Eddie Yeghiayan
Haag, Achim. "'Er hat immer diese Sehnsucht nach Liebe gehabt, und deswegen war er Böse'. Franz Biberkopf und Reinhold: Die Kontrahenten der Seelenkämpfe R.W. Fassbinders." Text & Kritik (July 1989) 103:48n15.
Haase, Andrew. "Production and Reflexivity in Marx: Baudrillard's Re-processed Capital.". In William Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 177-199. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Habermas, Jurgen. The Past as Future: Vergangenheit als Zukunft, pp. 79-80. Interviewed by Michael Haller. Translated and edited by Max Pensky. Foreword by Peter Hohendahl. Modern German Culture and Literature Series. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994.
Halasz, Alexandra. The Marketplace of print:
Pamphlets and the Public Sphere in Early Modern England, pp. 29, 211n26.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Argues that Marx assumes that human wants and human labor are not
socially constructed, and once that is rejected, then use value can be
seen as a function of exchange value, or it is what Baudrillard calls, its
alibi or satellite.
Halfacree, K.H. "Locality and
Social Representation: Space, Discourse and Alternative Definitions of the
Rural." Journal of Rural Studies (January 1993), 9(1):33,
Says that for Baudrillard the symbolic precedes over the material, and
quotes him on the hyperreal.
Halley, Peter. "The Crisis in
Geometry." Arts Magazine (June 1984), 58(10): 111, 113, 114,
115nn4, 11, 13, 15-35.
Baudrillard's Simulations is crucial to an understanding
of the geometric art that has appeared in the '80's in the work of Aycock,
Fischer, Halley, Koons and Levine.
Halley, Peter. "Nature and
Culture." Arts Magazine (September 1983), 58(1): 64, 65,
Bourgeois culture, according to Baudrillard, is seizing the opportunity
to simulate the power that was assigned to nature's domination: the power
of thought, repeated in the computer, which realizes bourgeois dualism;
the ability to create life, chemical and mechanical, and space in the
binary circuitry of animate devices. How can artists address the world of
the simulacrum, where signs simulate rather than represent, and
communicate their situation? Asks why artists and art theorists are
attracted to Baudrillard's rather than Foucault's interpretation of
social relationships.
Hallyn, Fernand. "Du monde de Kepler comme anamorphose." Communication and Cognition (1981), 14(2-3):191n18.
Halperin, David M. "Forgetting
Foucault: Acts, Identities, and the History of Sexuality."
Representations (Summer 1998),
63:93, 112, 112nn1, 2.
Discusses various remarks by Baudrillard on Foucault.
Hamel, Jacques. "La transition en acte d'une société dominée." Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales (March 1993), 32(1):167, 169.
Hamilton, Joan Teresa. "Fen to Hot Fudge: A Study of
Subjectivity and Agency in the Drama of Caryl Churchill." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1991, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January
1992), 52(7A):2561-A.
Hamilton, Peter. "One-Man Think-Tank." Sunday Times [London] (December 11, 1994), Section 10:18-19.
Hamou, Sion. "Baudrillard, ou le spectateur absolu." Littérature (October 1986), 83:112-116.
Hancock, Philip G. "Citizenship or Vassalage? Organizational Membership in the Age of Unreason." Organization (February 1993), 4(1):93.
Handelman, Don and L. Shamgar Handelman. "Aesthetics versus Ideology in National Symbolism: the
Creation of the Emblem of Israel." Public Culture (Spring
1993), 5(3):445, 447.
Emergent aesthetic factors seduce ideology, as Baudrillard has pointed
out, because of the intimate relationship between ontology and
Hankiss, Elemér. "European Paradigms: East and West, 1945-1994." Daedalus (Summer 1994), 123(3):126n13.
Hanrahan, Mairead. "The Seduction of 'The Testament of Love'." Literature & History) (Spring (1998), 7(1):1.
