Eddie Yeghiayan
Gablik, Suzi. "Dancing with Baudrillard." Art in America (June 1988), 76(6):27, 29.
Gabriel, Barbara. "'The Repose of an Icon' in Timothy Findley's Theatre of Fascism: From 'Alligator Shoes' to Famous Last Words." Essays on Canadian Writing (Summer 1998), 64:165, 178.
Gaillard, Françoise. "Code(s) littéraires et idéologie." Littérature (December 1973), 12:23, 24, 27, 28
Gaillard, Françoise. "De
la répétition d'une figure: Armance ou le
récit de l'impussiance." Littérature (May
1975), 18:122n47.
This issue is entitled "Frontières de la rhétorique."
Gaillard, Françoise. "Enseigne-t-on la littérature? (France)" Études Françaises (1988), 23(1-2):14.
Gaillard, Françoise. "Literary Codes and Ideology: Towards a Contestation of
Semiology." Sub-Stance (1976), 15:69, 70, 74, 80nn8, 9,
Translation by Carl R. Lovitt of "Code(s) littéraires et
Gaines, Jane. "Dead Ringer:
Jacqueline Onassis and the Look-Alike. " South Atlantic
Quarterly (Spring 1989), 88(2):470, 484n19.
This issue is entitled "Film and TV Theory Today," edited by Jane
Galland, Olivier. "L'instinct de fuite: Les jeunes et le travail." Esprit (March 1981) , 3:103.
Gallissot, Laurent. "The
Cultural Significance of Advertising: A General Framework for the Cultural
Analysis of the Advertising Industry in Europe." International
Sociology (March 1994), 9(1):18, 27.
Refers to Baudrillard's view that it is precisely the pre-eminence of
the exchange value over the use value which is at the heart of mass
Gallop, Jane. "French Theory
and the Seduction of Feminism." Paragraph (October 1986),
Reprinted in Alice Jardine and Paul Smith, eds., Men in
Feminism, pp. 111-115. New York: Methuen, 1987.
Gamson, William A., David Croteau, William Hoynes and Theodore Sasson. "Media Images and the Social Construction of Reality." Annual Review of Sociology (1992), 18:374, 387, 392.
Gandon, Francis. "Cet obscur objet du désir: Créativité et structure profonde dans la sémiologie de F. de Saussure." Kodikas /Code Ars Semeiotica (January-June 1983), 6(1-2):56n18, 57.
Gandon, Francis. "La Negativité chez Bataille: Propositions pour une théorie intensionelle du texte." Kodikas/Code Ars Semeiotica (July-October 1982), 4-5(3-4):228, 236.
Gandon, Francis. "La Psychose du texte: Duel analytique et théorie du texte." Semiotica (1986), 58(3-4):309n8, 312.
Gane, Mike. "Baudrillard." In Simon Critchley and William R. Schroeder, eds., A Companion to Continental Philosophy, pp. 581-587. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford & Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 1998.
Gane, Mike. Baudrillard: Critical Theory and Fatal Theory. London & New York: Routledge, 1991.
Gane, Mike. Baudrillard's Bestiary: Baudrillard and Culture. London & New York: Routledge, 1991.
Gane, Mike. "Bibliography of Works by Jean Baudrillard." In Jean Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and Death, pp. 243-247. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1993.
Gane, Mike. "French Ant-Feminism: The Case of Jean Baudrillard." Modern & Contemporary France / ASM & CF (January 1991), 44:19-25.
Gane, Mike. "Ironies of Postmodernism -- Fate of Baudrillard's Fatalism. " Economy and Society (August 1990), 19(3):314-333.
Gane, Mike. "Nietzsche's Imaginary Lovers." Economy and Society (May 1992), 21(2):184, 190n4.
Gane, Mike. 'Radical Theory: Baudrillard and
Vulnerability." Theory, Culture and Society (November
1995), 12(4):109-123.
