Eddie Yeghiayan
Cadello, James P. "Challenges to Social Philosophy: Baudrillard and Kristeva." In Yeager Hudson, ed., Rending and Renewing the Social Order, pp. 327-339. Studies in Social and Political Theory, 17. Social Philosophy Today, 12. Lewiston, NY: Mellen Press, 1996.
Caesar, Terry. "Brutal Naïveté and Special Lighting: Hyperspatiality and Landscape in the American Travel Text." College Literature (February 1994), 21(1):64, 65, 68, 70, 71-73, 74, 75, 76nn1, 2, 77nn5, 6, 79.
Cahn, Raymond. "Pysche and Death-Myth Space." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse (1979), 43(3):421-439.
Calás, Marta B. and Linda Smircich. "Voicing Seduction to Silence Leadership." Organization Studies (1991), 12(4):566, 598.
Calcutt, John.
"In Skirts and Trousers That are Not of Our Own
Art History (1987), 10(2):281-282, 286.
Review of Elizabeth Wilson's Adorned in Dreams:
Fashion and
Says Elizabeth Wilson's criticisms of Baudrillard are unfair and that
Baudrillard views fashion's role in the political economy of the sign as
a potentially subversive and deconstructive one.
Calhoun, Craig. "Culture, History, and the Problem of Specificity in Social Theory." In Steven Seidman and David G. Wagner, eds., Postmodernism and Social Theory: The Debate over General Theory, pp. 272-273. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1992.
Calhoun, Craig. "Postmodernism as Pseudohistory." Theory, Culture and Society (February 1993), 10(1):81, 83, 94n5, 94.
Calhoun, Craig. "Social Theory
and the Law: Systems Theory, Normative Justification, and Postmodernism."
Northwestern University Law Review (Fall 1988-Winter 1989),
This issue of the journal is on "Law and Social Theory."
Callinicos, Alex. Against
Postmodernism: A
Marxist Critique, pp. 5, 6, 86-87, 104, 126, 145-148,
150, 153,
170, 174, 178, 187nn89-91, 193n20, 195nn74-80, 196n89. Cambridge:
Polity, 1989.
See especially, "The Mirror of Commodity
Fetishism: Baudrillard and Late Capitalist Culture," pp. 144-153.
Calvi, Giulia. "A Metaphor for
Social Exchange: The Florentine Plague of 1630."
Representations (Winter 1986), 13:160, 163n43.
Translated by Paul Ferrara.
Calvi, Giulia. "A Metaphor for Social Exchanges: The 1630s Plagues in Florence." Quaderni Storici (1984), 19(1):35.
Campbell, Bonnie. L'Idéologie de la croissance: une analyse du Plan quinquennal de développement 1971-1975 de la Côte d'Ivoire." Canadian Journal of African Studies/Revue Canadienne des Ètudes Africaines (1976), 10(2):212.
Campbell, Colin. "Consumption:
The New Wave of Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences."
Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (1991), 6(6):59,
61, 72.
Citing Baudrillard's writings from the 1970s and '80s, asserts that
Baudrillard has emerged as the key figure in the movement to incorporate
consumption into a neo-Marxist theory of society.
Campbell, Colin. "The Meaning of Objects and the Meaning of Actions: A Critical Note on the Sociology of Consumption and Theories of Clothing." Journal of Material Culture (March 1996), 1(1):104.
Campbell, Gregor Duncan. "Historical Consciousness in the Fiction of William Gaddis, Thomas
Pynchon, and Robert Coover: A Reading of The Recognitions,
Gravity's Rainbow, and The Public Burning."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1989, University of Toronto.
Abstract in Dissertation
Abstracts International
(December 1989), 50(6A):1661-A.
Campi, Edith. "'Hic et nunc': Réflexions sur l'idée de tradition." L'Homme (July-September 1985), 25(3):153.
Canclini, Néstor García. "Culture and Power: The State of Research." Media, Culture
& Society (October 1988) 10(4):494,
Translated by Philip Schlesinger.
