Eddie Yeghiayan
McAuliffe, Chris. "Jean Baudrillard." In Kevin D.S. Murray, ed., The Judgment of Paris: Recent French Theory in a Local Context, pp. 97-112. North Sydney, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin, 1992.
McBurney, Blaine. Review of Douglas Kellner's Critical Theory: Marxism and Modernity, and Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism to Postmodernism. Thesis Eleven (1992), 32:162-166.
McCaffery, Larry. "The North American Novel at the Quincentennial Moment: Everything Is Permitted." In Raymond Leslie Williams, ed., The Novel in the Americas, pp. 61, 73. Niwot: University Press of Colorado, 1992.
Mack, Anne and Jay Rome. "Truth
in the Body of Falsehood." Parnassus: Poetry in Review
(1989), 15(1):270, 280n6.
On Clark Coolidge's poetry.
McCann, Graham. "Real Hype." Review of Douglas Kellner's Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism to Post-Modernism and Beyond and his Critical Theory: Marxism and Modernity. Radical Philosophy (Autumn 1990), 56:58-59.
MacCannell, Dean and Juliet Flower MacCannell. "Social Class in Postmodernity: Simulacrum or Return of the Real?" pp. 124-145. In Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, eds. Forget Baudrillard? London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
McCarthy, John."Field of Dreams and Dreams of Fields: Baseball Simulations as Reality and Imitation.."Play & Culture (February 1990), 3(1):33, 43n5.
McComiskey, Bruce. "Postmodern Sophistics: Appearance and Deception in Rhetoric and Composition." In Arthur Walzer and Laurie Ward Gardner, eds., Rhetoric in the Vortex of Cultural Studies, pp. 83-91. St. Paul, MN: Rhetoric Society of America, 1993.
McDiarmid, Heather Elizabeth. "The Aesthetics of Death, Youth, and the Road: The Violent Road
Film in Popular Culture." M.A. Thesis, 1996, McGill University.
Abstract in Masters Abstracts International (December 1997), 35(6):1570.
MacDonald, Erik. "Max Headroom/CCCCatching the Wave." Jump Cut (1989), 34:6-7, 8, 9, 11.
McGee, Patrick. "Criticism as Symbolic Exchange: Baudrillard, Hart Crane." In his Telling the Other: The Question of Value in Modern and Postcolonial Writing, pp. 17-40, 205. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992.
McGowan, John. Postmodernism and Its Critics, pp. 17-18, 62, 95. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991.
McGraw, Betty R. "Splitting Subject/Splitting Seduction." Boundary 2 (Winter 1984), 12(2):149-150, 152n17.
This issue is "On Feminine Writing: A Boundary 2 Symposium," edited by Verena Andermatt Conley and William V. Spanos.
McIlvenny, Paul. "Popular Public Discourse at Speaker's Corner: Negotiating Cultural Identities in Interaction." Discourse & Society (January 1996), 7(1):32, 36.
McHugh, Peter. "Insomnia and the (T)Error of Lost Foundation in Postmodernism." Human Studies (January 1996), 19(1):41n24, 41.
McKee, Alan. "'The Aboriginal Version of Ken Done…'. Banal Aboriginal Identities in Australia." Cultural Studies (May 1997), 11(2):195, 199, 205.
Discusses and applies Baudrillard's views on fatality and banality.
McQuillan, Alan G. "Cabbages and Kings: The Ethics and Aesthetics of New Forestry." Environmental Values (Fall 1993), 2(3):191.
McWilliam, Erica. "'Post' Haste: Plodding Research and Galloping Theory." British Journal of Sociology of Education (1993), 14(2):201, 204.
Macey, David. The Lives of Michel Foucault: A Biography, pp. 358-360, 382, 526nn31, 33, 34, 36-38, 568. New York: Pantheon, 1993.
Madoff, Stevens Henry. "Purgatory's Way "Arts Magazine (March
1987) 61( 7):16, 19n2.
The open cipher of abstraction is both a liability and the boon of
interpretation. The critique of originality has led to the conclusion in
Baudrillard that we do not even conceive of originals. In our culture of
massivle electronic deluge, linear history is blurred. Human actions and
their representation in visual arts are torn from their roots and cultural
models are replaced by simulacra.
Madoff, Steven Henry. "Vestiges
and Ruins: Ethics and Geometric Art in the Twentieth Century." Arts
Magazine (December 1986), 61(4):38, 40nn31, 32.