Harari, Josué V. "Dream
Objects " MLN (September 1984), 99(4): 838n2.
On the Paintings of Friedrich Meckseper.
Harari, Josué.V. Review of Tzvetan Todorov's Theories of the Symbol. MLN (December 1978), 93(5):1037n13.
Haraway, Donna. "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s." Socialist Review (March-April 1985), 15(2) [80]:103n5.
Harkin, Michael. "Modernist Anthropology and Tourism of the Authentic." Annals of Tourism Research (1995), 22(3):652, 656, 658.
Harland, Richard. "More Post-structuralists." In his Superstructuralism: The Philosophy of Structuralism and Post-structuralism, pp. 167-183. London & New York: Methuen, 1987.
Harland, Richard. "Superstructuralism." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1986, University of New
South Wales, Australia.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March
1987), 47(9A):3412-A.
Harley, J. Brian. "Rereading
the Maps of the Columbian Encounter." Annals of the Association of
American Geographers (September 1992), 82(3):531, 533.
Baudrillard's notion of maps preceding territories is confirmed by
names such as New England, New France before actual settlements, or the
Pope dividing the world on a map before the arrival of most European
Harman, Lesley D. "Sign, Symbol, and Metalanguage: Against the Integration of Semiotics and Symbolic Interactionism." Symbolic Interaction (Spring 1986), 9(1):155, 156-157, 158, 159.
Harms, John and Douglas Kellner. "Critical Theory and Advertsising." Current Perspectives in
Social Theory (1991), 11:50-52, 66.
Discuss the similarities and differences between Wolfang Fritz Haug's
theory in his books on commodity aesthetics with Baudrillard's.
Harms, John B. and David R. Dickens. "Postmodern Media Studies: Analysis or Symptom?" Critical Studies in Mass Communication (September 1996), 13(3):211, 212, 217, 219, 225.
Harootunian, Harry D. "Visible
Discourses/Invisible Ideologies." South Atlantic Quarterly
(Summer 1988), 87(3):448, 472n3.
Issue is on "Postmodernism and Japan."
Harper, Mary Catherine. "Postmodern Figurations
of Symbolic America: The Body which No Longer Re-Cognizes Paradox." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1992, Bowling Green State University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (February
1993), 53(8A):2813-A.
Harrison, Simon. "Ritual as
Intellectual Property." Man (June 1992), 27(2):232,
Refers to Baudrillard's political economy of the sign.
Harrocks, Chris and Zoran Jevtic. Baudrillard for Beginners. Cambridge: Icon, 1996.
Harrocks, Chris, Zoran Jevtic and Richard Appignanesi. Introducing Baudrillard. New York: Totem Books, 1996.
Hart, Roderick P. "Easy Citizenship: Television's Curious Legacy." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (July 1996), 546:116.
Hart, Roderick P., Deborah Smith-Howell, and John Llewellyn. "The Mindscape of the Presidency: Time Magazine, 1945-1985." Journal of Communication (Summer 1991), 41(3):23n4.
Harter, Deborah. "From
Represented to Literal Space: Fantastic Narrative and the Body in Pieces."
L' Esprit Createur (Fall 1988), 28(3):29, 30,
32-33, 34nn12, 13.
This issue is entitled "Theories of the Fantastic."
Hartnett, Stephen John. "Cultural Fictions: The Critical Theory of Historiography, The
Political Economy of Modernity, and the Paradoxes of Whitman's America."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992, University of California, San Diego.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April
1993), 53(10A):3528-A.
Hartoonian, Gevork. "Domino and
Its Trajectory: Metamorphosis Deconstructed." Art Criticism
(1989), 5(2):47nn17, 21.
Postmodern and deconstructionist discourses draw images which posit the
principle of the absolute absence of reality and we thus get card-board
architecture. Refers to Baudrillard on the subject of the nihilism of
industrial technology: the new technologies are giving this process a
tremendous expansion insofar as they submit any kind of inscription on any
kind of medium to an exact computation.