Originally presented at the symposium on "Popular Culture and Political
Resistance" held at Columbia University, April 11-13, 1985.
This issue is on "Latin American Perspectives."
Cappelli, Berta. "Cattolicesimo, etica borghese e logica del potere nel romanzo d'appendice." Nuova Rivista Storica (1980), 64(5-6):635.
Capurro, Rafael. "Information
Technology and Technologies of the Self." Journal of Information
Ethics (Fall 1996), 5(2):21, 26.
Says Baudrilard in L'Autre par
lui-même (1987)
regards the proliferation of information as a threat to responsible moral
Capurro, Rafael. "Informationstechnologien und Technologien des Selbst: Ein Widerstreit." Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (1992), 40(3):298, 303nn18, 19.
Cardin, Alberto. "Los Estragos del gusto." Cuadernos del Norte (May-June 1988), 9(49):10, 12n19.
Cardin, Alberto. "Nueva York, mito moderno. El mito europeo." Cuadernos del Norte (November-December 1987), 8(45-46):102-103, 104n25.
Cardin, Alberto. "Seducción sin seducción." Cuadernos del Norte (July-August 1984), 5(26):26-28.
Carey, James W. "Communications and the Progressives." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (September 1989), 6(3):267, 281.
Carlson, Robert G. "The
Political Economy of AIDS among Drug Users in the United States-Beyond
Blaming the Victim or Powerful Others." American Anthropologist
(June 1996), 98(2):268, 275.
Cites Baudrillard's most recent revision of Marx's critique of
Carmeli, Yoram S. "Marginal Body and Bourgeois Cosmology: The British Acrobat in Reference to Sport." International Journal of Comparative Sociology (December 1996), 37(3-4):254, 272.
Caroux, Jacques. "La France
post-républicaine." Esprit (March 1987),
Quotes Baudrillard's Amérique, p. 165.
Carr, C. "The Mirror Turned
Lamp." Artforum(January
1987), 25(5):85n3.
On Lily Tomlin. Quotes Baudrillard to the effect that the self has
become a pure screen, a switching center for all the networks of
Carrier, David. "Baudrillard as
Philosopher, or, The End of Abstract Painting." Arts Magazine
(September 1988), 63(1):52-60.
It may be the end of narrative rather than art, the author claims.
Carrier, James G. "Alienating Objects: The Emergence of Alienation in the Retail Trade." Man (June 1994), 29(2): 359, 377.
Carrier, James. "Gifts, Commodities, and Social Relations: A Maussian View of Exchange." Sociological Forum (March 1991), 6(1):126, 132, 133, 134.
Carrier, James. "Reconciling Commodities and Personal Relations in Industrial Society." Theory and Society (October 1990), 19(5):579, 594nn2, 5.
Carrier, James G. "The
Symbolism of Possession in Commodity Advertising." Man
(December 1990), 25(4):694, 703.
Cites Baudrillard's idea of sign value.
Carter, Nick. "From Red Center to Black Hole." In André Frankovits, ed., Seduced and Abandoned: The Baudrillard Scene, pp. 63-82. Semiotext(e). Autonomedia. Glebe, NSW, Australia & New York: Stonemoss Services & Semiotexte(e), 1984.
Carter, Stephen J. "The Narratable 'I' in Mieke Bal and Jean Baudrillard." Critical Survey (1995), 7(3):339-344.
Case, Sue-Ellen. "From Bertolt Brecht to Heiner Muüler." Performing Arts Journal (1983), 7(1) [19]:101, 102nn10, 11.
Castell, Suzanne de and Mary Bryson. "Retooling Play: Distopia, Dysphora and Difference." In Justine Cassell and Henry Jenkins, eds., From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games, pp. 256n5, 259. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1998.
Castles, John. "Madonna--
Mother of Mirrors."
Cultural Studies (January 1997),
11(1):140, 142, 143, 145.
Review of Cathy
Schwiechtenberg. ed.
Madonna Connection: Representational Politics, Subcultural Identities and
Cultural Theory.
