Eddie Yeghiayan
Lackey, Chad. "Social Science Fiction: Writing Sociological Short Stories to Learn about Social Issues." Teaching Sociology (April 1994), 22(2):172, 173.
Lackey, Kris. "A Hammock of Supreme Indifference: Highway Consciousness." In his RoadFrames: The American Highway Narrative, pp. 70-79. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1997.
Laermans, Rudi. "Learning to Consume: Early Department Stores and the Shaping of the Modern Consumer Culture (1860-1914)." Theory, Culture & Society (November 1993), 10(4):82, 94, 101.
Lafargue, Bernard. "L'air si las des 'predicateurs de la mort' (de l'art)." Art Press (June 1997), 225:78-80.
Laflamme, Simon. "Différence et similitude: le marché du travail dans l'esprit des adolescents et des adolescentes." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie et d' Anthropologie (May 1990), 27(2):237n8, 238.
Lagopouloulos, A.P. "Postmodernism, Geography, and the Social Semiotics of Space."
Enviornmental and Planning D: Society and Space (June
1993), 11(3):276, 277.
Attributes the following views to Baudrillard: the existence of objects
is a cultural myth; the separartion between signs and reality is literally
a science fiction; the reality referred to by a sign is only an effect of
signification; referents, real objects, belong to lived experience;
obejctivity is a matter of consesnus; objects are symbolic and are
consitituted as commodities by signs; it is meaning as a system of
communication that presides over social exchanges; the theory of these
symbolic exchanges constitutes the political economy of the sign.
Lambropoulos, Vassilis. "Modern Greek Studies at the Crossroads: The Paradigm Shift from Empiricism to Skepticism." Journal of Modern Greek Studies (May 1989), 7(1):24n21, 26.
Lamizet, Bernard. "La
Sémiotique et les communications de masse: problèmes
théoriques." International Journal of the Sociology of
Language (1983), 40:12, 27.
The issue is on Language and Mass Media.
Landon, Brooks. "In Response to
Jean Baudrillard: Responding to the Killer B's." Science-Fiction
Studies (November 1991), 18(3) [55]:326-327.
See Baudrillard's "Two Essays: 1. Simulacra and Science Fiction. 2.
Ballard's Crash" (1990).
Lange-Churion, Pedro. "La
Escritura de lo Extrano y el Itinerario del Deseo en la Narrativa de
Felisberto Hernandez." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1994, University of
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (August
1995), 56(2A):566-A.
Langford, Jean. "Ayurvedic Interiors: Person, Space and Episteme in Three Medical Practices." Cultural Anthropology (August 1995), 10(3):359, 364.
Lansing, Gerrit. "Production as Metaphor, and 'Nature' in Baudrillard's Mirror." Open Letter (Winter 1982), 5(1):87-89.
Lardeau, Yann. "'Variety' de Bette Gordon." Cahiers du Cinéma (Summer 1984), 360-361:87n1.
Larner, Glenn. "The Real as
Illusion: Deconstructing Power in Family Therapy." Journal of
Family Therapy (May 1995), 17(2):204, 214.
Mentions Baudrillard's detection of the nostalgia for theory in
Foucault's use of the terms "social relations" and "power."
Larochelle, Gilbert. "Theories of Post-Modernity and the Rhetorical Turn in the Social Sciences." Epistemologia [Genova] (January-June 1993), 16(1):3, 6, 7, 8, 13-14, 16, 28, 30n5, 33n19, 33.
Larrain, Jorge. "The Postmodern
Critique of Ideology." Sociological Review (May 1994),
A section is entitled "Baudrillard: from ideology to hypereality."
Relates the work of Foucault with that of Baudrillard and Lyotard with
regard to the concept of ideology and their view that we need to abandon
it. Argues that they all nevertheless end up re-introducing it through
the back door.
Larrain, Jorge. "Stuart Hall
and the Marxist Concept of Ideology." Theory, Culture & Society
(November 1991), 8(4):19, 20, 26.
Argues that Baudrillard ends up by re-introducing a universal but even
more arbitrary critical concept of ideology through the back door.
