Eddie Yeghiayan
Jaccard, Roland. "Le dandy
crépusculaire." Le Monde (May 9, 1997), 16261:vi.
In the section "Le Monde des Livres."
Review of Jean Baudrillard's Le Paroxyste indifférent:
Entretien avec Philippe Petit (1997).
"Une passion anime Baudrillard: celle du meurtre symbolique.
Explication avec Philippe Petit."
Jaccard, Roland. "Un printemps
exquis pour les grincheux." Le Monde (June 12, 1987),
Review of Jean Baudrillard's Cool memories, 1980-1985
(1987), Jeanine Worms' L'Impardonable, Dominique Noguez'
Le Retour de l'espérance , and André Bercoff's
Les Blessures d'Eros.
Jaccard, Roland. "Le simulacre
du réel." Le Monde (October 6, 1995):ix.
In the section "Le Monde des livres."
Review of Jean Baudrillard's Fragments. Cool memories III,
1991-1995 (1995).
"Face au 'Nouvel Ordre Hygiénique
International', à 'la destruction du sens et de la langue'. Jean
Baudrillard cherche son salut dans l'ironie."
Jackson, Kevin. "The Shock of
the Old." Independent [London] (November 23, 1988),
On Jean Baudrillard's America (1988).
Jacob, André. "Significance et philosophie." Degrés
(Spring-Summer 1987), 49-50:f8.
Calls Baudrillard's theory of simulacra an extreme antithesis of
onto-axiology since Plato.
Jacobs, Bruce A. "Cognitive Bridges: The Case of High School Undercover Officers." Sociological Quarterly (Summer 1996), 37(3):406, 409.
Jacobsson, Kerstin and Geir A. Oygarden. "Ekonomernas Guernica: Radslans metaforer och produktionen av mening ." Sociologisk Forskning [Sweden] (1996), 33(2-3):106.
Jagodzinski, Jan. "Comments on 'Radical Response to a High-Tech World'." Leonardo (1989) 22(2): 283, 284n2.
Jambresic, Renata. "Testimonial
Discourse Between National Narrative and Ethnography as Socio-cultural
Analysis." Collegium Anthropologicum (June 1995),
19(1):22-23, 27.
Mentions that Baudrillard in many of his works tries to explain the
interconnections between social events and electronic mass media and
quotes him:
" Are the mass media on the side of power in the manipulation of the
masses, or are they on the side in the liquidation of meaning, in the
violence done to meaning and in the fascination that results? Is the media
which induce fascination in the masses, or is it the masses which divert
the media into spectacle?" (In the Shadow of the Silent
Majorities (1983).
James, David E. "Intervention:
The Contexts of Negation for Video and Video-Criticism." Millennium
Film Journal (Fall-Winter 1988-1989), 20-21:54, 55.
The hyperreality of the field of broadcast TV must not be understood on
its own terms as marking the actual death of the social.
James, Paul. "National Formation and the 'Rise of the Cultural': A Critique of Orthodoxy." Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1989), (19(3):273n4, 289n55.
Jameson, Fredric. "On Goffman's Frame Analysis." Theory and Society (Spring 1976), 3(1):126, 132n3.
Jameson, Fredric. The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act, pp. 21n5, 23n7, 27, 91, 92. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1981.
Jameson,. Fredric. Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism., pp. 155-156, 197, 203, 234, 395. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991.
Janicaud, Dominique. "La Technique et le langage." Man and World (1983), 16(4):358, 359, 363nn26, 29, 31.
Januszczak, Waldemar. "Heffner
a Good Time." Guardian (November 18, 1988):26.
On Jean Baudrillard's America (1988).
Jarvis, Peter. "The Globalization of Nurse Education within Higher Education." Nurse Education Today (February 1997), 17(1):28, 30.
Jasper, David. "Violence and
Post-Modernism." History of European Ideas (February 1995),
20(4-6):803, 805, 806.
Refers to Baudrillard's comparison of the way Americans conducted the
Vietnam War and the way Francis Ford Coppola made Apocalypse
Jay, Gregory S. "Values and
Deconstructions: Derrida, Saussure, Marx." Cultural Critique
(Winter 1987-88), 8: 159, 171n16, 184n25, 207.
Refers to Baudrillard's description of a common critical theory
project: to examine the conceptual economy on the strategies of
equivalence central to the geneaology of value signs, whether they be
monetary or linguistic.
"Jean Baudrillard." Current Biography (June 1993), 54(6):3-6.
Jencks, Charles. "Postmodern vs. Late-Modern." In Ingeborg Hoesterey, ed., Zeitgeist in Babel: The Postmodernist Controversy, pp. 14, 16, 21n13. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Joerges, Bernward. "'Global 2000': Social-Science, Ecology and the Bimillennium." Futures (January-February 1990), 22(1):20n22.
Johansson, Thomas. "Narcissism, modernitet och det gatfulla ansiktet: Kulturteoretiska reflektioner." Nordisk Psykologi [Sweden] (December 1995), 47(4):275.
