Eddie Yeghiayan
Kain, Philip J. "Modern Feminism and Marx." Studies in Soviet Thought (November 1992), 44(3):160, 188n1.
Kaiser, Susan B., Richard H. Nagasawa, and Sandra S. Hutton. "Fashion, Postmodernity and Personal Appearance: A Symbolic Interactionist Formulation." Symbolic Interaction (Summer 1991), 14(2):168, 170, 173-174, 177, 179, 182nn5, 6, 185.
Kaiser, Timothy." The Antiquities Market. "Journal of Field Archaeology (Summer1990), 17(2):209, 210.
Kamuf, Peggy. "Penelope at Work
-- Interruptions in A Room of One's Own." Novel
(Fall 1982), 16(1):13n9.
Refers to Baudrillard's point that resistance has a rather unexplained
status in Foucault's discourse.
Kaplan, E. Ann. "Motherhood and
Representation: From Post World-War-II Freudian Figurations to
Postmodernism. " Minnesota Review (Fall 1987), 29:
Speculates whether Baudrillard is right (or right by the year 2000)
when he says:
" Faustian, Promethean (perhaps Oedipal) period of production and
consumption has given way to the narcissistic and protean era of
connections, contact, contiguity, feedback and generalized interface that
goes with the universe of communication."
Kaplan, E. Ann. "Sex, Work and
Motherhood: The Impossible Triangle." Journal of Sex Research
(August 1990), 27(3):425.
Olivia Butler's postmodern fiction Dawn envisions a world
like that of Baudrillard where the Faustian and Oedipal scenario has been
replaced by the ecstasy of communication.
Kaplan, E. Ann. "Sexual
Difference, Pleasure and the Construction of the Spectator in
Music-Television." Oxford Literary Review (1986), 8(1-2):121,
Much of what Baudrillard says about the absence of any distinction
between public and private space applies to MTV. But doesn't think that we
have yet arrived at what Baudrillard calls the new "cold universe."
This issue is entitled "Sexual Difference."
Kaplan, Leonard V. "Unhappy
Pierre: Foucault's Parricide and Human Responsibility." Northwestern
University Law Review (Fall 1988-Winter 1989), 83(1-2): 351,
Issue is on "Law and Social Theory."
Kariel, Henry S. "The Feminist Subject Spinning in the Postmodern Project." Political Theory (May 1990), 18(2):255.
Kay, Lily E. "Who Wrote the
Book of Life? Information and the Transformation of Molecular Biology."
Science in Context (Winter 1995), 8(4):610, 630.
Marshall McLuhan pondered the social ramifications of an emergent
"global village" where communications were unconstrained by space or time;
his concerns were later elaborated by Baudrillard's critique of simulation
and hyperreality.
Keane, John. "Citizenship and
the Freedom of the Media." Political Quarterly
(July-September 1989), 60(3): 296.
In a fully democratic system of communications, as highligted by
Baudrillard, there would be information overload and citizens would become
trapped in a never-ending blizzard of information without the time to
digest it.
Keane, John. "On Turning Theory
Against Itself." Theory and Society (Winter 1977),
4(4):566, 572n10.
Cites Baudrillard's objections to Maurice Godelier's project of a
Marxist anthropology.
Keane, Webb. "The Value of Words and the Meaning of Things in Eastern Indonesian Exchange." Man (September 1994), 29(3):608, 627.
Kellner, Douglas M. ed. Baudrillard: A Critical Reader. Cambridge, Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
Kellner, Douglas. "Baudrillard, Semiurgy and Death." Theory, Culture & Society (February 1987), 4(1):125-146.
Kellner, Douglas. "Boundaries and Borderlines: Reflections on Jean Baudrillard and Critical Theory." Current Perspectives in Social Theory (1989), 9:5-22.
Kellner, Douglas. "Critical
Theory Today: Revisiting the Classics." Theory, Culture &
Society (May 1993), 10(2):45, 58, 59.
