Reviews of Jean Baudrillard's
America (1988)
Compiled by
Eddie Yeghiayan
- Aro, Jari. Sosiologia (1989), 26(3):247-248. In Finnish.
- Bauman, Zygmunt. "Disappearing into the Desert." TLS [Times
Literary Supplement] (December 16-22, 1988), 4472:1391.
- Book World of the Washington Post (March 26, 1989):13. In
section "Hardcovers in Brief."
- Buhle, Paul. "America: Post-Modernity?" New Left
Review (March 1990), 180:163-175.
- Come-All-Ye [Hatboro, PA] (Fall 1993), 14:9.
- Conrad, Peter. "Slumming it with a savant." Observer
[London] (December 11, 1988):47. Front-page title: "A Pop Guru's
- Danto, Arthur C. "The Hyper-Intellectual." New
Republic (September 10, 1990), 203(11-12):44-48.
- Denzin, Norman. "Paris, Texas and Baudrillard on America."
Theory, Culture and Society (1991), 8(2):121-133.
- Diani, Marco. "The Desert of Democracy, from Tocqueville to
Baudrillard." L'Esprit Créateur (Fall 1990),
- Duncan, James S. Geographical Review (January 1990),
- Dyer, Geoff. "The Best and Worst of 1988." New Statesman and
Society (December 23-30, 1988), 1(29-30):30. A selection of this
year's books--those they have loved (and some they have hated) by regular
New Statesman and Society reviewers.
- "A French Thinker in the Land of the Unreal."
Economist (November 26-December 2, 1988), 309(7578):99-100.
- Guardian Weekly (December 4, (1988), 139:30.
- Hoberman, J. "Lost in America. Jean Baudrillard, Extraterrestrial."
VLS: Voice Literary Supplement (March 1989), 72:15-16.
In March 28, 1989 issue of the Village Voice 34(13).
- Howe, Stephen.
"Where Dreams Come True." New Statesman & Society (November 18,
1988), 1(24):39.
- Hughes, Robert. "The Patron Saint of Neo-Pop." New York Review of
Books (June 1, 1989), 36(9):29-32.
- Kister, Kenneth F. Library Journal (January (1989),
- Marcus, James. New York Times Book Review (February 12,
- Medhurst, Andy. "Come on, Dive In." Listener (November 24,
1988), 120(3091):31.
- Morris, Meaghan. "Asleep at the wheel?" New Statesman (June
26, 1987), 113(2935):28-29.
- Norton, Jody. Discourse (Summer 1992), 14(3):152-158.
- Norton, Judy. Sulfur (Fall 1990):232-233.
- Poirier, Richard. "America Deserta." London Review of Books
(February 16, 1989), 11(4):3, 5, 6.
- Raksin, Alex. "Nonfiction in Brief." Los Angeles Times
Book Review (January 15, 1989):4.
- Sorkin, Michael. House & Garden (September 1989),
- Stuttaford, Genevieve. Publishers Weekly (November 25, 1988),
- Vidich, Arthur J. "Baudrillard's America: Lost in the Ultimate
Simulacrum." Theory, Culture & Society (May 1991),
- Welchman, John C. Artforum (October 1988), 27:10-11.