Mentions that although Baudrillard has admitted to being either
ignorant or actively hostile to many of the key themes of postmodernism,
he is, in this book being reviewed, lumped with other postmodernist
Caughlin, Mark R. "Irony is
Liking Things: Donald Barthelme's Postmodern Poetics." M.A. Thesis, 1997,
University of Manitoba.
Abstract in Masters Abstracts
International (1998),
Cazals, Thierry. "Le monde comme simulacre et programmation." Cahiers du Cinema (September 1987), 399:53.
Ceaser, James W. "America as Postmodern." In his Reconstructing America: The Symbol of America in Modern Thought, pp. 232-244. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.
Ceccarelli, Alla Pellegrino. "Michel Butor et ses peintres." Degrés: Revue de
Synthèse à Orientation Sémiologique (Summer
1983), 11(34):f14-f15, f18.
This issue is on "Lire l'image."
Chabert, Nicole. "L'Amour du discours dans L'Astrée." Dix-Septième Siècle (October-December 1981), 33(4) [133]: 407n48.
Chadwick, Joseph. "'Repito para consumo de los
radioyentes': Repetition and Fetishism in La guaracha del Macho
Camacho." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos
(January 1987), 21(1):81n1, 83.
Compares Barthes and Baudrillard on the ways in which commodities
function as signs.
Chalas, Yves. "L'ignorance dans la vie quotidienne: la volonté de non-savoir." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (July-December 1990), 89:320, 326.
Chaloupka, William. "Cynical
Nature: Politics and Culture After the Demise of the Natural."
Alternatives: Social Transformation and Human Governance
(Spring 1993), 18(2):167n39.
Without a reliable notion of nature, faith or ideology, the terms of
social life become reversible; TV lets these reversals spread with
astonishing speed, moving across the depthless surface of politics in a
way Baudrillard cannily called "fractal."
Chaloupka, William. "Immodest Modesty : Antinuclear Discourse, Lifestyle Politics, and Intervention Strategies. " International Studies Quarterly (September 1990), 34(3):344, 345, 348-349, 350.
Chambers, Iain. Border Dialogues: Journeys in Postmodernity, pp. 61-62, 88-90, 128n27, 134n24. Comedia. London & New York: Routledge, A Comedia Book, 1990.
Chang, Briankle G. "Deconstructing Communication: Derrida and the (Im)possibility of
Communication." History of European Ideas (1988),
9(5):556-557, 567nn10, 11.
Discusses Baudrillard's criticisms of Roman Jakobson's idealist
simulational model of communication.
This issue is entitled "The Problem of Continuity and the Origins of
Chang, Briankle G. "Mass, Media, Mass Media-tion: Jean Baudrillard's Implosive Critique of Modern Mass-Mediated Culture." Current Perspectives in Social Theory (1986), 7:157-181.
Chang, Briankle G. "World and/or
Sign: Toward a Semiotic Phenomenology of the Modern Life-World."
Human Studies (1987), 10(3-4):
315, 325-327, 329.
Discusses some of Baudrillard's main ideas: implosion of meaning,
simulation, hyperreality as descriptive of a phenomenology of everyday
life, which is highly semiotized and schizophrenic-like.
Chapman, Anne. "Barter as a Universal Mode of Exchange." L'Homme: Revue Française d'Anthropologie (July-September 1980), 20(3):49-50, 74, 75.
Chaponnière, Corinne. Le Mystère feminin ou vingt siècles de deni de sens, pp. 240-243, 275-276nn37-45, 278. Paris: O. Orban, 1989.
Charim, Isolde and Peter Weibel. "Baudrillard's gibt's. Isolde Charim im Gespräch mit Peter Weibel." Ästhetik Kommunikation (1989), 19(72):121-125.
Chatelain, Martine. "Ruy Blas ou le miroir aux alouettes." Studi Francesi (January-April 1981), 25(1)[73]:36.
Chauvière, Michel. Review of Michel Vingré's Le Social, c'est fini!: la nouvelle politique sociale: austerité, discipline, retour au marché. Revue Française de Sociologie (1982), 23(1):157.