Argues that postmodern theorists (Baudrillard, Lyotard, Derrida) have
yielded little in the way of substantive social theory and that
Baudrillard and Lyotard who reject macrotheory and political economy, or
wallow in implosion, fragmentation, irony and nihilism, lack the
theoretical resources to develop a critical theory of contemporary
Part of a special section on Critical Theory.
Kellner, Douglas. "Introduction: Jameson, Marxism, and Postmodernism." In Douglas Kellner, ed., Postmodernism/Jameson/Critique, pp. 22, 24, 29, 36. PostModernPositions, 4. Washington, D.C. : Maisonneuve Press, 1989.
Kellner, Douglas. Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism to Postmodernism and Beyond. Key Contemporary Thinkers. Stanford: Stanford University Press; Cambridge: Polity Press, 1989.
Kellner, Douglas. "No Respect? Disciplinarity and Media Studies in Communication vs. Cultural Studies: Overcoming the Divide." Communication Theory (May 1995), 5(2):176nn7, 11.
Kellner, Douglas. "Postmodernism as Social Theory: Some Challenges and Projects."
Theory, Culture and Society (June 1988), 5(2-3):240-241,
242-248, 249, 256-257, 258, 262, 265, 266, 268.
A section is entitled "Baudrillard, Postmodernism and the End of the
Kellner, Douglas. "Resurrecting McCluhan? Jean Baudrillard and the Academy of Postmodernism." In Marc Raboy and Peter A. Bruck, eds., Communication For and Against Democracy, pp. 131-146. Montreal & New York: Black Rose Books, 1989.
Papers presented at the conference of the Union for Democratic Communications held in Ottawa in 1988.
Kellner, Douglas. "Sports, Media Culture and Race: Some Reflections on Michael Jordan." Sociology of Sport Journal (1996), 13(4):466, 467n3.
Kelly, John D. "Fiji Indians and 'Commoditization of Labor'." American Ethnologist (February 1992), 19(1):116n1, 117n6,118.
Kelly, Robert F. "Culture as Commodity: The Marketing of Cultural Objects and Cultural Experiences." Advances in Consumer Research (1987), 14:350.
Kemeny, Annemarie. "S(T)Imulating Subjects: The Mechanization of the Body in Postmodern Discourse." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1993, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (November 1993), 54(5A):1805-A.
Kemple, Thomas M. "Ruptures in
Reason: Melodrama, the Market, and Marx's Grundrisse." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1992, York University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(September 1993), 54(3A):1117-A.
Kennedy, David. "'Poor Simulacra': Images of Hunger, the Politics of Aid and Keneally's Towards Asmara." Mosaic [Winnipeg] (Summer-Fall 1991), 24(3-4):179-180, 188, 189.
Kennedy, Dennis. "Shakespeare and Cultural Tourism." Theatre Journal (May 1998), 50(2):175-188.
Kern, Maria Lúcia Bastos. "Modernidade e Modernismo." Estudos Ibero-Americanos [Brazil] (December 1984), 10( 2):152, 159nn3, 4.
Kern, Maria Lúcia Bastos. "A Pintura Argentina: Modernidade e Tradiçao." Estudos Ibero-Americanos [Brazil] (July 1987), 13(1):7, 15n1.
Kester, Grant H. "The Imaginary Space of Postindustrial Society." Social Text (Summer 1993), 35:89nn26, 90nn28, 30-33, 91n48.
Kester, Grant H. "The Rise and Fall? of Baudrillard." New Art Examiner (November 1987), 15:20-23.
Khanin, Dmitry. "The Postmodern Posture." Philosophy and Literature (October 1990), 14(2):240-241, 243.
King, A.D. "Opening up the
Social Sciences to the Humanities: A Response to Peter Taylor."
Enviornment and Planning A (November 1996), 28(11):1956,
Refers to Baudrillard in asserting that the remaking of empire through
simulacra is manifested in the rebuilding of demolished colonial hotels
and other examples, or the double simulacra of films on colonial nostalgia
are all part of the cultural capital of tourism.
King, Anthony. "Baudrillard's Nihilism and the End of Theory." Telos (Summer 1998), 112:89-106.
