Reviews of Jean Baudrillard's
Mirror of Production (1975)
Compiled by
Eddie Yeghiayan
- Hefner, Robert. "Baudrillard’s Noble Anthropology: The Image of
Symbolic Exchange in Political Economy." Sub-Stance (1977),
- Joseph, Dave. "Critical Images of Marx’s Materialism."
Critique of Anthropology (Summer 1979), 4(13-14):197-201.
- Levine Stephen K. Dialectical Anthropology (September 1976),
- Rubinstein, Diane. Political Theory (November 1989),
- Valente, Joseph. "Hall of Mirrors: Baudrillard on Marx."
Diacritics (Summer 1985), 15(2):54-65.
- Zevin, Robert. "The Mirror of Production." Liberation (Fall
1977), 20(6):24-28.