Cheal, David. "Authority and Incredulity - Reply. " Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers Canadiens de Sociologie (1990), 15(3):340-344.
Cheal, David. "'Showing them you
love them': Gift Giving and the Dialectic of Intimacy." Sociological
Review (February 1987), 35(1):151, 167,
Baudrillard seems to have assumed that symbolic values possess a
fundamental independence because the consumption of goods is principally a
means of achieving social distinction. This relies on Veblen's idea of
conspicuous waste. The author intends to show that an alternative view of
gift-exchanges is possible, one which takes as its starting point the
social reproduction of intimacy.
Cheal, David. "Social Construction of Consumption." International Sociology (September 1990), 5(3):305-306, 312n6, 312.
Cheal, David. "Unity and
Difference in Postmodern Families." Journal of Family Issues
(March 1993), 14(1):12, 17.
Discusses Baudrillard's concept of the end of the social.
Chebat, Jean-Charles. "Les produits-carrefours: Analyse sémiotique du champ perceptuel du consommateur." Kodikas/Code Ars Semeiotica (July-October 1982), 4-5(3-4):321, 332.
Chebat, Jean-Charles and Michel Grenon. "Note sur le pouvoir publicitaire." Revue Française de Sociologie (October-December 1979), 20(4):735.
Chen, Kuan-Hsing. "Beyond Truth
and Method - On Misreading Gadamer's Praxical Hermeneutics."
Quarterly Journal of Speech
(May 1987), 73(2):199.
The communication network has transformed the world into a gigantic
simulacrum without any human subjects but only screens.
Chen, Kuan-Hsing. "The Masses and the Media: Baudrillard's Implausible Postmodernism." Theory, Culture & Society (February 1987), 4(1):71-88.
Chen, Kuan-Hsing. "Post-Marxism: Between/Beyond Critical Postmodernism and Cultural
Studies." Media, Culture & Society (January 1991),
13(1):35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42-45, 50.
A section in the paper is entitled "Mass Media: The Baudrillard
This issue of the journal is on "Postmodernism."
Cherry, Keith. "The Best Years of their Lives: A Portrait of a Residential Home for People with AIDS." Symbolic Interaction (Winter 1995), 18(4):485, 486.
Chester, Timothy M. and Clasina B. Segura. "The Rise of the Postmodern Left." Current
Perspectives in Social Theory (1997), 17:109, 116, 124.
The demise of the subject: the modern myth that the individual subject
serves as an adequate reference point for social discourse.---In the
Shadow of Silent Majorities (1983).
Chevalier, Jacques. "Myth and Ideology in Traditional French-Canada: Dollard, the Martryred Warrior." Anthropolgica (1979), 21(1):172n5, 173.
Chia, Robert and Stuart Morgan. "Educating the Philosopher Manager: De-signing the Times." Management Learning (March 1996), 27(1):48-51, 62.
Chilungu, Simeon W. "Issues in the Ethics of Research Method: Interpretation of the Anglo-American Perspective." Current Anthropology (September 1976), 17(3):479.
Cholodenko, Alan. "'Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear': The Virtual Reality of Jurassic Park and Jean Baudrillard." In Nicholas Zurbrugg, ed., Jean Baudrillard: Art and Artefact, pp. 64-90. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997.
Chombart, Paul Henry de Lauwe. "Convergences et controverse sur la genèse des besoins."
Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (January-June 1970),
Discusses Baudrillard's "La genèse
idéologiques des besoins" (1969).
Chombart, Paul Henry de Lauwe. "Les intérêts contre les besoins. La double
nécessité." La Pensée (March-April
1975), 180:123n2.
This issue is on "Besoins et consommation."
Chösang, T.J. "Interfacing Philosophy and Religion: A Borderline Issue in Religion Studies." Journal of Dharma (1986), 11(4):322n3.
Christensen, Jerome. "Marino Faliero and the Fault of Byron's Satire."
Studies in Romanticism
(Fall 1985), 24(3):319n11.
Refers to Baudrillard for a discussion of the logic of
Christensen, Jerome. "Hume's Social Composition." Representations (Fall 1985), 12:58, 60, 64n36, 65n45.