The vision of geometry in painting is a speculation on ethics.
Baudrillard and his follower Peter Halley claim in a society where the
model cannot be distinguished from the original, everything becomes
surface, hyperrealization, and geometry is no longer employed to lend
stability to ethical precepts that lie within the same space of the
Maddox, Richard. "Revolutionary Anticlericalism and Hegemonic Processes in an Andalusian Town, August 1936." American Ethnologist (February 1995), 22(1):138, 141.
Maduro, Otto. "Marxist Analysis and Sociology of Religions/Analyse Marxiste et Sociologie des Religions -An Outline of International Bibliography up to 1975." Social Compass (1975), 22(3-4):425, 469.
Maeda, Ai. "Urban Theory Today."
Current Anthropology (August-October 1987),
Cites Baudrillard's description of modern cities as multifaceted
places in his Pour une Critique de l'économie du signe
Maffesoli, Michel. "Sociality
as Legitimation of Sociological Method." Current Sociology/La
Sociologie Contemporaine (Summer 1987) 35(2):87n1, 149.
Translated by Milli Kerkham.
Magnusson, Jamie-Lynn. "Higher
Education Research and Psychological Inquiry." Journal of Higher
Education (March-April 1997), 68(2):206, 209.
Maines, David R. "Myth, Text, and Interactionist Complicity in the Neglect of Blumer's Macrosociology." Symbolic Interaction (Spring 1988), 11(1):45, 55.
Malaurie, Guillaume. "Crise de l'histoire: Déplacer les quéstions." Esprit (February 1981), 2:51.
Malaurie, Guillaume. "L'imaginaire dans l'histoire." Esprit (May 1979),
Review of Georges Duby's Les trois ordres ou l'imaginaire du
Malaurie, Guillaume. "Tout danseur est la mort." Esprit (April 1980), 4: 98.
Malcuzynski, M.-Pierrette. "Parodie et carnavalisation: l'exemple de Hubert Aquin."
Études Littéraires (Spring-Summer 1986), 19(1):
56, 57n9.
Quotes Baudriilard description of our era as one of "hyperreality."
Malcuzynski, M.-Pierrette. "Polyphonic Theory and Contemporary Literary Practices ."
Studies in Twentieth Century Literature (Fall 1984), 9(1):75,
Special issue on Mikhail Bakhtin.
Malkan, Jeffrey. "Stolen Photographs: Personality, Publicity, and Privacy." Texas Law Review (March 1997), 75(4):796, 802-803.
Maltby, Paul. Dissident Postmodernists, Barthelme, Coover, Pynchon, pp. 7, 11, 21, 27, 28, 190n1, 199-200. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991.
Mancini, Adriana. "Amo y esclavo: una relación eficaz: Silvina Ocampo y Jean Genet." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (May 1998), 575:84n28.
Mandouze, André. "'Gauche divine' ou 'droite inhumaine'." Le Monde
(October 8, 1983), 12036:2.
Reply to Jean Baudrillard's "La gauche divine" (1983).
See also Yvon Quiniou's reply.
Manicas, Peter. "Accounting as a Human Science." Accounting Organizations and Society (February-April 1993), 18(2-3):150, 159.
Mann, Douglas Ian. "Structural
Idealism." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Waterloo, 1998.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March
1999), 59(9A):3493-A.
Manning, P.K. "Drammaturgy, Politics and the Axial Media Event." Sociological Quarterly (Spring 1996), 37(2):261, 262, 264, 273, 275, 277.
Maniquis, Robert M. "Pascal's Bet, Totalities, and Guerrilla Criticism." Humanities in Society (Spring & Summer 1983), 6(2-3): 263, 282n4.
Issue is on "Marxists and the University," edited by Robert M. Maniquis.
Manoff, Robert Karl. "Modes of War and Modes of Social Address: The Text of SDI." Journal of Communication (Winter 1989), 39(1):78, 82n5.
Marden, Peter. "The
Deconstructionist Tendencies of Postmodern Geographies: A Compelling
Logic?" Progress in Human Geography (March 1992), 16(1):44,
According to Baudrillard gone are the moral foundations of modernism,
since the postmodernization of western culture has produced an acute
Marden, Peter. "Geographies of Dissent: Globalization, Identity and the Nation." Political Geography (January 1997), 16(1):56, 61.
Characterizes Baudrillard's view of society as dominated by a media-saturated consciousness.