King, Barry "The Burden of Max Headroom." Screen (Winter-Spring 1989), 30(1-2):127-128.
A critical discussion of the notion of hyperreality.
King, Barry. "Stardom and
Symbolic Degeneracy: Televsion and the Transformation of the Stars as
Public Symbols." Semiotica (1992), 92(1-2):8, 44.
Implosion, according to Baudrillard, is the erasure of reference in
favor of the signifier, so that, for example, the semantic status of a
symbol can implode from generality toward particularity --the author
claims that the opposite process is just as likely, when signifiers
degenerate into particulars.
King, C. Richard. "The Siren
Scream of Telesex: Speech, Seduction and Simulation." Journal of
Popular Culture (Winter 1996), 30(3):91-100.
Building upon the work of Baudrillard in Simulations and
Seduction, the author discusses telesex as seduction and
exposes it as a series of simulations and discusses the significance of
telesex as a hyperrealization of sexuality.
King, R.J. "Capital Switching and the Role of Ground Rent. 1. Theoretical Problems." Environment and Planning A (1989), 21(4):457, 460.
King, R.J. "Capital Switching and the Role of Ground Rent. 2. Switching between Circuits and Switching between Submarkets." Environment and Planning A (June 1989), 21(6):717, 737.
Kingfisher, Catherine Pélissier. "Women on Welfare: Conversational Sites of Acquiescence and Dissent." Discourse & Society (October 1996), 7(4):540, 555.
Kinkade, Patrick T. and Michael A. Katovich. "Toward a Sociology of Cult Films: Reading Rocky Horror." Sociological Quarterly (Summer 1992), 33(2):203, 205.
Kirshner, Judith Russi. "Thieves Like Us. " Artforum (September 1982), 21(1): 41, 42.
On Art robberies.
Kirsten, J.S.M. "The Postmodern
Project: Aspects of the Contemporary Abandonment of Modernity."
South African Journal of Philosophy/Suid Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir
Wysbegeerte (February 1988), 7(1):33n11.
In Afrikaans. Abstract in English.
Kitzinger, Celia and Sue Wilkinson. "Virgins and Queers: Rehabilitating Heterosexuality?"
Gender & Society (September 1994), 8(3):452, 460.
Refers to Baudrillard's view on simulations for which there are no
originals, for e.g. Disneyland.
Klarer, Mario. "Jean Baudrillard's America: Deconstruction of America and America as Deconstruction."
Amerikastudien/American Studies
(1991), 36(2):227-240.
Klaver, Elizabeth. "David Mamet, Jean Baudrillard and the Performance of America." In Leslie, Kane, ed., David Mamet's Glengarry Glen Ross: Text and Performance., pp. 171-183. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1817. Studies in Modern Drama , 8. New York: Garland, 1996.
Kleiner, Barbara. "Considerazioni attuali in merito al 'Peter Schlemihl' di Adalbert von Chamisso " Aut Aut (July-October 1984), 202-203:133n27.
Klimgemann, Carsten. "Massen-Wirklichkeiten und Massen-Konstruktionen im NS - Staat und in der mediengesellschaft." Das Argument (September-October 1993), 35(5) [201]:754, 757, 759.
Kline, Stephen. "The Play of
the Market: On the Internalization of Children's Culture." Theory,
Culture & Society (May 1995), 12(2):103-104, 106, 127.
They claim that recent commentators take their bearings from
Baudrillard's celebration of communication as an antidote to modernist
theories of culture and reset their critical sights on the spectacular
play of symbols that interpenetrates life in the consumer culture. They
also quote Baudrillard to the effect that objects are no longer tied to a
function or a need but respond to something different: to a social logic
or to a logic of desire.
Klinger, Barbara. "Digressions
at the Cinema: Reception and Mass-Culture." Cinema Journal
(Summer 1989), 28(4):11, 18n22.
Discusses Baudrillard's views on commodity fetish.