Review of Jean Baudrillard's The Transparency of Evil
(1993), The Illusion of the End (1994), La
Pensée Radical (1994), Simulacra and Simulation
(1994), Le Crime Parfait (1995), Willaim Stearns and William
Cahaloupka, ed. Jean Baudrillard: The Disapperance of Art and
Politics (1992), Chris Rojek and Bryan Turner, ed. Forget
Baudrillard? (1993).
Gane, Mike. "1792: Mary Wollstonecraft's Social Theory in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman." Economy and Society (February 1992), 21(1):24n5, 25.
Garner, Georg R. "Tragedy, Sovereignity and the Sign: Jodelle's Cléopâtre captive." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (Fall 1978), 5(3):253.
Garnham, Nicholas. "Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass-Communication."
Media, Culture and Society (April 1979),
1(2):134n5, 146.
This issue is entitled "Political Economy."
Garnham, Nicholas. "Towards a Political Economy of Culture." New Universities Quarterly (Summer 1977), 31(3):356n3.
Gascon, J. "Cuidados de salud primarios y cooperacion con el tercer mundo." Medicina Clinica (February 15, 1992), 98(6):219.
Gedeon, Randa. "Selfhood and
Otherhood, or Selfhood vs. Otherhood? Questions of Interiority and
Exteriority in Contemporary Cultural Theory." M.A. Thesis, 1995.
Abstract in Masters Abstracts International (1996),
Genosko, Gary. "Adventures in the Dromosphere." Borderlines (Winter 1989), 17:34-36.
Genosko, Gary. Baudrillard and Signs: Signification and Ablaze. London and New York: Routledge, 1994.
Genosko, Gary Alan. "Bar Games:
Baudrillard's Encounters with the Sign." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992, York
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(September 1993), 54(3A):1116-1117-A.
Genosko, Gary. "Bar Games: Baudrillard's Table of Conversions." RSSI: Recherches Sémiotiques /Semiotic Inquiry (1994), 14(3):105-120.
Genosko, Gary. "The Bar of Theory." Borderlines (Winter 1990), 20:59-61.
Genosko, Gary. "The Drama of Theory: Vengeful Objects and Wily Props." In Douglas Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 292-312. Cambridge, Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
Genosko, Gary A. "Fellow Doctors of Pataphysics: Ubu Faustroll and Baudrillard." In William Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 146-159. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Genosko, Gary. "The Paradoxical Effects of Macluhanisme: Cazeneuve, Baudrillard and Barthes." Economy and Society (November 1994), 23(4):400-432.
Genosko, Gary. "Radical Losers." Borderlines (July 1996), 41:43.
Genosko, Gary. "The Struggle for an Affirmative Weakness: de Certeau, Lyotard, and Baudrillard." Current Perspectives in Social Theory (1992), 12:179-194.
Genosko, Gary. Undisciplined Theory,
pp. 3-4, 6, 8-10, 12-47, 67, 72, 79, 116, 127-128, 146, 181, 185-187, 189,
191-192. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1998.
Chapter I is entitled "Undisciplined and Undisciplinable:
Baudrillard's Radical Anthropology," pp. 12-47.
Genosko, Gary. "Virtual War." Borderlines (1992), 24:51-52.
Genosko, Gary. "Who is the 'French McLuhan'?" In Nicholas Zurbrugg, ed., Jean Baudrillard: Art and Artefact, pp. 104-120. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997.
Gergen, Mary M. and Kenneth J. Gergen. "What is This Thing Called Love? Emotional Scenarios in Historical Perspective." Journal of Narrative Life and History (1995), 5(3):229, 232, 236.
Gérôme, Noëlle. "L'ethnologie, la 'culture de masse' et les ouvriers: fragments d'une perspective." Mouvement Social (July-September 1990), 152: 53n16.
Gerould, Daniel. "Imaginary
Invalids: A Theater of Simulated Patients." Theater
(Fall-Winter 1987), 19(1):6, 15, 17n4, 18nn23, 34.