Christensen, Jerome. "Perversion, Parody, and
Cultural Hegemony: Lord Byron's Oriental Tales." South Atlantic
Quarterly (Summer 1989), 88(3):571-572, 599n6.
This issue is entitled "Contemporary Perspectives on Romanticism."
Christensen, Lars Thoger. "Buffering Organizational Identity in the Marketing Culture." Organization Studies (1995), 16(4):651, 668.
Christians, C. "The Problem of Universals in Communication Ethics." Javnost-The Public (1995), 2(2):59-69.
Chua, Wai Fong. "Experts, Networks and Inscriptions in the Fabrication of Accounting Images: A Story of the Representation of Three Public Hospitals." Accounting Organizations and Society (February-April 1995), 20(2-3):140, 142.
Churchill, Ward. "The Cry of
the Wounded WASP: Werner Sollors' Deepest Avatar of Racism."
New Scholar
(1986), 10(1-2):401, 402.
Review of Werner Sollors' Beyond Ethnicity:
Consent and Descent in American Culture.
Quotes the following from Baudrillard:
" The deepest avatar of racism is to think that an error about [other]
societies is politically, or theoretically less serious than a
misinterpretation of our own world. Just as a people who oppresses
another cannot be free, so a culture that is mistaken about another must
be mistaken about itself." (The Mirror of
Production , pp. 32-33.)
Cibulka, Josef. "O Husserlove
Filozofii Vedomi." [On Husserl's Philosophy of Consciousness]
Filosoficky Casopis [Prague]
(1988), 36(6):842n6.
In Czech.
Cilliers, Paul. Complexity and Postmodernism: Understanding Complex Systems, pp. 83-84. London & New York: Routledge, 1998.
Cioran, Dima. "The Ethnographer as Geologist: Tocqueville, Lévi-Strauss, Baudrillard and the American Dilemma." Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales (June 1992), 31(2):267-292.
Clark, Andrew. "Information Technology in Legal
Services." Journal of Law and Society (Spring 1992),
19(1):18, 28n32.
Quotes the following from Baudrillard: "We are in a universe, where
there is more and more information, and less and less meaning."
Clark, Michael. "Putting Humpty
Together Again: Essays Toward Integrative Analysis." Poetics
Today (Winter 1982), 3(1):166, 170.
Cites Baudrillard's criticism of Foucault -- who denies class struggle
and ideological contradiction as categories -- that this precludes
dialectical struggle and turns oppressed and oppressor not againast each
other but into each other.
Clark, Nigel. "Being Consoled? Virtual Nature and Ecological Consciousness." Futures (September 1995), 27(7):747n47.
Clark, Nigel. "Panic Ecology:
Nature in the Age of Superconductivity." Theory, Culture &
Society (February 1997), 14(1):78, 79-81, 83-84, 94.
A section is entitled "Beck, Baudrillard and the New
Clark, Suzanne ."The Unwarranted
Discourse: Sentimental Community, Modernist Women, and the Case of
Millay." Genre (Summer 1987) 20(2):150n3, 151.
This issue is on "Literature as Women's History II," edited by Nancy
Clarke, David B. "Reality,
Representation and Simulation: Comment on Theory and Politics in Boyle and
Hughes " Area (June 1992),
See Mark Boyle and George Hughes' "The Politics
of Representation of 'The Real'."
Clarke, David B. and M.A. Doel. "Transpolitical Geography," Geoforum (1994), 25(4):505-524.
Clarke, D.B. and M. Purvis. "Dialectics, Difference, and the Geographies of Consumption." Enviornment and Planning A (July 1994), 26(7):1093, 1097, 1098, 1101, 1106.
Clarke, John. "Enter the Cybernauts: Problems in Post-Modernism.." Communication (1988), 10(3-4):384-387, 389, 401n8, 401
Clifford, James. "Histories of the Tribal and the Modern." Art in America (April 1985), 73(4):170, 215n19.