Knauft, Bruce M. "Foucault Meets New Guinea: Knowledge, Power, Sexuality." Ethos (December 1994), 22(4):415, 427.
Knauft, Bruce M. "Pushing
Anthropology Post the Posts: Critical Notes on Cultural Anthropology and
Cultural Studies as Influenced by Postmodernism and Existentialism."
Critique of Anthropology (June 1994), 14(2):129-133,
A section is entitled "Baudrillard and the legacy of
Knight, Graham. "Reality Effects: Tabloid Television News." Queens Quarterly (Spring 1989), 96(1):97, 108.
Knights, David and Glenn Morgan. "Organization Theory and Consumption in a Post-Modern Era." Organization Studies (1993), 14(2):212, 230.
Knights, David and Hugh Willmott. "Power and Subjectivity at Work: From Degradation to Subjugation in Social Relations." Sociology (November 1989), 23(4):544, 556.
Knorr, Karin D. "Tinkering Toward Success: Prelude to a Theory of Scientific Practice." Theory and Society (November 1979), 8(3):374n49.
Knorr-Cetina, Karin. "How
Superorganisms Change: Consesus Formation and the Social Ontology of
High-Enegry Physics Experiments." Social Studies of Science
(February 1995), 25(10):145n11.
Social processes have been absorbed and annihilated by the masses and
the media, who are now proccupied with the simulations of these
Knorr-Cetina, Karin. "Primitive Classification and Postmodernity: Towards a Sociological Notion of Fiction." Theory, Culture & Society (August 1994), 11(3):14, 20n18, 21.
Borrowing the term simulation from Baudrillard, calls "social simulations" a class of fictions that relate to an institution's construction of its own life course. Simulations are processes that an institution sets up which aim at something that is real which are contradicted by others.
Knox, Paul L. "The Restless
Urban Landscape: Economic and Sociocultural Change and the Transportation
of Metropolitan Washington, DC." Annals of the Association of
American Geographers (June 1991), 81(2):185, 209.
The seamless aestheticization of everyday life has reinforced symbolic
capital and Baudrillard says, since America has no ancestral history,
there is a weightlessness to American culture making it particularly
accomodating to the hybrid and fragmented symbolism of postmodernity.
Knox, Paul L. "The Social
Production of the Built Environment: Architects, Architecture and the
Post-Modern City." Progress in Human Geography (September
1987), 11(3):368, 372.
Cites Baudrillard for the view that the social meaning of architecture
is not static.
Kofman, Eleonore. "Citizenship for Some but Not for Others: Spaces of Citizenship in Contemporary Europe." Political Geography (February 1995), 14(2):135.
Kohn, Ingeborg M. "The United States in Contemporary French Fiction: A Geography of the Fantastic." In Michele K. Lanford, ed., Contours of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Eight International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, pp. 187-196. Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT & London: Greenwood Press, 1990.
Kolb, David. "Circulation Unbound: Hegel, Heidegger, and the State." In Lenore Langsdorf, eds., Phenomenology, Interpretation, and Community, pp. 103, 105, 108, 110, 111. Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy; 19. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996.
Koltzow, Karin. "Road Safety Rhetoric versus Road Safety Politics." Accident Analysis and Prevention (December 1993), 25(6):649, 655.
König, Eckhard. "Bilanz der Theoreentwicklung in der Erziehungswissenschaft." Zeitschrift für Padagogik (1990), 36(6):923, 933.
Kopperschmidt, Josef. "'Lieber theorielos als leblos'. Anmerkungen zur Sprüchekultur." Muttersprache: Zeitschrift Zur Pflege und Erforschung der deutschen Sprache (August 1987), 97(3-4):143.
Korosec-Serfaty, Perla. "Le Rat
de Cave -- A Light in the Cellar." Landscape (1986) ,
Photographs by Catherine Buchadon.
Korosec-Serfaty, Perla and Dominique Bolitt. "Dwelling and the Experience of Burglary." Journal of Environmental Psychology (1986), 6(4):336, 342.
Koskenniemi, Matti. "The Future
of Statehood." Harvard International Law Journal (Spring
1991), 32(2):403.