About a professional theater group based in Martinsville, New Jersey
Ghasarian, Christian. "Cultural Experimentation in Berkeley ." Urban Anthropology (Spring 1996), 25(1):41.
Giard, Luce. "Petite
bibliothèque." Esprit (March 1976), 3:532.
Mentions Baudrillard's articles in Traverses which were
collected in L'Échange symbolique et la mort
This issue is entitled "La mort à vivre."
Gibson, Ann. "Dealing with
Desire: The Painting of Thomas Schindler and Günter Umberg."
Arts Magazine (October 1986),
Refers to Baudrillard's analysis of an aspect of art's
Gibson, Ross. "Customs and Excise." In André Frankovits, ed., Seduced and Abandoned: The Baudrillard Scene, pp. 45-57. Semiotext(e). Autonomedia. Glebe, NSW, Australia & New York: Stonemoss Services & Semiotexte(e), 1984.
Gifre, Emma Martinell. "'El Cuarto de Atrás': Un mondo de objetos." Revista de Literatura (January-June 1983), 45( 89):143n1, 146n5, 153n15.
Gilbert, Rob. "Citizenship, Education and Postmodernity." British Journal of Sociology of Education (1992), 13(1):59, 67.
Gilbert-Rolfe, Jeremy. "The
Politics of Art." Arts Magazine (September 1986),
Deals with the implications Baudrillard's thinking for the practice
and reception of art.
Gil, Thomas. "Das Schicksal der Zeichen im Zeitalter der Hypertelie. Jean Baudrillards semiookonomische Gegenwartsanalyse." Semiosis (1993), 18(1-2) [69-70]:45-54.
Gill, Gerry. "Postructuralism as Ideology." Arena (1984), 69:60.
Gilleard, Chris. "Consumption and Identity in Later Life: Toward a Cultural Gerontology." Ageing and Society (July 1996), 16(4):492, 496.
Gillespie, James Loran. "Art
and Spectacle: The Dialectics of the Virtual Interface." Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1996, York University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January
1998), 58(7A):2434-A.
Gillett, James and Philip G. White. "Male Bodybuilding and the Reassertion of Hegemonic Masculinity: A
Critical Feminist Perspective." Play & Culture
(November 1992), 5(4):364, 367.
Uses Baudrillard's ideas of collecting and fatal strategies to analyse
body building.
Gilmour, John C. "Original
Representation and Anslem Kiefer's Postmodernism." Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Spring 1988), 46(3):347-348,
Kiefer's artistic practices lend support to Baudrillard's
radicalization of the idea of original representation, a representation
that is prior to our ability to make the simulation/reality
Gils, Wouter van. "Baudrillard over de schijn van de werkelijkheid." In Th. De Boer and H.E.S. Woldring, eds., Moderne Franse filosofen. Foucault, Rocoeur, Irigaray, Baudrillard, Levinas, Derrida, Lyotard, Kristeva, pp. 64-74. Kampen: Kok Agora; Kapellen: DNB/Pelckmans, 1993.
Gils, Wouter van. "De
Boeum-Boem-Boem theorien van José Moonen." Krisis
(1986), 6(2):95-98.
See José Moonen below.
Gils, Wouter van. "Fatale kritieken als verbaal terrorisme. De ontwikkeling in het werk van Jean Baudrillard." Krisis (1985), 5(4):76-92.
Gils, Wouter van. Realiteit en illusie als schijnvertoning : over het werk van Jean Baudrillard. Nijmegen : Sun, 1986.
Gintz, Claude. "Polke's Slow
Dissolve." Art in America (December 1985), 73(12):109,
On Sigmar Polke.
Girardin, Jean-Claude. "Signos para una política: lectura de Baudrillard." In Jean Baudrillard's La génesis ideológica de las necesidades. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1976.
Girardin, Jean-Claude. "Signs pour une politique: Lecture de Baudrillard." Les Temps Modernes (December 1973), 29(329):1026-1043.