Clifford, James. "On Collecting Art and Culture." In Simon During, ed., The Cultural Studies Reader, pp. 54, 55. London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
Clignet, Rémi. "Narcissisme et anomie." Cahiers Internationaux de
Sociologie (July-December 1982), 73:216n62.
This number is on "Une anthropologie
Clignet, Rémi. "The Variability of Paradigms in the Production of Culture: A Comparison of the Arts and Sciences." American Socioliogical Review (June1979), 44(3):397, 407.
Close, Glen Steven. "Anarchist
Conspiracy in the Modern Hispanic Novel: Pio Baroja and Roberto Arlt."
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1996, Yale University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May
1997), 57(11A):4728-A.
Cloud, Dana L. "'Socialism of the Mind': The New Age of Post-Marxism." In Herbert W. Simons and Michael Billig, eds., After Postmodernism: Reconstructing Ideology Critique, pp. 226, 236, 249. Inquiries in Social Construction. London & Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1994.
Clouscard, Michel. "Baudrillard, le dernier homme qui cligne de l'oeil." Digraphe (June 1988), 44:70-74.
Cockerham, William C., Thomas Abel, and Günther Lüschen. "Max Weber, Formal Rationality, and Health Lifestyles." Sociological Quarterly (August 1993), 34(3):423, 424, 425.
Coelho, Eduardo Prado. "Meios de transporte, amor morte na poesía portuguesa contempor ânea." Colóquio Letras (July 1986), 92:47, 48n16.
Cohen, Ed. "The 'Hyperreal' vs. the 'Really Real': If European Intellectuals Stop Making Sense of American Culture Can We Still Dance?" Cultural Studies (January 1989), 391):25-37.
Cohen, Ed. "Tom Wolfe and the
Truth Monitors: A Historical Fable." Clio (Fall 1986),
16(1):4, 11n10.
Discusses Baudrillard's view that simulation is threatening to
institutional discourses.
Cohen, Jean Louise. "System and
Class: Subversion of Emancipation." Social Research
(1978), 45(4):832.
This issue is entitled "Marx Today."
Cohen, Martine. "Figures de l'individualisme moderne: Deux communautes issues du renouveau charismatique en France." Esprit (April-May 1986), 4-5:66n14.
Cohen Sande. Academia
and the Luster of Capital. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota
Press, 1993.
See especially Chapter 5: Recoding Art
Cohen, Stanley. "Human Rights and Crimes of the State: The Culture of Denial." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology (July 1993), 26(2):112-113, 114.
Coleman, Simon. "Words as Things: Language, Aesthetics and the Objectification of Protestant Evangelicanism." Journal of Material Culture (March 1996), 1(1):119, 127.
Collins, James. "Postmodernism
and Cultural-Practice: Redefining the Parameters." Screen
(Spring 1987), 28(2):12-13.
Cites Baudrillard's notion of implosion and that the constant
bombardment of the individual by so many different sources of information
has led to the relentless destructuring of the social.
This issue of the journal is entitled "Postmodern Screen."
Collins, Ronald K.L. and David M. Skover. "Commerce and Communication." Texas Law
Review (March 1993), 71(4):
735, 735nn195, 198.
Quotes serveral aperçus from
Baudrillard, including: "We are living in the period of the objects: that
is, we live by their rhythm."
Collison, Mike. "In Search of the High Life: Drugs, Crime, Masculinities and Consumption." British Journal of Criminology (1996), 36(3):430, 441.
Collas, Dominique. "Baudrillard, Jean." In Jacques Julliard and Michel Winock, eds., Dictionnaire des Intellectuels Français, pp. 121-122. Paris: Seuil, 1996.
Concha, Jaime. "Michel Foucault
y las ciencias humanas." I & L: Ideologies & Literature: A
Journal of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures
(September-November 1980), 3(14): 83n10.
Remarks that Baudrillard is not accurate when he states that "Chez
Foucault, on frole toujours la détermination politique en
denière instance."