Marejko, Jan. "The Philosophical
Consequences of the Formulation of the Principle of Inertia. Euclidean
Space and Absolute Space." Diogenes (1983), 123:8n13.
Translated by R. Scott Walker.
Margot, Jean-Paul. "Hermeneutique et fiction chez M. Foucault." Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review (December 1984), 23(4):647.
Marinis, Gualtiero de. "Bologna electronica: Francis Ford Coppola, chi era costui?" Cineforum (May 1986), 26(5)[254]:18n4.
Marinis, Gualtiero de. "La Legge del Desiderio di Pedro Almodóvar." Cineforum (December 1987), 27(12) [270]:78, 79nn5, 6.
Marinis, Gualtiero de. "Il principio del Cinema: Altman in gioco." Cineforum (November 1979), 19(11) [189]:688, 689n22, 690, 691.
Marino, Adrian. "The Mechanism of the Theoretical Literary Model." New Literary History (Spring 1976), 7(3):464n36.
Cites Baudrillard's article on "Modernity" in Encyclopaedia Universalis.
Markham, James M. "Is America
Perfect? (Is the Tongue in Cheek?)" New York Times (December
12, 1988):B1(National), A4(Local).
Heading: "Paris Journal."
An Interview with Jean Baudrillard on his new book
Says of Baudrillard "has become a sharp-shooting Lone Ranger of the
post-Marxist left, is hooked on America, which he regards as 'the center
of the world'."
Marks, John. "Baudrillard, Jean." In Alex Hughes and Keith Reader, eds., Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture, pp. 52-53. London & New York: Routledge, 1998.
Marks, John. "Fukuyama and the French: Woody, Fuku et Baudrillard." French Cultural Studies (June 1994), 5(2) [14]:193-208.
Márkus, Gyórgy. "Practical-Social Rationality in Marx: A Dialectial Critique." (Part 2) Dialiactical Anthropology (May 1980), 5(1):1-3, 27nn3-6, 8-13.
Martens, Wil. "Die Autopoiesis sozialer Systeme." Kolner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (December 1991), 43(4):639n28, 645.
Marvin, Carolyn. "Constructed and Reconstructed Discourse: Inscription and Talk in the History of Literacy." Communication Research (October 1984), 11(4):590n3, 592.
Mason, Peter. "Colonialism's Culture and Its Limits." Anthropos (1995), 90(4-6):581.
Refers to Baudrillard's Figures de l'altérité and says its study of alterity reminds us that the other is not programmable.
Mason, Peter. "On Producing the (American) Exotic." Anthropos (1996), 91(1-3):146n31, 149.
Mason, Tom and Mark Chandley. "Nursing Models in a Special Hospital: Cybernetics, Hyperreality
and Beyond." Journal of Advanced Nursing (November 1992),
17(11):1350, 1352-1353, 1354.
They use Baudrillard's notion of hyperreality as a theoretical
Massey, D. "Flexible Sexism." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (March 1991), 9(1):48, 56.
Finds similarities in Baudelaire''s flâneur's gaze with Baudrillard's wanderings in New York in America (1988).
Matamoro, Blas. "La columna hueca." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (April 1984), 406:143.
Matarasso, Michel. "In Praise of Double Sexuality in The Thousand and One Nights: The Geste of Boudoir --An Anthropological Approach." Diogenes (Summer 1982), 118:48n36.
Matarasso, Michel. "Thanatos: crise et critique." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (January-June 1977), 80(62):100n1.
Mathy, Jean-Philippe. Extrême-Occident: French Intellectuals and America. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Maurer, Reinhart. "Thesen über Marx und die Wende." Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (1991), 39(7):720, 724.
Maxcy, Spencer J. "Beyond Leadership Frameworks." Educational Administration Quarterly (August 1995), 31(3):476, 482.
Leadership in contemporary culture is a simulacra of leadership.
May, Jon. "In Search of Authenticity Off and On the Beaten Track." Enviornment and Planning D: Society & Space (December 1996), 14(6):714, 733.
Mayne, Judith. The Woman at the Keyhole:
Feminism and Women's Cinema, pp. 14-15, 230n3. Theories of
Representation and Difference. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
Discusses Baudrillard's distinction between between spectacle and
Mayr, Albert. "Creative Time-Organization versus Subsonic Noises. "Diogenes (1983), 122: 45, 59.