Girardin, Jean-Claude. "Toward
a Politics of Signs: Reading Baudrillard." Telos (Summer
1974), 20:127-137.
Translation by David Pugh of "Signs pour une politique: Lecture de
Gitlin, Todd. "The Image of Business on Prime Time Television." California Management Review (Winter 1984), 26(2):73n1.
Giulbaut, Serge. "Art History
after Revisionism: Poverty and Hopes." Art Criticism (1985),
2(1):41-42, 43, 49n3, 50n4, 7.
The fact that Baudrillard became an editor of Artforum
shows the end of utopia and the celebration of desperation. Baudrillard
describes the destruction of public and private spaces by the obscenity of
the pseudo-communion of our society of communication.
Giulianotti, Richard. "Scotland's Tartan Army in Italy: The Case for the Carnivalesque." Sociological Review (August 1991), 39(3):507, 527.
Glass, J.ames M.. "Multiplicity, Identity and the Horrors of Selfhood: Failure in
the Postmodern Position." Political Psychology (June 1993),
14(2):256, 258, 259-261, 273, 274, 276, 277.
Raises questions regarding Baudrillard's concepts of multiplicity,
meaning, and truth in the context of the experience of women with multiple
Glassner, Barry . "Fitness and the Postmodern Self." Journal of Health and Social Behavior (March 1989), 30 (2):183-184, 185, 188.
Glassner, Barry. "The Medium
Must Not Deconstruct: A Postmodern Ethnography of USA Today
Television Show." Media, Culture & Society
(January 1991), 13(1):53, 69.
This issue of the journal is on "Postmodernism."
Gloor-André, Pierre. "À propos de la xénophobie et du racisme." Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto (1980), 18(53):26.
Gloor, Pierre-Andre. "À propos de la xénophobie et racisme. " Anthropologie (1980), 84(4):591, 601.
Glover, David. "Speculation to the Death." Review of Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, eds., Forget Baudrillard? and Jean Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and Death (1993). Radical Philoosphy (September-October 1995), 73:45-46.
Glowacka, Dorota. "Beyond the
Politics of Representation: The Postmodern Sublime in the Works of John
Hawkes, Bruno Schulz, and Maurice Blanchot." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1994,
State University of New York at Buffalo.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May
1995), 55(11A):3501-A.
Gnesotto, Nicole. "L'imaginaire féministe." Esprit (September-October 1979), 9-10:160.
Godden, Richard. "The
Great Gatsby: Glamor on the Turn." Journal of American
Studies (December 1982), 16(3):348n10.
Jameson's use of the terms "true/primary" and
"false/luxury" in Marxism and Form repeat Marx's distinction
between "use" and "exchange" values -- a distinction that has been called
into question by Baudrillard.
Godden, Richard. "Money Makes Manners Make Man Make Woman: Tender is the Night, a Familiar Romance?" Literature and History (1986), 12(1): 34n5.
Godden, Richard. Review of Rachel Bowlby's
Just Looking: Consumer Culture in Dreiser, Gissing and Zola.
Sociological Review (May 1986), 34(2):465, 467nn1-3.
Repeats Baudrillard's claim that Disneyland saves the reality principle
by presenting itself as fantasy, the better to convince us that Southern
California is real, and that Los Angeles is merely Pirate-Land and
Fantasy-world en masse.
Gohin, Yves. "Progrès et problèmes de la psychanalyse littéraire." La Pensée (October 1980), 215:69, 79.
Gold, Hazel. "A Tomb with a View: The Museum in Galdós' Novelas contemporáneas." MLN (March 1988), 103(2):326.
Goldman, Robert and Stephen Papson. "Advertising in the Age of Hypersignification." Theory,
Culture & Society (August 1994), 11(3):41, 49, 52, 53.
Says Baudrillard's notion of the "hyperreal" points to an everyday
life-world where technologicaly mediated simulations have made indistinct
what is representation and what is referent.