Larsen, Svend Erik. "La structure productrice du mot d'esprit et de la semiosis. Essai sur Freud et Peirce." Degrés (Spring 1980), 21:d2, d17.
Lash, Scott. "Dead Symbols: An
Introduction." Theory, Culture and Society (November 1995),
Says that Baudrillard's book Symbolic Exchange and Death
(1994) is his most serious book, his masterpiece, the work published in
French in 1976, that Baudrillard claims sets the paradigm for most of his
work from Seduction to The Illusion of the End
and The Perfect Crime.
Laster, Kathy and Pat O'Malley. "Sensitive New Age Laws: The Reassertion of Emotionality in Law." International Journal of the Sociology of Law (March 1996), 24(1):22, 38.
Lategola, A.R. "Panic in the
Academic Ghetto: The Collision of Postmodernity, Urban Sociology and My
MA." Feminism & Psychology (June 1992), 2(2):206,
Quotes from Baudrillard's America (1988): "As soon as you
start walking in Los Angeles, you are a threat to public order, like a dog
wandering in the road."
Lather, Patti. "Fertile Obsession: Validity After Poststructuralism." Sociological Quarterly (November 1993), 34(4):677, 682, 689.
Laurent, Gilles and Jean-Noël Kapferer. "Measuring Consumer Involvement Profiles." Journal
of Marketing Research (February 1985), 22(1):42, 52.
Quotes Baudrillard that "there is involvement only when there is
Lawrence, Mark. "Rural
Homelessness: A Geography Without a Geography." Journal of Rural
Studies (July 1995), 11(3):304, 306.
Discusses the implosion of meaning regarding the homeless, wherein the
signs by which we seek to make sense of reality are utilized in so many
novel ways as to lose track of any stable referent.
Lears, T. J. Jackson. "The Concept of Cultural Hegemony: Problems and Possibilities." American Historical Review (June 1985), 90(3):592n59.
Lears, T.J. Jackson. "The Two Richard Sennetts." Journal of American Studies (April 1985), 19(1):88.
Leavitt, Robin Lynn and Martha Bauman Power. "Emotional Socialization in the Postmodern Era: Children
in Day Care." Social Psychology Quarterly (March1989), 52(1):
36, 43.
Although simulations were in the past thought to be reproductions of
reality, Baudrillard views them as only perpetual simulations of
Le Breton, David. "Philip K. Dick: Un contrebandier de la science-fiction." Esprit (October 1988), 10:81, 82n4.
Le Huenen, Roland and Paul Perron . "Le Système des objets dans Eugénie
Grandet." Littérature (May 1977), 26:96.
This issue is entitled "Imaginaire et idéologique : Questions
de lecture."
Le Pogam, Yves. "Imaginaire sportif et fantasme de la performativité." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (January-June 1995), 98:25, 28.
Lechte, John. "Kristeva's Soleil noir and Postmodernity." Cultural Critique (Spring 1991), 18:97-121.
Lee, Nick and Steve Brown. "Otherness and the Actor Network: The Undiscovered Continent." American Behavioral Scientist (May 1994), 37(6):781, 788.
Lee, Raymond. "The Tao of Exchange: Ideology and Cosmology of Baudrillard's Fatalism." Thesis Eleven (February 1998), 52:53-67.
Lee, Raymond L.M. "In the
Shadow of Reason: From Weber's Elective Affinity to Baudrillard's
Fatalism." Economy and Society (November 1994),
Weber and Baudrillard seen in the light of the influence of chance on
social outcomes.
Lee, Raymond L.M. "Modernity, Ant-Modernity and Post-Modernity in Malasia." International Sociology (June 1992), 7(2):153-171.
Lees, L. "In the Pursuit of
Difference: Representations of Gentrification." Environment and
Planning A (March 1996), 28(3):455, 467.
The author says that for Baudrillard all representation is mediated by
language, making it linguistically reflective rather than reality related,
but the author would argue that although representations are only partial
truths, they are to a degree reality related.
Lees, Loretta. "Rethinking
Gentrification: Beyond the Positions of Economics or Culture."