Mazzola, Claudio. "Italo Calvino e Jean Baudrillard in Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore." Italian Culture (1991), 9:343-353.
Meger-Drawe, Käte. "Und noch animal: 'Ob computer denken können?'" Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (1993), 41(4):685, 690.
Medhust, Andy. "Come on, Dive
in." Listener (November 24, 1988), 120(3090):31.
Review of Jean Baudrillard's America (1988) and Dick
Hebdige's Hiding in the Light: On Images and Things.
Meehan, Eileen R., Vincent Mosco, and Janet Wasko. "Rethinking Political Economy: Change and Continuity." Journal of Communication (Fall 1993), 43(4):108, 109, 115.
Megill, Allan. "Foucault,
Structuralism and the Ends of History." Journal of Modern
History (September 1979), 51(3):492nn133, 134.
Calls Baudrillard's book on Foucault, "the most recent ultra
criticism," refers to Baudrillard's denial of the radicality of Foucault's
critique and argues that Foucault's notion of power is a structural
Meister, Monika. "Zur Struktur des Unbewussten in der Trivialkomik des Schwankes." Maske und Kothurn (1984), 30(1-2): 228n10.
Mellencamp, Patricia. "Seeing is Believing: Baudrillard and Blau." Theatre Journal (May 1985), 37(2):141-154.
Mellencamp, Patricia. "Situation and Simulation: An Introduction to I Love Lucy." Screen (March-April 1985), 26(2):35-36.
Mello, Hygina Bruzzi de. A Cultura do simulacro. Filosofia e modernidade em J. Baudrillard. Sao Paulo: Ediçoes Loyola, 1988.
Mena, José Lorite. "Objetividad, deso de verdad y hermenéutica." Pensamiento (January-March 1984) 40(157):19.
Ménager. Daniel. "La politique du don dans les derniers chapitres du Gargantua." Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Fall 1978), 8(2):182n18.
Menahem, Georges. "Trois modes
d'organisation domestique selon deux normes familiales font six types de
famille." Population (November-December 1988), 43(6):1018n8,
Refers to Baudrillard's discussion of Modernity where he says that it
is a confused term that globally connotes a historical evolution of a
change in mentality: "car la modernité n'est pas seulement la
realité des bouleversements techniques, scientifiques et
politiques…, c'est aussi le jeu de signes, des moeurs et de culture qui
traduit ces changements de structure au niveaud du rituel et de l'habitus
social." ("Modermité" (1985)).
Mendez Rubio, Antonio. "Hacia
una Teoría Critíca de La Cultura: Toward A Critical Theory
of Culture." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1996, Universitat de Valencia.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (Spring
1998), 59(1C):3-C.
Menéres, Clara "Os Relógios e o Imaginário." Colóquio Artes (December 1983), 25(59):13, 15n14.
Mennell, Stephen. "Theoretical Considerations on the Study of Cultural 'Needs'." Sociology (May 1979), 13(2):255n11.
Merod, Jim. The Political Responsibility of the Critic, pp. 19, 23, 24, 50, 178, 199-201n3, 205n12, 206n23, 247-248n5, 254n12. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987.
Merrin, William. "Uncritical Criticism? Norris, Baudrillard and the Gulf War." Economy and Society (November 1994), 23(4):433-458.
Mesch, Harald. "Zur Ökologischen dimension der Srache." Amerikastudien/American Studies (1987), 32(3):274, 284, 285, 301.
Messmer, Michael W. "Thinking it
Through Completely': The Interpretation of Nuclear Culture."
Centennial Review (Fall 1988), 32(4):400-401.
Discusses the implications of Baudrillard's view of the culture of
simulation and his observation that the American bombardment of Hanoi was
a simulation of an act of war and that the actual nuclear event will not
occur because it already has occurred.
Mestrovic, Stjepan G. The Barbarian Temperament: Towards a Postmodern Critical Theory, pp. x, xii, xiv, 1-5, 13-14, 16-18, 20-21, 26, 52, 61-62, 65, 68-72, 74-77, 81, 83, 95, 89, 91, 100-109, 110-112, 114-116, 141-142, 152, 188-189, 193, 201, 208, 275, 278, 290n3, 291n8, 292n7, 298. London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
Mestrovic, Stjepan G. and Julian Cowley. "The Eternal Centre/The Final Zero: The Fiction of Thomas
Pynchon." Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-American Letters
(1989), (19(1):4-5, 9.