Goloboff, Gerardo Mario. "Borges y el tesoro de la búsqueda." Hispamerica: Revista de Literatura (April-August 1983), 12(34-35):137n11.
Gonzalez, Angela Sierra. "La estetica del simulacro (de Socrates a Baudrillard)." In Angel Molla, ed., Conmutaciones: Estetica y Etica en la Modernidad. Pensamiento y Praxis. Barcelona: Editorial Laertes, 1992.
González, Eduardo. "Beware of Gift-Bearing Tales: Reading García
Márquez According to Mauss." MLN (March 1982),
Points out that Baudrillard's criticism that systems of symbolic
exchange in archaic or savage societies of the sort treated by Mauss are
not economic, as Marxist interpreters have assumed, is an example of
cultural imperialism. Similarly, the author claims that in practical
criticism to subject literary fiction to semiotic appropriation is an act
of imperial appropriation.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "Public
Discourse." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (December
1987), 4(4):429, 432
In a postmodern society institutions depreciate the public sphere and
according to Baudrillard, communication has a diminished capacity where
the "instatenity of communication has miniaturized our exchanges into a
succesion of instants."
Goodrich, Peter. "Sleeping with the Enemy: An Essay on the Politics of Critical Legal Studies in America." New York University Law Review (May 1993), 68(2):395, 395nn21, 22, 423n128.
Gordon, Jan B. "A-filiative Families and Subversive Reproduction: Gossip in Jane Austen." Genre (Spring 1988), 21(1):34, 44n21, 45.
Gordon, Avery. "Feminism, Writing, and Ghosts." Social Problems (November 1990), 37(4):485, 499.
Gordon, Joan. "The Mobius Fiction of Angela Carter." New York Review of Science Fiction (July 1993), 5(11(59):1, 3-5.
Gosden, Chris "Debt,
Production, and Prehistory." Journal of Anthropological
Archaeology (December 1989), 8(4):357, 384.
Marxism stressed the role of labor in human affairs. The study of
non-capitalist societies within Marxist anthropology, history and
archaeology, has concentrated on the reproduction of people rather than
the production of things. Cites Baudrillard and others who have
concentrated on the social and political, but he says this has led to a
lack of understanding of the role of production in non-capitalist
Gose, Peter. "Labor and the Materiality of the Sign: Beyond Dualist Theories of Culture." Dialectical Anthropology (1988), 13(2):104, 119n8.
Goshorn, A. Keith. "Jean Baudrillard's Radical Enigma: 'The Object's Fulfillment without Regard for the Subject'." In William Stearns and William Chaloupka , eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 209-229. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Goshorn, Arthur Keith. "Recuperation as a Figure of Postmodernity: Testing the Uses of
Baudrillard's Cultural Theory." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992, Emory
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June
1993), 53(12A):4119-A.
Goshorn, A. Keith. "Valorizing the Feminine' while Rejecting Feminism?--Baudrillard's Feminist Provocations" In Douglas Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 257-291. Cambridge, Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
Goss, Jon. "Disquiet on the
Waterfront: Reflections on Nostalgia and Utopia in the Urban Archetypes of
Festival Marketplaces." Urban Geography (April 1-May 15,
1996), 17(3):226, 242, 243.
Referring to Baudrillard , states that historic objects are, in a
Freudian sense, fetishes that function to obscure loss by displacing the
product of unalienated labor, the natural object of desire.
Goss, Jon. "The 'Magic of the
Mall': An Analysis of Form, Function, and Meaning in the Contemporary
Retail Built Environment." Annals of the Association of American
Geographers (March 1993), 83(1):21, 44.
In Baudrillard's society of the simulacrum, the real has been replaced
by the illusion; the world consists of commodified images.
Goss, Jon. "'We Know WhoYou Are and We Know Where You Live'." Economic Geography (April 1995), 71(2):193, 194.
