Eddie Yeghiayan
Eagleton, Terry. The Illusions of Postmodernism, p. 112. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1996.
Eagleton, Terry. "Marxism,
Structuralism, and Poststructuralism."
Diacritics (Winter 1985), 15(4):8, 10, 12.
This issue is entitled "Marx After Derrida."
Review of Perry
Anderson's In the Tracks of Historical Materialism.
Edwards, Scott A. "Televisual Images in Presidential Politics: A Baudrillardian Reading of Bill Clinton's 1992 Presidential Campaign." M.A. Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1998.
Ehrenberg, Alain. "Les héros de la formula: Entretien avec Jean-Philippe Domecq." Esprit (1987), 4:169.
Ehrenberg, Alain. "Des jardins
de bravoure et des piscines roboratrices: Le sport, parcours de pouvoirs."
Les Temps Modernes (October 1979), 35(399):717.
Finds Baudrillard's view of the masses fructuous.
Ehrenberg-Chalier, Corinne. "Le
Monde sans ombre de Jean Baudrillard." Topique: Revue
Freudienne (1994), 24(53):15-17.
The issue is entitled "Pouvoirs de l'image."
Ehrentraut, Adolf W. "Cultural Nationalism, Corporate Interests and the Production of Architectural Heritage in Japan." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie et d' Anthropologie (May 1995), 32(2):218, 238.
Eisenman, Peter. "The End of the
Classical: The End of the Beginning, the End of the End." Perspecta:
The Yale Architectural Journal (1984), 21:155, 159, 159n10.
Quotes Baudrillard as claiming that metaphysical despair comes from the
idea that images were not images but perfect simulacra. Points out that
Baudrillard distinguishes simulation from dissimulation; that beginning in
the 15th century there are three different orders of simulacra,
based on the natural law of value (counterfeit), commercial law of value
(production), and the structural law of value (simulation). Sections in
the paper are entitled: The 'fiction' of representation: the simulation of
meaning; the 'fiction' of reason: the simulation of truth; the 'fiction'
of history: the simulation of the timeless.
Eizykman, Boris. "Temporality in
Science-Fiction Narrative." Science-Fiction Studies (March
1985) 12(1) [35]:85n29.
Disagrees with Baudrillard's claim that utopia finds a home in the
critical gap separating the real and the imaginary in precapitalist
societies, this gap encouraging the establishment of a different model of
Elchardus, Mark. "Flexible Men and Women. The Changing Temporal Organization of Work and Culture: An Empirical Analysis." Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales (December 1991), 30(4):713, 724.
Elias, Willem. Signs of the Time. Lier & Boog Studies, 6. Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi, 1997.
Elliott, Anthony. Subject to Ourselves: Social Theory, Psychoanalysis and Postmodernity, pp. 19, 33, 115-116, 117, 130, 133, 157n17, 18, 158n33, 164nn26, 27. Cambridge, Mass. & Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996.
Elliott, Anthony. "Symptoms of Globalization: or, Mapping Reflexivity in the Postmodern Age." Political Psychology (December 1995), 16(4):722, 723, 735.
Elliott, Gregory. "Analysis
Terminated, Analysis Interminable." Economy and Society
(May 1993), 22(2):160, 177.
On Louis Althusser.
Elliott, Richard and Mark Ritson. "Practicing Existential Consumption: The Lived Meaning of Sexuality in Advertising." Advances in Consumer Research (1995), 22:740, 744.
Ellrich, Lutz. "Sein und Schein. Wie postmodern ist das systemtheoretische Konzept der elektronischen Medien?" Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (August 1996), 44(4):559.
Ellul, Jacques. "La Technique
considérée en tant que système." Études
Philosophiques (April-June 1976), 2:148-149n1.
The issue is entitled "La technique."
In a lengthy footnote discusses how his approach differs from
Baudrillard's in Le Système des objets (1968).
Elmer, Jonathan. "The Exciting Conflict -- The
of Pornography and Anti-Pornography." Cultural Critique
(Winter 1987-88), 8:74-75n33, 77n34.
Cites heterodox Marxist Baudrillard's view that it is traditional
Marxism's inability to account for a direct fetishization of an ideology
that indicates the need to revise Marx's analysis of commodity fetishism.
In the end finds Baudrillard's analysis of fetishism and ideology
suggestive and largely convincing, but remains uncomfortable in the uneasy
alliance between a psychoanalytic and Marxist understanding of
Elsaesser, Thomas. "Cinema --The
Irresponsible Signifier or 'The Gamble with- History': Film Theory or
Cinema Theory. " New German Critique (Winter 1987), 40:
This issue is entitled "Weimar Film Theory."
Emberley, Peter. "Places and Stories: The Challenge of Technology." Social Research (Autumn 1989), 56(3): 760-761.
Epstein, Jonathan S. and Margarete J. Epstein. "Fatal Forms: Toward a (Neo) Formal Sociological Theory of Media Culture." In Douglas M. Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 135-149. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Eräsaari, Risto. "The New Social State?" Acta Sociologica: Journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association (1986), 29(3):228, 237, 240nn11, 12, 241n38.
Erlmann, Veit. "The Aesthetics of the Global Imagination: Reflections on World Music in the 1990s." Public Culture (Spring 1996), 8(3) [20]:467, 468, 475, 485.
Escobar, Arturo. "Construction Nature: Elements for a Post-Structuralist Political Ecology." Futures (May 1996), 28(4):334, 343n37.
Escobar, Elizam. "Theoretical
Work: Art's Liberation, Weapon and Labyrinth." (Part I) Left
Curve (1990), 14:38, 39, 41, 42.
Baudrillard's use of the symbolic is as a radical alternative to the
sign, an anti-sign whose main characteristic is ambivalence and not
polyvalence or ambiguity.
Esterbauer, Reinhold. "Die Zeit und ihr Ende. Zum Zeitverständnis bei Levinas und Baudrillard." In Thomas Freyer and Richard Schenk, eds., Fragen an die moderne, pp. 73-94. Philosophische Theologie, 9. Vienna; Passagen, 1996.
Ettema, James S. and Theodore L. Glaser. "The Irony in --and of -- Journalism: A Case Study in the Moral Language of Liberal Democracy." Journal of Communication (Spring 1994), 44(2):5.
Evans, Caroline. "Fashion." In Elizabeth Wright, ed., Feminism and Psychoanalysis: A Critical Dictionary, pp. 89, 90. Cambridge, Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.
Everaert-Desmedt, Nicole. "Sémiotique de la publicité: quelques
repères." Degrés (Winter 1985), 13(44): f7,
The issue is on "Le discours publicitaire."
Eyerman Ron and Orvar Löfgren. "Romancing the Road : Road Movies and Images of Mobility."
Theory, Culture & Society (February 1995), 12 (1):69, 78.
They say that Baudrillard's America starts in classic road
movie style.
Eyles, J. and M. Evans. "Popular Consciousness, Moral Ideology, and Locality." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (March 1987) 5(1):41, 55,68.