The globalization of popular culture is due essentially to the proliferation of simulacra.
Kotarba, Joseph A. and Laura Wells. "Styles of Adolescent Participation in an All-Ages, Rock n Roll
Nightclub: An Ethnographic Analysis." Youth & Society
(June 1987), 18(4):415-416.
Referring to Baudrillard, states that all culture -- adolescent and adult -- is 'play': it is ideologically naïve, emptied of any meaningful sense of history and perhaps even disposable.
Kover, Arthur J. "Copywriters' Implicit Theories of Communication: An Exploration." Journal of Consumer Research (March 1995), 21(4):599, 609.
Kover, Arthur J. and Joseph Abruzzo. "The Rossiter-Percy Grid and Emotional Response to Advertising: An
Initial Evaluation." Journal of Advertising Research
(November-December 1993), 33(6):26, 27.
They mention Baudrillard's view of active resistance to the media.
Kover, Arthur J., William L. James, and Brenda S. Sonner. "To Whom Do Advertising Creatives Write? An Inferential Answer." Journal of Advertising Research (January-February 1997), 37(1):47, 51.
Kowsar, Mohammad. "Deleuze on
Theater: A Case Study of Carmelo Bene's Richard III."
Theatre Journal (March 1986), 38(1):31n9.
Refers to Baudrillard's discussion of the theatrical machinery of the
baroque and stage illusion.
Kozlova, Natalya Nikitichna and Natalya Mikhaylovna Smirnova. "Krizis Klassicheskilh Metodologiy i Sovremennaya poznavatel'naya Situatsiya. " Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya (1995), 22(11):12.
Kozloff, Max. "Hapless Figures
in an Artificial Storm." Artforum (November 1989), 28(3):136,
Refers to Baudrillard 's view that art instead of unmasking, instead
of challenging us, offers a coarseness of illusion, simulation.
Kraidy, Marwan Michel. "Towards a Semiosphere of Hybrid Identities: A Native Ethnography of Glocalization." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1996, Ohio University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1997), 57(7A):2720-A.
Krampen, Martin. "Icons of the
Road." Semiotica (1983), 43(1-2):17, 197.
Asserts that attempts like that of Baudrillard to give an economic
consideration of sign systems are unsatisfactory.
Krampen, Martin. Meaning in the Urban
Enviornment, pp. 6-7, 12, 20, 347. Research in Planning and Design
; 5. London: Plon/Methuen, 1979.
Baudrillard says "To become an object of consumption the object must
become a sign." This semanticizes or semioticizes objects and leaves out
their utilitarian and functional value, and the material base which is
prior to their signification.
Krause, Steven D. "The
Immediacy of Rhetoric: Definitions, Illustrations, and Implications."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1996, Bowling Green State University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May
1997), 57(11A):4725-A.
Krishna, Sankaran. "Producing
Sri Lanka: J.R. Jayewardene and Postcolonial Identity."
Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance
(July-September 1996), 21(3):319n10.
Cites Baudrillard's "precession of the simulacra," and of maps
preceding and engendering territory.
Kristeva, Julia. "Interview
with Alice Jardine." In Russell Ferguson, William Olander, Marcia Tucker
and Karen Fiss, eds., Discourses: Conversations in Postmodern Art
and Culture, p. 81. New York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art;
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990.
Translated by Heidi Gilpin.
Kritzman, Lawrence D. "Roland
Barthes: The Discourse of Desire and the Question of Gender."
MLN (September 1988), 103(4):863n12.
States that for Baudrillard, in his 1970 essay, fetishism incorporates
the notions of "construction," "artifice," "fabrication," and "imitation
by signs."
Kroker, Arthur. "Panic Value: Bacon, Colville, Baudrillard and the Aesthetics of Deprivation" In John Fekete, ed., Life after Postmodernism, pp. 181-193. New York: St Martin's Press; Canada: Macmillan, 1988.
Kroker, Arthur. "Panic Baudrillard."
Communication (1988), 10(3-4):259-270.