Progress in Human Geography (June 1994), 18(2):145, 148.
Cites Baudrillard for the view that the ambiguity encompassed in the
identity of the new middle class (as both exploiter and exploited) stems
from the conflict found in their act of demarcating or differentiating
themselves from other classes.
Leeson, Evan Andrew. "The Politics of Style: Baudrillard, Metatheory, Autodestruction." M.A. Thesis, 1993, University of Victoria.Abstract in Masters Abstract International (1994), 32(3):849.
Lefebvre, Henri. "La Re-Production des rapports de production." L'Homme et la Société, (January-March 1972), 23:3-21.
Lefèbrve, Patrick. "Les Baudrillards des familles." Nouvelle Revue de Paris (September 1987), 11:147-154.
Lefort, B. "L'Emploi des outils au cours de taches d'entretien et la loi de Zipf-Mandelbrot." Le Travail Humain (1982), 45(2): 314, 315.
Legendre, Bernard. "Du bon usage de l'économie: changer la culture et la politique.". Esprit (September 1978), 9:131n10.
Legros, Denis. "Role d'un procédé de dramatisation sur la mémorisation d'un récit." L'Année Psychologique (June 1988), 88(2):197-198, 212.
Lehmann, Hans-Thies. "Das Ende der Macht--Auf dem Theater: Heiner Müllers 'Macbeth'--Text 1972: Inszenierung 1982." Theater Heute (December 1982), 12: 22, 24.
Lehmann, Hans-Thies. "Das Entgleiten der Geschichte in der Dramatik Heiner Müllers und im französischen Postrukturalismus." Text + Kritik (1982), 73:80, 81n26.
Leitch, Vincent B. Cultural Criticism, Literary Theory, Poststructuralism, pp. 129, 152, 153, 160, 173 New York: Columbia University Press, 1992.
Leitch, Vincent B. Deconstructive Criticism: An Advanced Introduction, p. 279n13. New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
Leitch, Vincent B. Postmodernism -- Local Effects, Global Flows, pp. 5, 7, 14-15, 118, 123, 161nn9, 10, 11, 12, 171n4. SUNY Series in Postmodern Culture. Albany: State University of NewYork Press, 1996.
Lemieux, Madeleine and Georges Bordage. "Propositional Versus Structural Semantic Analyses of Medical Diagnostic Thinking." Cognitive Science (April-June 1992), 16(2):192, 203.
Lennox, Sara. "Women in
Brecht's Works." New German Critique (Spring 1978),
Mentions Baudrillard's view that Marxism has too readily accepted the
categories of the very system it wishes to overthrow, thus thwarting its
own impulses towards liberation.
Lenzen, Dieter. "Myhtos,
Metapher und Simulation. Zu den Aussichten Systematischer Pädagogik
in der Postmoderne." Zeitschrift für Padagogik (February
1987), 33(1): 50, 54, 59.
Part of a section of the journal with the theme "Pädagogik und
Leonard, Jerry D. "Reducing Spivak: Marxism, Deconstruction and the Post-Theoretical Mystique." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1996, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1997), 57(12A):5182-A.
Leonini, Luisa. "A che servono le cose? A proposito di due recenti contributi sui consumi." Quaderni di Sociologia (March 1981), 29(1):168, 170, 171.
Leppert, Richard and Bruce Lincoln."Introduction." Cultural Critique (Spring 1989), 12:10n9.
Introduction to Special Issue: "Discursive Strategies and the Economy of Prestige."
Leroy, Claude. "Eros palimpseste." Revue des Sciences Humaines (1984), 193:180, 193.
Levin, Charles. "Baudrillard,
Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis." Canadian Journal of Political
and Social Theory/Revue Canadienne de Théorie Politique et
Sociale (1991), 15(1-3):170-187.
Part of a special section on Baudrillard entitled "Power and
Levin, Charles. "Introduction to Baudrillard." In John Fekete, ed., The Structuralist Allegory: Reconstructive Encounters with the New French Thought, pp. 46-53. Theory and History of Literature, 11. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.