Hartoonian, Gevork. "Post-Modernism: The Discrete Charm of the 'Other'." Art
Criticism (1987), 3(3):8n12.
Refers to Baudrillard's view that the functional rationality of Bauhaus
gives birth to an irrational or fantasy counter discourse which circulates
between the two poles of kitsch and surrealism.
Hartwick, Elaine Rachel. "The
Golden Chain: Western Consumption Fetishes and African Production
Relations." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1995, Clark University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April
1996), 56(10A):4095-A.
Harvey, David. The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change, pp. 102, 287, 291, 300, 351, 360. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1990.
Harvey, David. "Postmodern Morality Plays." Antipode (October 1992), 24(4):316, 325.
Harvey, Jean and Robert Sparks. 'The Politics of the
Body in the Context of Modernity." Quest (August 1991),
Baudrillard has argued thst the recent history of the body is one of
its demarcation as a structural material conditioned by exchange relations
and cultural signs, the same as for all objects.
Harvey, Robert. "Poétique d'Anne Hebert: Jeunesse et genèse." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1995, Université de Montreal.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October
1996), 57(4A):1626-A.
Haselstein, Ulla. "Vom Urwald in die Wüste: der Naturschutzpark als Metapher der Kulturkritik bei Freud und Baudrillard." Amerikastudien/American Studies (1992), 37(3):393-414.
Hassan, Ihab. "Desire and
Dissent in the Postmodern Age. "Kenyon Review (Winter 1983),
He observes that Baudrillard's offers us the most outré version
of parapolitics, a pataphysics of the social in À l'Ombre des
majorités silencieuses ou la fin du social (1978).
Hassan, Ihab. "Parabiography : The Varieties of Critical Experience." Georgia Review (Fall 1980), 34(3):605.
Hassan, Ihab. "Pluralism in
Postmodern Perspective." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1986)
12(3): 508, 518n24, 520nn46, 47.
Issue is on "Pluralism and Its Discontents."
Hassan, Ihab. "Timely Pleasures: Sane and In-Sane." New Orleans Review (Summer 1984), 11(2):82.
Hassard, John. "Postmodern
Organizational Analysis: Toward a Conceptual Framework." Journal of
Management Studies (May 1994), 31(3):304, 308-310, 322.
Claims that in Baudrillard's work from the mid-1970s onwards an
essentially postmodern form of social theory is developed and a general
characterization of that theory is offered.
Haucke, Kai. "Strukturierung des Sinnlosen Grundzüge einer Theorie der leeren Zeichen." Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (1992), 40(6):646-647, 655, 663nn5, 6, 8-12, 665nn48, 49, 51.
Hauser, Susanne."Semiotik und
Marxismus. " Zeitschrift für Semiotik (1988), 10(1-2):
3, 7.
Preface to the issue on "Semiotik und Marxismus," edited by Susanne
Have, Henk Ten. "The
Hyperreality of Clinical Ethics: A Unitary Theory of Hermeneutics."
Theoretical Medicine (June 1994), 15(2):113-114, 129.
According to Baudrillard, America is neither dream nor reality; it is
hyperreality because it is Utopia realized and the empirical world is
scenery, well-orchestrated simulation, a simulated reality. This diagnosis
of hyperreality, the author claims, applies to clinical ethics as medical
Haverkamp, Anselm. "Die neueste Krankheit zum Tode: Das Werthersyndrom in der Verständigungs literatur der siebziger Jahre: Fritz Zorn, Mars. Mit einem Nachwort über Fiktion und Wirklichkeit." Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (December 1986), 60(4):695n47.
Hawes, Leonard C. "Hailing the
Other." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (December
1989), 6(4):452, 453.
Quotes the folowing from Baudrillard:
" History and Marxism are like fine wines and haute cuisine: they do
not really cross the ocean, in spite of the many impressive attempts that
have been made to adapt them to new surroundings."