Summarizes and quotes Baudrillard's views on the space race and the
nuclear race as part of an implosive process.
Meuris, Jacques. "Primitive Art
and the Western Mind -- An Interpretive Essay." Cultures
(1977), 4(3):73-74, 75.
Translated by Lois Grjebine.
Meyer-Drawe, Käte. "Und noch animal: 'Ob computer denken können?'" Deutsche Zeitschtift für Philosophie (1993), 41(4):685, 690.
Mezey, Nancy "The Distribution of Wealth, Sovereignity, and Culture Through Indian Gaming." Stanford Law Review (February 1996), 48(3):724.
Mezirow, Jack. "Contemporary Paradigms of Learning." Adult Education Quarterly (Spring 1966), 46(3):161, 171.
Baudrillard and others are part of the the Interpretist Paradigm that critiques the Objectivist Paradigm of Rationalism and are concerned about the corrosive commodification of the culture.
Michael, Mike. "Discourse and Uncertainty: Postmodern Variations." Theory & Psychology (August 1994), 4(3):393, 396, 397, 400-401.
Michael, Mike. Review of John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, eds. Texts of Identity. British Journal of Social Psychology (September 1989), 28(3):287, 288.
Michael, Mike. "Some Postmodern Reflections on Social Psychology." Theory & Psychology (May 1991), 1(2):218, 219.
Michael, Mike and Arthur Still. "A Resource for Resistance: Power-Knowledge and Affordance." Theory and Society (December 1992), 21(6):874, 886n29.
Michaels, Eric. "Constraints on Knowledge in an Economy of Oral Information." Current Anthropology (August-October 1985), 26(4):509, 510.
The question of the inadequacies of materialist analyses of society and history to the crisis of the contemporary has been posed most eloquently in sociology by Baudrillard.
Miklitsch, Robert. "The Commodity-Body-Sign: Toward a General Economy of 'Commodity Fetishism'."
Cultural Critique
(Spring 1996), 33:5-40.
Miklitsch, Robert. From Hegel to Madonna:
Towards a General Economy of "Commodity Fetishism." SUNY Series in
Postmodern Culture. Albany : State University of New York Press,
Especially Part Two: The Commodity-Body-Sign, pp. 61-95.
Milberg, William. "Natural Order and Postmodernism in Economic Thought." Social Research (Summer 1993), 60(2):272-273.
Miles, Jack. "Frontier Spirit." Los Angeles Times Book Review (March 7, 1993):12.
Miller, David James. "Translator's Note " Canadian Journal of Political and
Social Theory/Revue Canadienne de Théorie Politique et
Sociale (1987), 11(3):57-58.
Note to Jean Baudrillard's "When Bataille
Attacked the Metaphysical Principle of Economy" (1987) in the same
Miles, Steven. "The Cultural Capital of Consumption: Understanding Postmodern Identities in a Cultural Context." Culture & Psychology (June 1996), 2:144, 156.
Milovanovic, Dragon. "Juridico-Linguistic Communicative Markets: Towards a Semiotic
Analysis." Contemporary Crises (1987), 10(3):285, 297n1,
299nn26, 27.
Baudrillard argues that economic privilege is consecrated into a
semiotic privilege and it is important to analyze the mastery of the
process of signification. Refers also to Baudrillard's analysis of revolts
and his view that it is no longer acceptable to attack systems of
exploitation alone, but that one must also attack the imposition of the
linguistic code.
Milovanovic, Dragon and Stuart Henry. "Constitutive Penology." Social Justice: A Journal of Crime Conflict and World Order (Fall 1991), 18(3):204.
Minganti, Franco. "Verso il West." Paragone (December 1983) 34(406):79.
Minh-ha, Trinh T. "If Upon
Leaving What We Have to Say We Speak: A Conversation Piece." In Russell
Ferguson, William Olander, Marcia Tucker and Karen Fiss, eds.,
Discourses: Conversations in Postmodern Art and Culture, p.
45. New York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art; Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press, 1990.
Others participating in the conversation are Laleen Jayamanne and
Leslie Thornton.
Mitchell, William E. "The Defeat of Hierarchy: Gambling as Exchange in a Sepik Society." American Ethnologist (November 1988) 15(4):653n41, 654.
Mollard, Claude. "Le second souffle du Centre Pompidou." Futuribles (September-October 1978), 17:643.