Levin, Charles. Jean Baudrillard: A Study in Cultural Metaphysics. Modern Cultural Theorists. London & New York: Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1996.
Levin, Charles. "Shadow and Substance: A Study of Jean Baudrillard and the Collapse of Critical Theory."
M.A. Thesis, McGill University, 1981. Ottowa: National Library of Ottawa, 1983.
Levin, Charles. "Time and Postmodernism: A Capsule." Communication (1988), 10(3-4):313, 314, 315, 321-324, 329.
Leys, Colin. "Still a Question
of Hegemony. " New Left Review (May-June 1990),
Quotes Baudrillard on opinion polls and the radical uncertainty they
create as to our own opinion since they do not act in the time-space of
will and representation where judgment is formed.
Liberman, Kenneth. "Asian
Student Perspectives on American University Instruction."
International Journal of Intercultural Relations (Spring
1994), 18(2):190, 191.
In America, individualism is a simulation of individualism and an
imitation of what is depicted in the mass-media.
Light, Jennifer S. "Developing the Virtual Landscape." Enviornment and Planning D: Society & Space (April 1996), 14(2):128, 131.
Light, Steve. "Une ou deux choses à propos de
Baudrillard." Philosophiques: Revue de la Société du
Québec (Spring 1995), 12(1):65-68.
Translated by Gilles Saint-Louis.
Lin, Jan. "Ethnic Places, Postmodernism, and Urban Change in Houston." Sociological Quarterly (Fall 1995), 36(4):645n17, 646.
Linhart, Danièle. "Crise et travail." Les Temps Modernes (January 1984), 40(450):1295n9.
Linker, Kate. "From Imitation to the Copy to Just Effect: On Reading Jean Baudrillard." Artforum (April 1984), 22(8):44-47.
Linker, Kate. "On Richard Prince's Photographs." Arts Magazine (November 1982), 57(3):121, 122n2.
Baudrillard, from the vantage of post-industrial, mediatric society, describes a universe characterized by simulation rather than representation; signs substitute for reality; a world of artifice and technological seduction; simulation consisting of the generation of a hyperreality - a real without origin or reality.
Linstead, Stephen. "From Postmodern Anthropology to Deconstructive Ethnography." Human Relations (January 1993), 46(1):114, 117.
Linstead, Stephen and R. Grafton-Small. "On Reading Organizational Culture." Organization Studies (1992), 13(3):347, 351.
Lipard, Lucy R. The Lure of the Local: Senses of Place in a Multicentered Society, pp. 114, 299. New York: New Press, 1997.
Lipovetsky, Gilles. "Fragments énergétiques à propos du capitalisme." Review of Jean Baudrillard's Pour une Critique de l'économie politique du signe (1972) and Le Miroir de la production (1975). Critique (April 1975), 31(335):379-394.
Lisus, Nicola A. and Richard V. Erickson. "Misplacing Memory: The Effect of Television Format on Holocaust Remembrance." British Journal of Sociology (March 1995), 46(1):15, 19.
Little, Kenneth. "Masochism, Spectacle and the 'Broken Mirror' Clown Entrée: A Note on the Anthropology of Performance in Postmodern Culture." Cultural Anthropology (February 1993), 8(1):120, 127.
Littlejohn, David. "Who is Jeff
Koons and Why are People Saying Such Terrible Things about Him?"
ARTnews (April 1993),
Koons demonstrates Baudrillard's concept of the
Liu, Andrea Pavageau. "The
Middle Ages Revisited: Subjectivity, Desire, and Transgression in Four
Contemporary Novels of the Iberian Peninsula." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1994,
University of Iowa.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1995), 56(4A):1382-A.
Livingstone, Sonia M. and Peter K. Lunt. "Predicting Personal Debt and Debt Repayment: Psychological, Social and Economic Determinants." Journal of Economic Psychology (March 1992), 13(1):113, 133.
Ljunggren, Carsten. "Education, Media and Democracy: On Communication and the Nature of the Public in the Light of John Dewey, Walter Lippmann and the Discussion of Modernity." Journal of Curriculum Studies (January-February 1996), 28(1):74, 88n2, 89
Long, Timothy. "Art and Moral Resistance to Simulation." Art Criticism (1989), 5(3):65-80.