For an extended version of this article, see previous item.
Kroker, Arthur. "Processed World: Technology and Culture in the Thought of Marshall McLuhan." Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1984), 14(4):440, 459n81.
Kroker, Arthur and Charles Levin. Jean Baudrillard: From Symbolic Exchange to Virtual Reality. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993.
Kroker, Arthur and Charles Levin. "Cynical Power: The Fetishism of the Sign." Canadian
Journal of Political and Social Theory (1991),
Part of a special section on Baudrillard entitled "Power and Seduction."
Kroker, Arthur and David Cook. "Baudrillard's Marx." In their The Postmodern Scene: Excremental Culture and Hyper-Aesthetics, pp. 170-188. London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.
Kroker, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. "America's Century or There's a Baudrillard Inside Every American, Just Struggling to Get Out." In William Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 43-61. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Krug, Gary J. "The Day the Earth Stood Still: Media Messages and Local Life in a Predicted Arkansas Earthquake." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (September 1993), 10(3):276, 285.
Krug, Gary J. "Hepatitis C: Discursive Domains and Epistemic Chasms." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (October 1995), 24(3):297, 321.
Krysinski, Wladimir. "Modus imitandi." Études Françaises (1984), 20(2):19.
Krysinski, Wladimir. "Narrator as a Sayer of the Author: Narrative Voices and Symbolic Structures." Strumenti Critici (June 1977), 32-33:58, 88n19.
Krysinski, Wladimir. "Lo scriptor ludens' tra moderno e postmoderno." In Brunella Eruli, ed., Attenzione al potenziale. Il gioco della letteratura, pp. 107-118. Florence: Marco Nardi, 1994.
Kubiak, Anthony. "Disappearance
as History: The Stages of Terror." Theatre Journal (March
1987), 39(1):84, 85.
Quotes Baudrillard on terrorism and uses the logic of the simalcrum to
analyze the current hyperreal phenomena of terrorism.
Kubler, George. "The Shape of Time Reconsidered." Perspecta: The Yale Architectural Journal (1982), 19:112.
Kuhn, Rolf. "Aperçu sur la situation de la ' Philosophie de la Religion'." Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale (October-December 1985), 90(4):497n25.
Kuntzel, Thiery. "The Film-Work,
2 " Camera Obscura (1980), 5: 68n93.
In a critical theory article on the film The Most Dangeoreous
Game, uses the word value not in the Sausserian sense but rather as
defined by Baudrillard in Pour une Critique de l' économie
politique du signe (1972).
Kurokawa, Kisho. "An Architecture of Symbiosis: The Two-faced God Janus." Japan Architect (October 1986), 61(10) [354]:42.
Kurokawa, Kisho "La Poétique in Architecture: Beyond Semiotics." Japan Architect (1985), 60(2):28, 30, 30nn7, 13.
Kurokawa, Kisho. "Toward the Evocation of Meaning." Japan Architect (August 1989) , 64(8):10.
Kurzweil, Edith. "Michel
Foucault and Culture." Current Perspectives in Social Theory
(1983), 4:175-176, 178.
Examines Baudrillard's critique of Foucault.
Kurzweil, Edith. "Michel
Foucault's History of Sexuality as Interpreted by Feminists and Marxists."
Social Research (Winter 1986), 53(4): 658-659.
Says Baudrillard considered Foucault as an advocate of scientism, as
fallen prey to cybernetic rules and controls, and that his critique was to
be an improvement on the Althusserian project.
Kuzniar, Alice. "Wenders's Windshields" In Roger F. Cook and Gerd Gemünden, eds., The Cinema of Wim Wenders: Image, Narrative, and the Postmodern Condition, pp. 222-223, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 236n1, 237nn14, 17, 23, 238nn25, 26, 31, 33, 35, 36. Contemporary Film and Television. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 1997.
Kwon, Sun Phil. "Postmodernism
as Political Theory and Practice for an Enlightenment of Postmodernism."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991, University of Missouri - Columbia.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (December
1991), 52(6A):2260-A.