Hayes, Jarrod. "The Seduction of Alexander Behind the Postmodern Door: Ingmar Bergman and Baudrillard's De la Séduction." Literature/ Film Quarterly (1997), 25(1):40-48.
Hayes, Julie C. "Retrospection and Contradiction in Diderot's La Religieuse." Romanic Review (May 1986), 77(3):240.
Hayles, N. Katherine. " In
Response to Jean Baudrillard: The Borders of Madness."
Science-Fiction Studies (November 1991), 18(3)
See Baudrillard's "Two Essays: 1. Simulacra and Science Fiction. 2.
Ballard's Crash" (1990).
Hayles, N. Katherine. Chaos Bound: Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1990.
Hays, Michael. "A Response to
Mark Poster on Jean Baudrillard." Boundary 2 (Fall 1979),
See in the same issue Mark Poster's "Semiology and
Critical Theory: From Marx to Baudrillard," pp. 274-287.
Hayward, Philip. "Implosive Critiques: A Consideration of Jean Baudrillard's In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities." Screen (July 1984), 25(4-5):128-133.
Hayward, Philip and Paul Kerr. "Introduction." Screen (Spring1987), 28(2):3.
This issue is entitled "Postmodern Screen."
A reading of postmodern theory through Film Studies.
Hayward, Tim. "The Meaning of Political Ecology." Radical Philosophy (Spring 1994), 66:19n18.
Heartney, Eleanor. "The Hot New Cool Art: Simulationism." ARTnews (January 1987), 86(1)133.
Heartney, Eleanor. "Reluctant
Prophet." ARTnews
(September 1987), 86(9):18.
On a talk Baudrillard gave at the Asia Society, sponsored by the
Whitney Museum of Art.
Baudrillard's writings "serve as theoretical underpinnings for that
branch of contemporary art represented by artists like Peter Halley,
Meyer Vaisman, Haim Steinbach, and Sherrie Levine." At a later event
Baudrillard responded to a question about this school: "I cannot get
involved in explaining this new art of simulation. In the world of
simulation, there is no object. There is a misunderstanding in taking me
as a reference for this work."
Hebdige, Dick. "Banalarama, or
Can Pop Save Us All?" New Statesman & Society (December
9, 1988) 1( 27): 29-32.
Popular culture is a true reflection of the banality of modern life in
a world entering its death cycle.
Heffernan, Nick. "Oedipus Wrecks? Or, Whatever happened to Deleuze and Guattari? Rereading Capitalism and Schizophrenia." In Bernard McGuirk, ed., Redirections in Critical Theory: Truth, Self, Action, History, pp. 159-160. London & New York: Routledge, 1994.
Heffernan, Teresa. "Can the Apocalypse Be Post?" In Richard Dellamora, ed., Postmodern Apocalypse: Theory and Cultural Practice at the End, pp. 171-176, 178, 179. New Cultural Studies. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995.
Heimonet, Jean-Michel. "Le College de sociologie: Un gigantesque malentendu." Esprit (May 1984), 5:48, 49, 53, 54.
Helbo, André. "Régards sur la pratique théâtrale." Kodikas/Code Ars Semeiotica (January-June 1984), 7(1-2):7.
Helsper, Werner and Wilfried Breyvogel. "Selbstkrise, Suizidmotive und Schule: Zur Suizidproblematik und ihrem historischen Wandel in der Adoleszenz." Zeitschrift für Padagogik (January 1989), 35(1):23, 40.
Helvacioglu, Banu. "The Thrills and Chills of Postmodernism." Studies in Marxism (Summer 1992), 38:7.
Hendley, Steve. "Power, Knowledge, and Praxis: A Sartrean Approach to a Foucaultian Problem." Man and World (March 1988), 21(2):188n19.