Johnson, Malcolm L. "Interdependency and the Generational Compact." Ageing and Society (June 1995), 15(2):245, 262.
Johnson, Nuala C. "Where
Geography and History Meet: Heritage Tourism and the Big House in
Ireland." Annals of the Association of American Geographers
(September 1996), 86(3):553, 565.
Postmodernism probematizes the distinction between representation and
reality; signs are all that we consume and as tourists we do so
Johnson, Stephen Paul. "Mass
Culture and Class Distinctions in the Novels of Nathanael West." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1994, Loyola University of Chicago.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July
1994), 55(1A):4699-A.
Johnston, John. "Generic
Difficulties in the Novels of Don DeLillo." Critique: Studies in
Contemporary Fiction (Summer 1989), 30(4):267, 75n11.
Observes that DeLillo's Ratner's Star
"stages an
implosion of knowledge, treats scientific and mathematical theory as a
kind of pataphysics, and suggests that the relationship of our models
invented to explain aspects of reality has now more or less permanently
displaced reality, thereby proposing a novelistic version of what Jean
Baudrillard calls 'simulation' and 'Moebius-spiralling negativity'."
Johnston, John. "Postmodern
Theory/Postmodern Fiction." Clio (Winter 1987),
Says Baudrillard offers another version of theoretical postmodernism
which, though worked out in semiotic and poststructuralism terms, is
actually historicist and includes a neo-Hegelian succession of semiotic
Johnston, John. "Theoretical Invention and the Contingency of Critique: The Example of Postmodern Semiotics." In Stephen Barker, ed., Signs of Change: Premodern, Modern, Postmodern, pp. 49-68. Contemporary Studies in Philosophy and Literature, 4. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996.
Johnston, Mark D. "Mateo
Alemán's Problem with Spelling." PMLA (October 1988),
103(5):762, 768.
Refers to Baudrillard for the view of a type of semiotic economy where
the use value cedes to exchange value.
Johnston, Mark D. "Philology in
the Epoch of the Cogito." Criticism (Spring 1983)
Cites Baudrillard's claim that there has never been a subject of
consciousness or unconsciousness.
Jones, Ronald. "Lifesaving in
the Acrylic Age." Artforum (February 1989), 27(6):115,
On Tribal Art.
Quotes Baudrillard that for ethnology to live, its object must die.
Jones, Ronald. "Seeing Is
Believing: New Paintings by Thomas Lawson,." Arts Magazine
(June or Summer 1985), 59(10):140, 140nn5, 6.
Lawson's pictures index, as it were, Baudrillard's ideas.
Jones, Steve. "A Sense of Space: Virtual Reality, Authenticity and the Aural." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (September 1993), 10(3):241, 246, 251.
Jonhill, Jan Inge. "Fran ideal via paradox till problem. Individualiteten och karleken i Niklas Luhmanns systemteori." Sociolgisk Forsking [Sweden] (1993), 30(4):68.
Joseph, Roger. "The Semiotics of
Reciprocity: A Moroccan Interpretation." Semiotica (1983),
46(2-4):216, 230.
Summarises Baudrillard's view that the problem of political economy is
not the logic of production by the logic of signification, and the problem
of exploitation is found in the repressiveness of the semiotic code that
effects every level of social exchange.
Josephs, Robert A, R. Brian Giesler, and David H. Silvera. "Judgment by Quantity." Journal of Experimental Psychology General (March 1994), 23(1):21, 31.
Joyrich, Lynne. "All That Television Allows: TV Melodrama, Postmodernism and Consumer Culture." Camera Obscura (January 1988), 16:137, 140, 146, 150nn8, 12, 151n21, 152n40, 153n41.
Juhl, Carsten. "Analysen mellem afsloring og viden. Indledning til J. Baudrillard og M. Perniola." In Stig Brogger, et al, eds., Implosion og forforels: Jean Baudrillard. Mario Perniola , pp. 13-29. Copenhagen: Det kongelige danske Kunstakademi, 1984.
Jules-Rosette, Bennetta. "Black
Paris: Touristic Simulations." Annals of Tourism Research
(1994), 21(4):680, 699.
Present-day Black Paris is a collection of touristic simulations.
Referring to Baudrillard, defines simulation as an infinitely receding
series of cultural signs that recreate ephemeral historical realities.
Jules-Rosette, Bennetta. "Expression and Aesthetics in Science and Art: Ethnography as Discursive Sabotage." American Journal of Semiotics (1988), 6(1):49, 53.
Jullien, Dominique. Récits du Nouveau Monde: Les voyageurs français en Amérique de Chateaubriand à nos jours. Le Texte à l'oeuvre. Paris: Nathan, 1992.
Jutel, Thierry Jean. "Wim
Wenders' Cinema and the Advent of Postmodernity: Negativity, Obscenity and
the Search for Compromise." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1993, University of
Maryland, College Park.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April
1995), 55(10A):3019-A.
Juzyn-Amestoy, Olga Susana. "Oliverio Girondo: La realidad de la palabra." Ph.D.
Dissertation, Brown University, 1990.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(February 1991), 51(8A):2761-A.