Gottdiener, Mark. "Alienation, Ethnicity, and Postmodernism as Critical Theory." In Felix Geyer, ed., Alienation, Ethnicity, and Postmodernism, pp. 139-148. Contributions in Sociology, 116. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996.
Gottdiener, Mark. "Disneyland -- A Utopian Urban Space." Urban Life (July 1982), 11(2):142, 161.
Gottdiener, Mark. "Hegemony and Mass-Culture: A Semiotic Approach." American Journal of Sociology (March 1985), 90(5):987-988, 989, 992, 999.
Gottdiener, Mark. "Ökonomie, Ideologie und Semiotik." Zeitschrift
für Semiotik (1988), 10(1-2):21, 23, 24.
Translated by Suzanne Hauser.
This issue is on "Semiotik und Marxismus."
Gottdiener, Mark. Postmodern Semiotics:
Material Culture and the Forms of Postmodern Life. Oxford;
Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1995.
Especially Chapter 2: The System of Objects and the Commodification of
Everyday Life: The Early Work of Baudrillard, pp. 34-53. See below.
Gottdiener, Mark. "Reply to
Denzin." American Journal of Sociology (November 1986),
92(3):684, 685, 686, 687, 689, 690.
See Norman K. Denzin's "On a Semiotic Approach to Mass-Culture: Comment
on Gottdiener" in the same issue.
Gottdiener, Mark "The System of Objects and the Commodification of Everyday Life: The Early Baudrillard." In Douglas Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 25-40. Cambridge, Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
Gottesman, L. "Will Postmodernism Kill the Movement?" Breakth (Summer 1992), 16(1):24.
Gottschalk, Simon. "Uncomfortably Numb: Countercultural Impulses in the Postmodern Era." Symbolic Interaction (Winter 1993), 16(4):351, 355, 365, 372n1, 373-374.
Gould, Stephen J. and Robert N. Stinerock. "Self-Fashioning Oneself Cross-Culturally: Consumption as the Determined and the Determining." Advances in Consumer Research (1992), 19:858, 860.
Govaerts, France. "Le discours publicitaire, un modèle idéologique." Degrés (Spring 1976), 10:d9.
Graham, Laurel D. "Critical Biography without Subjects and Objects: An Encounter with Dr. Lillian Moller Gilbreth." Sociological Quarterly (November 1994), 35(4):630, 640.
Grainger, Roger. "Artistic
Expression and the Embodiment of Social Constructs." Arts in
Psychotherapy (1996), 23(2):139, 140.
Claims that Baudrillard suggests a condition of human social awareness
in which bodies cease to be experienced in themsleves at all, and the real
becomes "that for which it is possible to provide an equivalent
Grant Jill , Hisafumi Saito and Marty Zelenietz "Where Development Never Comes: Business Activities in Kilenge, Papua New-Guinea." Journal of the Polynesian Society (June 1986), 95( 2):197, 217.
Gras, Pierre and Antoine Rakovsky. "Le Cinéma de la chasteté." Revue du Cinéma (January 1987), 423:16n6.
Gravert-May, Erik. "Oublier Baudrillard." Manuscripte (March 1989), 29(103):8-12.
Graves, O. Finley, Dale L. Flesher, and Robert E. Jordan. "Pictures of the Bottom Line: The Television Epistemology of U.S. Annual Reports." Accounting Organizations and Society (January 1996), 21(1):62n9, 85.
Graybill, Mark Steven. "Theorizing the Southern Postmodern." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1998,
University of South Carolina.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January
1999), 59(7A):2501-A.
Grayson, Kent. "Real Things: The Social and Symbolic Value of Genuine Products and Brands." Advances in Consumer Research (1996), 23:390-393.
Green, Andrew. "How the Criminal Justice System Knows." Social & Legal Studies (March 1997), 6(1):7, 21.
Greene, Maxine. "In Search of a Critical Pedagogy." Harvard Educational Review (November 1986), 56(4):427.