Henkle, Robert B. "Comedy as Commodity: Thomas Hood's Poetry of Class Desire." Victorian Poetry (Autumn 1988), 26(3):306, 308, 318n6.
Henry, Stuart and Dragan Milovanovic. "Constitutive Criminology: The Maturation of Critical Theory." Criminology (May 1991), 29(2):294n2, 309.
Herland, M. Réponse aux 'Quelques réflexions sur le travail productif'." Revue Economique (1977), 28:146.
Hertogh, Cees. "Life and the Scientific Concept of Life." Theoretical Medicine (1987), 8(2):124, 126n21.
Hess, Remi. "Baudrillard, Jean." In Denis Huisman, ed., Dictionnaire des Philosophes, Vol. 1: A-J, pp. 229-232. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984.
Hesse, Eva. "Das Wachstum, der Zins und der Markt der Zeichen." Amerikastudien/American Studies (1987),32(3):322, 323, 324.
Hetrick, Wiliam P. Review of Stuart Ewen's All
Consuming Images: The Politics of Style in Contemporary Culture.
Journal of Marketing (July 1991), 55(3):89, 90.
The traditional Marxian notion of the fetishism of commodities has been
replaced by Baudrillard's fetishism of the sign.
Hetrick, William P and Héctor R. Lozada. "Construing the Critical Imagination: Comments and Necessary Diversions." Journal of Consumer Research (December 1994), 21(3):556, 557.
Heyndels, Ralph. "Intertext, Institution, Pédagogie." Neohelicon (1983), 10(1):308n49.
High, Stephen S. "Young German
Painting: Towards the Hyperreal." Art Criticism (1988)
Cites Baudrillard's definition of hyperreality in
Simulations (1983) as "the generation by models of a real
without origin or reality," but says that it can also be interpreted as a
direct response to perceived reality and the recognition of its inherent
Hillach, Ansgar. "Wer ist das
Subjekt einer Hoffnung, die nicht enttäuscht werden kann? Das
antizipierende Bewusstsein und veränderter Bezugsrahmen." Text
+ Kritik (1985), Sonderband: 219, 221n18.
This supplement is on Ernst Bloch, edited by Heinz Ludwig Arnold.
Hinz, Klaus-Michael. "Robert Walser's Souveränität." Akzente: Zeitschrift für Literatur (October 1985), 32(5):465, 470, 471, 477n22, 478nn35, 37.
Hirschman, Elizabeth C. "Consumption Styles of the Rich and Famous: The Semiology of Saul Steinberg and Malcolm Forbes." Advances in Consumer Research (1990), 17:850, 855.
Hirschman, Elizabeth C. "The
Ideology of Consumption - A Structural-Syntactic Analysis of 'Dallas' and
'Dynasty'." Journal of Consumer Research (December1988),
15(3): 344-345, 358.
The central ideology of American culture, for Baudrillard, is
consumption and social meaning is attached to and communicated by
Hirschmann, Elizabeth C. and Barbara B. Stern. "Women as Commodities: Prostitution as Depicted in The Blue Angel, Pretty Baby, and Pretty Woman." Advances in Consumer Research (1994), 21:576, 580.
Hochman, Jhan. "An Appearance
of Nature: Animals and Plants in Selected Twentieth-Century Novels and
Films." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1993, State University of New York at Stony
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (August
1994), 55(2A):283-A.
Hodge, Joanna. "Forgetting:
Europe, Tradition, Philosophy." Journal of the British Society for
Phenomenology (October 1995), 26(3):255-256.
Looks at Baudrillard's writings from central Heideggerian themes and
finds him to have diagnosed a loss of a sense for the reality of temporal
and historical process and that he is thus a theorist of the effects of
Hof, Renate. "Feminist Wissenschaft -- A New Feminine Mystique?" Amerikastudien/American Studies (1988), 33(2):147n39.
