity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: The Lyotard-Habermas Debate over Social Theory." In Jean-Joseph Goux and Philip R. Wood, eds., Terror and Consensus: Vicissitudes of French Thought, pp. 109-110. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1998.
Poster, Mark. "A Second Media Age?" Arena Journal (1994), 3:49-91.
Poster, Mark. "Semiology and
Critical Theory: From Marx to Baudrillard." Boundary 2
(Fall 1979), 8(1):274-287.
This issue is entitled "The Problems of Reading in Contemporary
American Criticism."
Reprinted in William V. Spanos, Paul A. Bové, and Daniel O'Hara,
eds., The Question of Textuality: Strategies of Reading in
Contemporary American Criticism, pp. 275-288. Bloomington :
Indiana University Press, 1982.
See Michael Hays above.
Poster, Mark. "Technology and Culture in Habermas and Baudrillard." Contemporary Literature (Fall 1981), 22(4):456-476.
Poster, Mark. "Translator's Introduction." In Jean Baudrillard's The Mirror of Production, pp. 1-15. St. Louis: Telos Press, 1975.
Power, Kevin. "Manuel Ocampo: Rough Gatherings at the Edges of the Mind." Third Text (Winter 1997-98), 41:39, 40, 42, 42nn28-31.
Prager, Brad and Michael Richardson. "A Sort of Homecoming: An Archeology of Disneyland." In David Palumbo-Liu and Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, eds., Streams of Cultural Capital: Transnational Cultural Studies, pp. 199-219. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1997.
Pragier, Georges and Sylvie Faure-Pragier. "Au-delà du principe de réalité: le virtuel." Revue Française de Psychanalyse (January-March 1995), 59(1):65.
Quote Baudrillard on the dehumanisation produced by hyperreality. The issue is on "La réalité psychique."
Pratt, Marie-Louise. "Ideology
and Speech-Act Theory." Poetics Today (1986), 7(1): 69,
Refers to Baudrillard's "terrorism of the code."
Prentice, Thomas Archer. "Written Conversations of Student Teachers in an Electronic
Discourse Community." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1995, University of Texas at
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(December 1995), 56(6A):2102-A.
Preston, Alistair M., Christopher Wright and Joni J. Young. "Imag(in)ing Annual Reports." Accounting, Organizations and Society (January 1996), 21(1):128, 134, 134n8, 135.
Preston, Andrew. "Down to Earth." In André Frankovits, ed., Seduced and Abandoned: The Baudrillard Scene, pp. 82-90. Semiotext(e). Autonomedia. Glebe, NSW, Australia & New York: Stonemoss Services & Semiotexte(e), 1984.
Pretes, Michael . "Postmodern
Tourism: The Santa Claus Industry." Annals of Tourism
Research (1995), 22(1):13, 14.
Quotes Baudrillard that "in order to become the object of consumption,
the object must become sign."
Prévos, André. Review of Jean Baudrillard's Amerique (1986), Denis Lacorne and Jacques Rupnik's L'Amérique dans les tetes: un siècle de fascination et d'aversions, and Jean Sobès' Le puzzle américain. Contemporary French Civilization (Spring-Summer 1987), 11(2):258-260.
Preziosi, Donald. "Advances in
the Semiotics of the Built Environment." Semiotica (1984),
49(1-2):182, 184, 188.
Refers to Martin Krampen's critique of Baudrillard's reduction of
objects to signs.
Price, David W. "Simulacra, Symbolic Exchange and Technology in Michel Tournier's La Goute d'or." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature (Summer 1993), 17(2):349-363.
Prieur, Jérôme. "Jacques Tati: Play Time." Nouvelle Revue Française (July 1, 1979), 318:139.
Pringle, Rosemary. "Frauen und Konsumgesetze." Das Argument (Marc-April 1986) 28(156):201, 207.
Privitello, Lucio Angelo. "The Evening's Porcelain." Review of Douglas Kellner's Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism to Postmodernism. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory/Revue Canadienne de Théorie Politique et Sociale (1990), 14(1-3):106-112.
Part of a special section entitled "America's Baudrillard: The Politics of Simulation."
Privitello, Lucio Angelo. "Mutual Vertigo." Review of Jean Baudrillard's Selected
Writings, edited by Mark Poster (1988). Canadian Journal of
Political and Social Theory/Revue Canadienne de Théorie Politique
et Social (1990), 14(1-3):113-119.
Part of a special section entitled "America's Baudrillard: The Politics
of Simulation."
Probyn, Elspeth. "Travels in the Postmodern: Making Sense of the Local." In Linda J. Nicholson, ed., Feminism/Postmodernism, pp. 176-187. Thinking Gender. New York & London: Routledge, 1990.
Prus, Robert. "The Interpretive
Challenge: The Impending Crisis in Sociology." Canadian Journal of
Sociology/Cahiers Canadiens de Sociologie (Summer 1990), 15(3):
358, 361.
According to Baudrillard and others knowledge is a rather arbitrary
form of linguistic expression.
Pryzdia, Michael Raymond. "The
Wake of Imagination and the Postmodern Meaning of 'Meaning'." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1994, Bowling Green State University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April
1995), 55(10A):3220-A.
Purdy, Anthony. "Lieu commun et communauté: l'étiolement du discours chez Stendhal." Stendhal Club (1986), 28(111):201, 207n18.
Purdy, Anthony. "From Defoe's Crusoe to Tournier's Vendredi: The Metamorphosis of a Myth." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (June 1984), 11(2):220-221, 235n28.
Purdy, Anthony. "Les
Météores de Michel Tournier: Une perspective
hétérologique." Littérature (December
1980), 40:36n11, 43.
This issue is entitled "Pratiques du symbole."
Purdy, Anthony. "Stendhal et la crise de la valeur. De l'économie politique du signe." Romanistische Zeitschrift
für Literaturgeschichte/Cahiers d' Histoire des Littératures Romanes (1987), 11(3-4):390n12, 391n16, 394n34, 395n38.
Purdy, Anthony. "Stendhal et la force du langage: le mot comme agent de transformation." Studia Neophilologica (1988), 60(1):133n41.
Puig Penalosa, Xavier. "La Crisi de la reprentación en la era postmoderna. El caso Jean Baudrillard." Tesis doctorales. Leioa, Bizkaia, Universidad de País. Vasco: Servicio Editorial, 1994.