Connor, Maureen. Review of David Kunzle's Fashion and Fetishism: A Social History of the Corset, Tight-Lacing and Other Forms of Body-Sculpture in the West. Art Journal (Summer 1982), 42(2):169, 171n1.
Connor, Steven. "Jean Baudrillard." In his Postmodernist Culture: An Introducton to Theories of the Contemporary, 2nd edition, pp. 51-61. Oxford & Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1996.; pp. 50-64. Oxford & New York, Blackwell, 1989,
Cook, Deborah. "Ruses de Guerre:
Baudrillard and Fiske on Media Reception." Journal for the Theory of
Social Behaviour (June 1992), 22(2):227-238.
The author states that she is interested in the more 'optimistic'
dimension of Baudrillard's theory -- a dimension that is often overlooked
or ignored in the extant literature on Baudrillard.
Cook, Deborah. "Symbolic Exchange in Hyperreality." In Douglas Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, pp. 150-167. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Cook, Lauren J., Rebecca Yamin, and John P.
McCarthy. "Shopping as Meaningful Action: Toward a
Redefinition of Consumption in Historical Archaeology." Historical
Archaeology (1996), 30(4):55, 61.
Stratification of objects in a system of codes by advertising
establishes direct links between consumption of specific goods and social
Cooke, Philip. "Contested Terrain of Locality Studies." Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (1989), 80(1):14.
Cooke, Philip. "Modern Urban
Theory in Question. " Transactions of the Institute of British
Geographers (1990), 15(3):336, 340, 342.
Post-modern theory comes in several varieties: Apocalyptics, Sceptics,
Pragmatists, and Critics. Baudrillard belongs to the first group.
Coombe, Rosemary J. "Encountering the Postmodern: New Directions in Cultural
Anthropology." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue
Canadienne de Sociologie et d'Anthropologie (May 1991), 28(2):195,
196-197, 200-201.
Special issue on Cultural Studies in Canada.
Coombe, Rosemary. "Postmodernism and the Rumor: Late Capitalism and the Fetishism of the Commodity Sign." In William Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 98-108. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Coombe, Rosemary J. "Tactics of Appropriation and the Politics of Recognition in Late Modern Democracies." Political Theory (August 1993), 21(3):413-414, 417, 426, 429nnn14, 15, 19, 431n36, 432n53, 433nn73, 74.
Cooper, S. "Top Kwark and Johnny Nothingness." Arena Magazine (August 1995), 18:50-51.
Cormack, Patricia Colleen. "The
Social Imaginaries of Modernity: An Ethnographic History of Sociology and
Mass Culture." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1996, York University.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June
1997), 57(12A):5300-A.
Cornille, Jean-Louis. "Le commerce narratif." Revue Romane (1978), 13(2):173.
Cornis-Pop, Marcel. "Narration Across the Totalistic Gap, on Recent Romanian Fiction." Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Foreign Literatures (Spring1989), 43(1):4, 13, 18n4, 19n32.
Cornu, Geneviève. "La lecture de l'image publicitaire." Semiotica (1985), 54(3-4):515, 527.
Coronil, Fernando. "Beyond
Occidentalism: Toward Nonimperial Geohistorical Categories."
Cultural Anthropology (February
1996), 11(1):83n15, 84.
Baudrillard portrays Marx as a thinker still caught up in a world
divided by a distinction between reality and representation. He uses a
reading of the Borges map story as a parable about simulation. Previously
maps were taken as representations of reality, now they are a means to
generate reality itself. "The territory no longer precedes the map, nor
survives it. Henceforth it is the map that precedes the territory."
Corrigan, M. "Vive Las Vegas."
Village Voice (November 19, 1996), 41(47):13.
On Jean Baudrillard's appearance on the stage at Whiskey Pete's Casino
in Stateline, Nevada as part of a theory rave.
See also David S. Bennahum, Andrew Hultkrans and Mark Swed's articles
on this event.
Corrigan, Timothy. "Film and the Culture of Cult." Wide Angle (1986), 8(3-4):98, 99nn13, 14.
Corsetti, Jean-Paul. "'Sainte Lydwine de Schiedam' de J.-K. Huysmans. ou l'hagiographe dépossédé." Infini(Winter 1988-1989), 24: 123.