Hoggett, P. "A Place for
Experience: A Psychonanalytic Perspective on Boundary, Identity, and
Culture." Envioronment and Planning D: Society and Space
(June 1992), 10(3):351, 355.
Discusses the possibility of cultural autism, a two-dimesional world
that Baudrillard has explored in "The Ecstasy of Communication", in which
objects are emptied of their symbolic content and have lost their capacity
to contain meaning.
Holder, Jane. "Regulating Green
Advertising in the Motor Car Industry." Journal of Law and
Society (Autumn 1991), 18(3):333, 345nn44, 45.
John Kenneth Galbraith's work, according to Baudrillard , doesn't say
what the basis is for artificial needs, nor whether the consumer is
anything more than a passive victim.
Holland, Eugene W. "The Anti-Oedipus: Postmodernism in Theory; or, The Post-Lacanian Historical Contextualization of Psychoanalysis." Boundary 2 (Fall 1985-Winter 1986), 14(1-2):300, 307n16.
Hollinger, Robert. Postmodernism and the Social Sciences: A Thematic Approach, pp. 128-129, 144-145n32, 145nn34, 35, 185, 190n36. Contemporary Social Theory, 4. Thousand Oaks & London: Sage, 1994.
Holmwood, John. "Feminism and
Epistemology: What Kind of Successful Science." Sociology
(August 1995), 29(3):414, 426.
For Baudrillard, postmodern social reality is a chatotic constellation
which is unpresentable, and there is no such as "the social" which could
be the object of a coherent sociological practice.
Hood, Colin. "Fly by Night." In André Frankovits, ed., Seduced and Abandoned: The Baudrillard Scene, pp. 58-62. Semiotext(e). Autonomedia. Glebe, NSW, Australia & New York: Stonemoss Services & Semiotexte(e), 1984.
Hopkins, Jeffrey S.P. "West Edmonton Mall: Landscape of Myths and Elsewhereness. " Canadian Geographer/Géographe Canadien (Spring 1990), 34(1):3, 16.
Hopkins, Susan. "Sex
Object-ness: The Seduction of Being Nothing." Social
Alternatives (January 1997), 16(1):17-19.
Baudrillard and objectification.
Horn, Heather A. "Origins,
Identity, Home: Sites of Subjectivity and Displaced Narratives in
Marguerite Duras and Wim Wenders." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1998, The
University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January
1999), 59(7A):2486-A.
Hornborg, Alf. "Machine Fetishism, Value, and the Image of Unlimited Good: Towards a Thermodynamics of Imperialism." Man (March 1992), 27(1):1, 11, 17.
Horvath, August T. and Lin Bin. "From Reality to Hyperreality: Simulation and Images at Greenfield
Village." Communication Research (February 1991),
The simulations of Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan possess
many of the hyperreality characteristics described by Baudrillard.
Hoskins, Janet. "On Losing and
Getting a Head: Warfare, Exchange, and Alliance in a Changing Sumba,
1888-1988." American Ethnologist (August 1989) 16(3):433,
Cites Baudrillard's analysis of the implicit system of objects in
modern consumerism.
Hosokawa, Shuhei. "L'Effet lyrique." Semiotica (1987), 66(1-3):151, 152.
Houle, Martha M. "What's in a Fairy-Tale? Louis Marin's Work with Play." American Journal of Semiotics (1987), 5(3-4):343, 344, 345, 348-349, 350, 355n14, 356.
Houtart, François. "Théologie de la libération et doctrine sociale de l'Eglise: Une perspective sociologique." La Pensée (April-June 1998), 314:73.
Howard, Roger. "'The Dramatic Sense of Life': Theatre and Historical Simulation." New Theatre Quarterly (August 1985), 1(3):269n6.
Howell, Jeremy. "A Revolution in Motion: Advertising and the Politics of Nostalgia." Sociology of Sport Journal (September 1991), 8(3):268, 270.
