Eddie Yeghiayan
Ochotorena, Juan Miguel. "La transcendencia del arte y el eclipse de la distancia." Cuadernos del Norte (October-November 1988) 9(51):88, 88n28.
O'Connor, Alan. "The Problem of American Cultural-Studies." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (December 1989), 6(4):407, 410.
O'Connor, Martin. "Complexity and Coevolution: Methodology for a Positive Treatment of Indeterminacy." Futures (July-August 1994), 26(6):615nn5, 10, 15.
O'Connor, Martin. "Value System
Contests and the Appropriation of Ecological Capital." Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies (December 1993), 61(4):422,
In this technical article the author states that what he has done in
this paper should not be looked at from the point of view of classical
growth theory but in terms of Baudrillard's views on expanding a domain of
a mode of signification.
Oelkers, Jurgen. "Die Wiederkehr
der Postmoderne." Zeitschrift für Padagogik (February
1987), 33(1):23, 25, 37.
Part of a section of the journal with the theme "Pädagogik und
O'Hanlon, Rosalind. "Recovering
the Subject: Subaltern Studies and Histories of Resistance in Colonial
South Asia." Modern Asian Studies (February 1988),
22(1):195, 211, 223.
Quotes Baudrillard comments on the significance which "the masses" have
taken in our present political culture.
Olivier, Lawrence. "La question du pouvoir chez Foucault: espace, stratégie et dispositif." Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique (March 1988), 2(1):87.
Oltean, Tudor. "Series and Seriality in Media Culture." European Journal of Communication (March 1993), 8(1):27, 30nn25, 30.
O'Malley, Pat and Stephen Magford. "The Demand for Intoxicating Commodities: Implications for the 'War on Drugs'." Social Justice (Winter 1991), 18(4):49.
O'Neill, John. "Religion and Postmodernism: The Durkheimina Bond in Bell and Jameson - With an Allegory of the Body Politic." In Douglas Kellner, ed., Postmodernism/Jameson/Critique, pp. 148-149. PostModernPositions, 4. Washington, D.C. : Maisonneuve Press, 1989.
O'Neill, John. "Televideo Ergo
Sum: Some Hypotheses on the Specular Functions of the Media."
Communication (1983), 7(2): 236, 239n8, 240n14.
Quotes Baudrillard on the field of consumption being a system of
interpretation and cites him and Guy Debord for the view that media
studies now needs a structural theory of fetishism.
O'Reilly, John. "Turn On, Tune
In and Put Your Feet Up for the Evening." Radical Philosophy
(Autumn 1994), 68:57.
Review of Jean Baudrillard's The Transparency of Evil
(1993) and Baudrillard Live, edited by Mike Gane (1993).
Ono, Kent A. and John M. Sloop. "Commitment to Telos -- A Sustained Critical
Rhetoric." Communication Monographs
(March 1992), 59(1):52, 59n4, 60.
Baudrillard's early work showed an expressed concern to change the
world and codes of oppression; in his later work he can be characterized
as a describer or interpreter rather than a transformer of postmodern
Oosterling, Henk. "Filosofie als schijnbeweging. Metafoor, metamorfose en ironie in het latere Werk van Jean Baudrillard." Lier en Boog (1990), 7(1):21-39.
Oostrum, Duco van. "Wim Wender's Euro-American Construction Site: Paris, Texas or Texas, Paris." In Richard Chapple, ed., Social and Political Change in Literature and Film: Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual Florida State University Conference on Literature and Film, pp. 7-20. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1994.
Oropesa, R.S. "Consumer Possessions, Consumer Passions, and Subjective Well-Being." Sociological Forum (June 1995), 10(2):221, 242.
Orr, Jackie. "Theory on the
Market: Panic, Incorporating." Social Problems (November
1990), 37(4):474-475, 483.
Part of a section on "Postmodernity and Panic."
Ortiz, Cristina. "Recontextualización de la Poética del Siglo XVII en
la Obra de Jorge Luis Borges." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1993, University of
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(December 1993), 54(6A):2165-A.
Ouroussoff, Alexandra. "Illusions of Rationality: False Premises of the Liberal Tradition." Man (June 1993), 28(2):295n7, 297.
Osiel, Mark J. "Ever Again: Legal Remembrance of Administrative Massacre." University of Pennsylvania Law Review (December 1995), 144(2):466n14.
Oster, Daniel. "Statue et statut du poète dans Le Poète assassiné d'Apollinaire." Stanford French Review (Fall 1979), 3(2):167.
Osterud, Oyvind. "Antinomies of
Postmodernism in International Studies." Journal of Peace Research
(November 1996), 33(4):388, 389.
Discusses Baudrillard, Christopher Norris and James Der Derian on the
Gulf War.
Ottavj, Marie-France. "Jean Genet, ou le donjuanisme noir." Europe (June-July 1986), 64(686-687):172, 173.
Owens, Craig. Beyond Recognition: Representation, Power, and Culture, pp. 117, 119, 149, 154n15, 167, 194, 260, 281-282. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
Owens, Craig. "Honor, Power and
the Love of Women." Art in America (January 1983) 71(1): 11,
On the New Expressionist Art.
Uses Baudrillard's diagnoses of cultural
implosion where everything reverses into its opposite; opposites reveal
mirrored identities.
Reprinted in his Beyond Recognition.
Owens, Craig. "Representation,
Appropriation & Power." Art In America (May 1982)
70(5):21, 21n34.
On Poststructuralist Art Criticism.
Cites Baudrillard on reality as an
effect of signification. Postmodernist artists undermine the referential
status of visual imagery and its claim to represent reality, whether
concrete or abstract, this reality is a fiction, produced and sustained
only by its cultural representation.