Mollenhauer, Klaus. "Korrekturen am Bildungsbegriff?" Zeitschrift für Padagogik (February 1987), 33(1):17, 19.
Part of a section of the journal with the theme "Pädagogik und Postmoderne."
Moncagatta, Maurizio. "La morte per gioco. Barocco e reversibilità simbolica." Critica Letteraria (1986), 14(4):768n11, 770n19, 782n45.
Mongin, Olivier. "Déclin de la culture et rhétoriques du déclin." Esprit (November 1987), 11:61n1.
Mongin, Olivier. "Sauvages, a jamais …." Esprit (May 1976), 5:1004.
Montgomery, Scott L. "The Cult of Jargon: Reflections on Language in Science." Science as Culture (1989), 6:49, 76.
Moon, Bruce. "Paradigms in Migration Research: Exploring 'Moorings' as a Schema." Progress in Human Geography (December 1995), 19(4):511, 521.
Moonen, José. "Jean Baudrillard, socioloog zonder distantie." Krisis (1986), 6(2):89-94.
Moraru, Christian. "'The Collapse of Distance': Lyotard, Baudrillard, and the Rhetoric of Disenchantment." Euresis: Cahiers Roumains d'Études Littéraires [Bucharest] (1995), 1-2:63-76.
Morawe, Bodo. "List und Gegenlist. Heinrich Heine als politischer Schriftsteller." Euphorion: Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte (1988), 82(3):307-308n70.
Morawski, Stefan. "Michael Lowy and Jean Baudrillard as Two Specimens of Philosophically Minded
Sociology." Polish Sociological Bulletin (1989), 3-4(87-88):109-113.
Morello, Gabriele. "The Hidden
Dimensions of Marketing." Journal of the Market Research
Society (October 1993), 35(4):311, 312.
Quotes Baudrillard on obscenity.
Morgan, Robert C. "The Icon
Without the Image." Art Criticism (1988), 4(2):25n7.
Says that in an era of hyperreality in which the image-glut has
virtually erased any viable connection with history, it is questionable as
to what form of representation should receive more attention than
Morgan, Robert C. "The Spectrum
of Object-Representation." Arts Magazine (October 1988),
63(2):78, 80n3.
Recent works by Haim Steinbach and Eric Fischl use objects as entropic
signs with social and psychological effects, as signs without referents.
The condition of the hyperreal is only possible within an advanced
capitalist sysytem.
Moriarty, Sandra E. "Abduction: A Theory of Visual Interpretation." Communication Theory (May 1996), 6(2):186.
Morot- Sir, Édouard. "Texte, référence et déictique." Texte:
Revue de Critique et de Théorie Littéraire (1982),
1:138, 141nn41-44.
This issue is on "L'Autoreprésentation: Le Texte et ses
Morris, Meghan. "Asleep at the
wheel?" New Statesman (June 26, 1987), 113(2935):28-29.
Review of Jean Baudrillard's America (1990).
Morris, Meaghan. "Banality in Cultural Studies." Discourse (Spring-Summer 1988), 10(2):3-29.
Meagan, Morris. "Room 101 or A Few Things Worst in the World." In André Frankovits, ed., Seduced and Abandoned: The Baudrillard Scene, pp. 91-117. Semiotext(e). Autonomedia. Glebe, NSW, Australia & New York: Stonemoss Services & Semiotexte(e), 1984.
Morris, Meaghan. "Things to Do with Shopping Centres." In Simon During, ed., The Cultural Studies Reader, p. 315. London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
Mortensen, Nils. "Knowledge Problems in the Sociology of the 80s." Acta Sociologica (1986). 29(4):334, 336.
Translation by Karin Thrysoe.
Moseley, K.P. and Immanuel Wallerstein. "Precapitalist Social Structures." Annual Review of Sociology (1978), 4:270n3, 285.
Moss, Donald. "On Situating the Object: Thoughts on the Maternal Function, Modernism and Postmodernism." American Imago (Winter 1989), 46(4):366-369.
Mourrain, Jacques. "The
Homogenization of America." Review of Jean Baudrillard's
Amérique (1986) and America (1989).
Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory/Revue Canadienne de
Théorie Politique et Sociale (1990), 14(1-3):120-125.
Part of a special section entitled "America's Baudrillard: The Politics
of Simulation."
Mouzelis, Nicos. "The Poverty of Sociological Theory." Sociology (November 1993), 27(4):687, 693.