Hrachovec, Herbert. "Formale Semantik im Verhältnis zur Erkenntnistheorie. Ein Blickwechsel." Zeitschrift für Philosophie Forschung (April-June 1993), 47(2):182.
Hudis, Peter. "Bosnia in the Historic Mirror: A Commentary." Journal of Political and Military Sociology (Winter 1996), 24(2):336, 346.
Hughes, George. "Authenticity in Tourism." Annals of Tourism Research (1995), 22(4):782, 797, 798, 800.
Hughes, George and Mark Boyle. "Tu cherches une belle mère: Our Reply to Clarke."
Area (June 1992), 24(2):176-179.
See above Mark Boyle and George Hughes' "The
Politics of Representation of 'The Real'" and David B. Clarke's response:
"Reality, Representation and Simulation."
Hughes, Robert. "Jean
Baudrillard's America." In his Nothing If Not Critical:
Selected Essays on Art and Artists, pp. 375-387. New York: Knopf,
See above Robert Hughes' "The Patron Saint of
Neo-Pop," under reviews of Baudrillard's America (1988).
Hulk, Walburga. "Die nie versiegende Quell. Liebe und Judentum bei Albert Cohen." Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte/Cahiers d' Histoire des Littératures Romanes (1987), 11(1-2):108n93, 109, 111.
Hultkrans, Andrew. "Crap
Shoot." Artforum (January 1997), 35(5):21-22.
"Gadget Love. Andrew Hultkrans on three days in the desert."
See also David S. Bennahum, M. Corrigan and Mark Swed's articles on
this event.
Hunter, Diane. "Introduction." In Diane Hunter, ed., Seduction and Theory: Readings of Gender, Representation, and Rhetoric, pp. 8, 10n7. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1989.
Hunter, Dianne. "Seduction Theory." In Elizabeth Wright, ed., Feminism and Psychoanalysis: A Critical Dictionary, pp. 397-402. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1992.
Hutcheon, Linda. "Fringe
Interference: Postmodern Border Tensions." Style (Summer
1988), 22(2):301, 302, 321.
Says photography is the perfect industrial simulacrum and that
Baudrillard has seen television, not photography, as the paradigmatic form
of postmodern signification because its transparency seems to offer direct
access to a signified reality.
Issue is on "Visual Poetics."
Hutcheon, Linda. The Politics of Postmodernism, pp. 7, 10, 11, 33, 34, 82, 120, 121, 144, 169, 172. New Accents. London & New York: Routledge, 1989.
Hutcheon, Linda and Michael Hutcheon. "Medical 'Mythologies': A Semiotic Approach to Pharmaceutical Advertising." Queens Quarterly (Winter 1987), 94(4):904, 915.
Huygen, Frédérique. "Jean Baudrillard en het nieuwe verzamelen ." Museumjournaal [Amsterdam] (1981), 26(4):171-175.
Huyghe, Bernard. "Structuration
métaphorique du corps et identité dans l'anorexie mentale."
International Journal of Psychology (1985), 20(4-5):519.
Refers to Baudrillard's analysis of anorexics.
Huysmans, Jef. "Post-Cold War
Implosion and Globalism: Liberalism Running Past Itself?"
Millenium: Journal of International Studies (Winter 1975),
24(3):472, 480, 483-484.
There has been a global spread of an international form of life based
on a globalised capitalist economy based on liberal values. International
relations of the late 1980s and early 1990s have been the subject of an
internal collapse, which is grounded on a process of an internally
dissolving or self-transforming modernisation, a modernisation that
Baudriiilard views as eating itself away. As Baudrillard has remarked,
the global lip-service for liberal values leads to a perverse effect of
the values becoming emptied and devalued.
Huyssen, Andreas. "In the Shadow of McLuhan: Baudrillard's Theory of Simulation." In his Twilight Memories: Marking Time in a Culture of Amnesia, pp. 175-190. New York & London: Routledge, 1995.