Grégoire, René. "Träumen in dürftiger Zeit, oder: Die Utopie erschreiben: Überlegungen zu Christa Wolf." Études Germaniques (October-December 1987), 42(4) [168]:439, 449n12, 13.
Grenier, Jean-Yves. Review of Arjun Appadurai, ed. The Social-Life of Thing: Commodities in Cultural Perspective. Annales: Économies Sociétés Civilisations (September-October 1989), 44(5): 1151n1.
Grevet, Patrice. "Le moment
objectif et le moment subjectif des besoins." La
Pensée (March-April 1975), 180:105-121.
Issue is on "Besoins et consommation."
Grey, Christopher. "Towards a Critique of Managerialism: The Contribution of Simone Weil." Journal of Management Studies (September 1996), 33(5):593, 609.
Gribben, Bryn. "'Floating Signifiers': Postmodern Aesthetic Commodification and the Magnetic Poetry Kit." Popular Culture Review (August 1998) 9(2):119-127.
Grignon, Claude and Christine Grignon."Styles d'alimentation et goûts populaires. "Revue Française de Sociologie (October-December 1980), 21(4): 565n37.
Grimaldi, Massimo. "I rituali della trasparenza: la prospettiva 'post-moderna' di Jean Baudrillard." Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia della Università di Bari (1996), 39:245-263.
Grimminger, Rolf. "Heimsuchungen der Vernunft. Die
Postmoderne und Matthes & Seitz." Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift
für europaisches Denken (September-October 1985), 39(9-10)
[439-440]: 850-851.
A section is entitled: "Baudrillard, der Bataille
des Poststrukturalismus."
Griset, Antoine. "Jean Baudrillard. La spirale des signes, objets ou contre-objets." Les Dieux dans la cuisine: vingt ans de philosophie en France, pp. 53-55. Preface by Jacques Brochier. Paris : Aubier, 1978.
Griswold, Wendy. "The Writing on the Mud Wall: Nigerian Novels and the Imaginary Village." American Sociological Review (December 1992), 57(6):711n1, 723.
Grivel, Charles. "Maria. De la constitution d'un sujet idéologique rentré. Versus: Romanesque? Eloquent? (La confusion dans le trépied. Dédié à Alfred Jarry)." Revue des Sciences Humaines (January-March 1977), [42] 165(1):113n27.
Grivel, Charles. "Les
représentations jarryques." Revue des Sciences
Humaines (1986), 203:11n7, 23.
The only strategy against a hyperrealist system is pataphysical, as
Baudrillard clearly saw.
Grivel, Charles. "La
Société des textes: Méditation métaitique en
13 Points." Littérature (October 1986), 63:5, 14, 17,
This issue is entitled "Communiquer/Représenter."
Also published in Degrés (Summer-Autumn 1986),
46-47:e3, e16, e18, e19, e27.
Gross, Liz. "Speculum
Feminarum." Southern Review [Adelaide] (March
1987), 20(1):95, 97, 101n6.
Review of Marilouise Kroker, Arthur .Kroker, Pamela McCallum, and Mair
Verthuy, eds. Feminism Now: Theory and Practice.
Gross, Paul R. and Norman Levitt's Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science, pp. 25, 79-80, 85, 95, 266n13, 291. Baltimore & London: John Hopkins University Press, 1994.
Grossberg, Lawrence. "The
In-Difference of Television." Screen (Spring 1987),
Sub-titled "Lawrence Grossberg Maps TV's Affective Economy."
This issue is entitled "Postmodern Screen."
Grossberg, Lawrence. "Is There Rock After Punk?" Critical Studies in Mass Communication (March 1986), 3(1):70, 72.
Grossberg, Lawrence. "Postmodernity and Affect: All Dressed Up with No Place to Go."
Communication (1988), 10(3-4):276-277, 281, 282, 292.
Refers to Baudrillard's description of the postmodern as a virus that
leaps across social domains and also discusses his view of affective
Grossberg, Lawrence. "Rockin'
with Reagan, or the Mainstreaming of Postmodernity." Cultural
Critique (1988), 10:136, 137.