Muecke, Stephen. "Outback." Enviornment and Planning D: Society and Space (Augsut 1996), 14(4):414, 419.
Muehsam, Mitchell J. and Peter E. Tarlow. "Involving the Police in Tourism." Tourism Management (February 1995), 16(1):13, 14n13.
Müller, Jürgen E. "Social Knowledge, Television and Reception Process: The French TV-Film Les Liaisons Dangereuses in the Perspective of the Theory of Function. "New Orleans Review (Winter 1987), 14(4):75-76.
Mullen, Bill. "No There There: Cultural Criticism as Lost Object in Don DeLillo's Players and Running Dog." In Ricardo Miguel Alfonso, ed., Powerless Fictions? Ethics, Cultural Critique, and American Fiction in the Age of Postmodernism, pp. 113, 114, 138n1. Postmodern Studies, 17. Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi, 1996.
Mullen, Bill V. "Wired: Power,
Paranoia and Representation in the Novels of Don DeLillo." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1990, City University of New York.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May
1991), 51(11A):3745-A.
Müller, Roswitha. "Baudrillard's Requiem for the Dialectic." Brecht Yearbook (1993), 18:139-151.
Mulvey, Laura. "A
Phantasmagoria of the Female Body: The Work of Cindy Sherman." New
Left Review (July-August 1991), 188:149-150.
Quotes Baudriilard on the origin of the word "fetish" and observes that
this suggests that the etymology from the artificial to the cosmetic
implies a homology between the fetishized figure of bodily beauty and the
fetishism of the commodity.
Mumby, Dennis K. "Modernism,
Postmodernism, and Communication Studies: A Rereading of an Ongoing
Debate." Communication Theory (February 1997), 7(1):24.
In the postmodern epoch the signifier is more real than the signified,
the simulacrum has replaced that which it simulates.
Münch, Richard. "American and European Social Theory: Cultural Identities and Social Form of Theory Production." Sociological Perspectives (Fall 1991), 34(3):323, 330.
Munson, Melanie Ann and Raymond L. Schmitt. "Triggering and Interpreting Past Drug-Related Frames: An
Insider's View of Treatment Modality at an Adolescent Drug-Treatment
Facility." Studies in Symbolic Interaction (1996), 20:66,
The world of signs does become more real than the real.
Munt, Ian. "The 'Other'
Postmodern Tourism: Culture, Travel and the New Middle Classes."
Theory, Culture and Society (August 1994), 11(3):101, 119,
The author, "exiting from the Baudrillardesque control screen and its
hyper-postmodern setting," and without challenging this post-tourism,
tries to explore the 'Other' possibilities of tourism in the writings of
Erik Cohen, Dean MacCannell, and John Urry. Do these writings represent a
postmodernism of resistance or a new attempt by the middle class to
maintain social distinction and differentiation by their new forms of
travel, particularly to Third Word destinations?
Muray, Philippe. "Socialisme: la fin du 'silence des intellectuelles': Jean Baudrillard: plus de pitié pour la gauche fantôme." Figaro Magazine (March 2-8, 1985), 283:57.
Murdoch Jonathan and Andy C. Pratt. "Rural Studies: Modernism, Postmodernism and the 'Post-rural'."
Journal of Rural Studies (October 1993), 9(4):412, 425.
Quotes Baudrillard that culture triumphs by saturating social relations
with cultural signs signifying the "end of the social."
Murphy, John W. and John T. Pardeck. "Dehumanization, Computers and Clinical-Practice." Journal
of Social Behavior and Personality (1988), 3(1): 110, 115.
Computer use convinces people that only the digital has validity,
according to Baudrillard.
Murphy, Ronalda. "Postmodern Pride: Mary Joe Frug's Manifesto." Review of Mary Joe Frug's Postmodern Legal Feminism. Law and Social Inquiry: Journal of the American Bar Foundation (1994), 19(4):1087.
Murray, Patrick and Jeanne A. Schuler. "Post-marxism in a French Context." History of European
Ideas (1988), 9(3):324-327, 332nn4-16, 19, 20, 333n32.
A section is entitled "Jean Baudrillard."
Mutman, Mahmut. "Under the Sign of Orientalism: The West vs Islam." Cultural Critique (Winter 1992-93), 23:194-195n20, 195n33, 195-196.
Myerson, George. Review of Don Cupitt's After God: The Future of Religion. History of the Human Sciences (August 1998), 11(3):136.