Coulter-Smith, Graham. "Between Marx and Derrida: Baudrillard, Art and Technology." In Nicholas Zurbrugg, ed., Jean Baudrillard: Art and Artefact, pp. 91-103. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997.
Couturier, Maurice. "Death and
Symbolic Exchange in Nabokov's Ada." Canadian-American
Slavic Studies/Revue Canadienne- Américaine d' Études Slaves
(Fall 1985), 19(3):304-305, 305n30.
This issue is on Vladimir Nabokov.
Couturier, Maurice. "Présentation. Erotisme et sexualité dans la littérature américaine." Revue Française d'Études Américaines (May 1984), 20:183n4.
Couturier, Maurice. "Sex vs
Text: From Miller to Nabokov." Revue Française
d'Études Américaines May (1984),
20:258, 260n48.
Cites Baudrillard's description of Ballard's Crash as
being totally devoid of affect, of psychology, of desire, of libido or
death impulse.
Crain, Mary. "The Social Construction of National Identity in Highland Ecuador." Anthropological Quarterly (January 1990), 63(1):58.
Crang, P. "Displacement, Consumption and Identity." Enviornment and Planning A (January 1996), 28(1):57, 65.
Cremonini, Giorgio. "Cinema e tv: questioni di linguaggio." Cineforum (October 1987), 27(10) [268]:7.
Cremonini, Giorgio. "I cani di Gerusalemme di Fabio Carpi." Cineforum (January 1985) 25(1) [241]: 78.
Crick, Malcolm. "Representations of International Tourism in the Social- Sciences: Sun, Sex, Sights, Savings, and Servility." Annual Review of Anthropology (1989) 18:330, 333, 339.
Crimp, Douglas. "Portraits of People with AIDS." In Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paul Treichler, eds., Cultural Studies, p. 130. New York & London: Routledge, 1992.
Cromphout, Francis. "From
Estrangement to Commitment: Italo Calvino's Cosmicomics and
T Zero." Science-Fiction Studies (July 1989),
16(2) [48]:165, 181.
Translated and edited by RMP.
If what Baudrillard argues is true -- that our culture has lost the
linear thread of its history and with this goes a loss of reality --, how
can SF accomplish its mission of projecting the irrecoverable past into
an imaginary future?
Crouch, David. "The Allotment, Landscape and Locality: Ways of Seeing Landscape and Culture." Area (September 1989), 21(3):266.
Crow, Thomas. " Saturday-Disasters: Trace and Reference in Early Warhol." Art in America (May 1987) 75(5):132, 136n7.
Csicsery-Ronay, Istvan, Jr. "The SF of Theory: Baudrillard and Haraway." Science-Fiction Studies (November 1991), 18(3) [55]:387-404.
Csicsery-Ronay, Istvan Jr.
"We're not in Kansas
Anymore: On Naiveté in SF and Criticism."
Science-Fiction Studies (March 1997), 24(1):93-108.
On David Dalgleish's article "In Search
(Wonder) Naive Criticism: Some Objections to Baudrillard and
Cunningham, James W. and Jill Fitzgerald. "Epistemology and Reading." Reading Research Quarterly (January-March 1996), 31(1):48, 58.
Curcio, Anna Maria. "Iperrealismo e metafisica della sociologia in J. Baudrillard." La Critica Sociologica (April-June 1988), 85:63-70.
Curti, Lidia. "What is Real and What is Not: Female Fabulations in Cultural Analysis." In Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson, and Paul Treichler, eds., Cultural Studies, pp. 134, 136, 137,.140, 151n1. New York & London: Routledge, 1992.
Cushman, Thomas and Stjepan G. Mestrovic. "Jean Baudrillard." In Thomas Cushman and Stjepan G. Mestrovic, eds., This Time We Knew: Western Responses to Genocide in Bosnia, pp. 79-80. New York: New York University Press, 1996.
Cvetkova, Cveta. Codes of Power. Sweden: Lunds University Press, 1996.