Cites Baudrillard's remark about the supercession of reality and says
that between Disneyland and LA, are we certain which is less real or less
crazy as an inhabitable space?
Grusin, Richard A. "'Put God in
Your Debt': Emerson's Economy of Expenditure ." PMLA (January
1988), 103(1):36, 43n10, 44.
Cites Baudriilard's critique of Marx's concept of the mode of
production, which extends Bataille's concept of "symbolic expenditure,"
and his characterization of the affinity between the circulation of gifts
in the economy of gift exchange and the circulation of words in a
linguistic economy.
Grzimc Mauhler, Marina. "Baudrillardova televizija." Filozofski Vestnik/Acta Philosophia (1993), 14(1) 1:21-30.
Guattari, Felix. "Interpretance and
Significance "
Semiotica (1981), Special Supplement:123, 125.
Translated by Rosemary De Vere.
This special supplement is entitled: "Polyphonic
Linguistics: The Many Voices of Émile Benveniste," edited by
Sylvère Lotringer and Thomas Gora.
Refers to Baudrillard's discussion of connotation and denotation and
that denotation maintains itself entirely on the basis of the myth of
Gubrium, Jaber F. and James A. Holstein. "Grounding the Postmodern Self." Sociological Quarterly (November 1994), 35(4):686, 688-689, 701.
Gubrium, Jaber F. and James A. Holstein. "Individual Agency, the Ordinary, and Postmodern Life." Sociological Quarterly (Summer 1995), 36(3):555, 557, 566, 567.
Gudeman, Stephen. "Remodeling the House of Economics: Culture and Innovation." American Ethnologist (February 1992), 19(1):152n1, 153.
Guerrin, Michel. "Baudrillard
côté chambre noire. La philosophe expose ses images: un
éloge manqué de la banalité et du detail." Le
Monde (January 27, 1993), 14930:15.
On the exhibition of Baudrillard's photographs at Galerie
Gérard Piltzer, 78 avenue Champs-Elysées, 750008.
Guibert-Sledziewski, Elisabeth. "Une culture de régression." Raison Présente (1988), 88:103.
Guibert-Sledziewski, Elisabeth. "L'an 2000 passera-t-il?" Pensée
(January-February 1986), 249:100-109.
Issue is on "L'homme et citoyen de l'an II
à l'an 2000."
Guigou, Jacques. "La formation comme équivalence et comme diff'érence." Les Temps Modernes (July 1975), 30(348):1977.
Guillory, John. "Canonical and Non-Canonical - A Critique of the Current Debate." ELH: English Literary History (Fall 1987), 54(3):493, 494, 522n16, 523n19.
Gullestad, Marianne. "Mot nye former for "holisme"? Om a vage a vaere uvitenskapelig pa en vitenskapelig mate "Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning [Norway] (1986), 27(6):568.
Gunew, Sneja. "Framing Marginality: Distinguishing the Textual Politics of the Marginal Voice." Southern Review [Adelaide] (July 1985), 18(2):147, 156n17.
Gupta, Akhil and James Ferguson. "Beyond 'Culture': Space, Identity, and the Politics of
Difference." Cultural Anthropology (February 1992), 7(1):6,
They explore how the renewed interest in theorizing space in
postmodernist and feminist theory -- including here Baudrillard --
embodied in such notions as surveillance, panoticism, simulacra,
deterritorialization, postmodern hyperspace, borderlands, and marginality,
forces us to reevaluate concepts such as culture and cultural
Gupta, Dipankar. "Can Postmodernism be Universalised? Derrida and Baudrillard in the Tropics." Contributions to Indian Sociology (January-December 1995), 29(1-2):393-407.
Gusevich, Miriam. "Decoration and Decorum, Adolf Loos's Critique of Kitsch." New German Critique (Winter 1988), 43:105n25.