Lorentzen, Justin J. "Reich Dreams: Ritual Horror and Armoured Bodies." In Chris Jenks, ed., Visual Culture, pp. 165-166, 167, 168, 169n8, 14. London & New York: Routledge, 1995.
Loselle, Andrea N. "Traveling
in the Work of Louis-Ferdinand Celine." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1990, Columbia
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1992), 52(4A):1352-A.
Loshitzky, Yosefa. "The Intifada as a Meta-Televisual Dialogue." Media, Culture & Society (October 1991), 13(4):558, 570.
Loshitzky, Yosefa. "Inverting Images of the 40s: The Berlin Wall and Collective Amnesia." Journal of Communication (Spring 1995), 45(2):105.
Lotringer, Sylvère. "Hyperreal." In William Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 38-42. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Louis, Michel. "Sur la consommation -- consumation? --en Martinique." Les Temps Modernes (April-May 1983), 39(441-442):1894, 1902.
Lüdeking, Karlheinz. "Bild und Gebärde. Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophie des Ausdrucks." Neue Rundschau (1988), 99(3):135n51.
Luke, Allan. "Text and Discourse in Education: An Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis." Review of Research in Education (1995-96), 21:41.
Luke, Carmen. "Childhood and Parenting in Popular Culture." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology (November 1994), 30(3):291, 301.
Luke, Timothy W. "Aesthetic Production and Cultural Politics: Baudrillard and Contemporary Art." In Douglas M. Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 209-226. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Luke, Timothy W. "Discourses of
Disintegration, Texts of Transformation: Re-Reading Realism in the New
World Order." Alternatives (Spring 1993), 18(2):238-239,
244-245, 246-247, 257nn21, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45-49.
Applies Baudrillard's idea of the precession of the simulacra and
observes that fantasy exists to induce belief in the hyperreality as
Luke, Timothy W. "Liberal Society and Cyborg Subjectivity: The Politics of Environments, Bodies, and Nature." Alternatives (January-March 1996), 21(1):14-15, 30nn31, 32, 33.
Luke, Timothy W. "Placing Power/Siting Space: The Politics of Global and Local in the New World Order." Enviornment and Planning D: Society and Space (October 1994), 12(5):617, 618, 627.
Luke, Timothy W. "Power and
Politics in Hyperreality: The Critical Project of Jean Baudrillard."
Social Science Journal (1991), 28(3):347-367.
Baudrillard's notion of hyperreality (the fabricated system of meaning)
limits human participation in the world to the role of consumer and
respondent rather than producer or initiator.
Luke,Timothy W. "Social Ecology
as Critical Political Economy." Social Science Journal
(1987), 24(3):314n1, 315.
Cites Baudrillard's critique of consumerism.
Lungstrum, Janet and Elizabeth Sauer. "Creative Agonistics: An Introduction." In Janet Lungstrum and Elizabeth Sauer, eds., Agonistics: Arenas of Creative Contest, pp. 1-2, 3, 24, 28nn4, 5. SUNY Series: The Margins of Literature. Albany: State University of New York Press 1997.
Lunt, Peter K. and Sonia M. Livingstone. "Everyday Explanations for Personal Debt: A Network Approach." British Journal of Social Psychology (December 1991), 30(4):319, 322
Lyon, David. "The New Surveillance: Electronic Technologies and the Maximum Security Society."
Crime, Law and Socia Change
(September 1992), 18(1-2):175n59.
Lyon, David. "An Electronic Panopticon? A Sociological Critique of Surveillance Theory." Sociological Review (November 1993), 41(4):669, 676.
Lyotard, Jean-François.
Libidinal Economy, pp. 84, 96-99, 101-102, 105, 111-112,
115-116, 117, 119-121, 124, 128, 141, 246, 266nn6-10. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press, 1993.
Translation by Iain Hamilton Grant of Économie
Lyotard, Jean-François. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, p. 55n. Theory and History of Literature, 10. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.