Eddie Yeghiayan
Anonymous. "Bibliography: Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari." Sub-Stance (1984), 44-45: 101, 104.
Anonymous. "Lo sguardo interdetto: 'False Addition'." Domus (March 1981), 615: 31.
Anonymous. "Mode of Production: The Challenge of Africa." Canadian Journal of African Studies/Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines (1985) 19(1): 150.
Anonymous. "Terrorisme et 'Culture de la terreur': Bibliographie." Esprit (October-November 1984), 10-11: 269.
Abaza, Mona and Georg Stauth. "Occidental Reason, Orientalism, Islamic Fundamentalism: A Critique." International Sociology (December 1988), 3(4): 344, 348, 349, 36
Abril, Amancio Sabugo "La filosofía íntima de la poesía unamuniana." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (February-March 1987), 440-441: 299.
Adair, Gilbert. "Did the Gulf War Really Take Place?" In his The Postmodernist Always Rings Twice: Reflections on Culture in the 90s, pp. 154-156. London: Fourth Estate, 1992.
Adair, Philippe. "La sociologie phagocytée par l'économique: remaques critiques à propos de 'ce que parler veut dire' de P. Bourdieu." Sociologie du Travail (January-March 1984), 26(1): 113n3, 114.
Adam, Jean-Michel. "Encore Les Chats: Sur le premier vers." Poétique (February 1979), 37: 54, 55.
Adams, Vincanne. "Karaoke as Modern Lhasa, Tibet: Western Encounters with Cultural Politics." Cultural Anthroplogy (November 1996), 11(4): 539n4, 543.
Adams, Paul C. "Television as Gathering Place." Annals of the Association of American Geographers (March 1992), 82(1): 126, 132.
Adler, Amy M. "Post-Modern Art and the Death of Obscenity Law." Yale Law Journal (April 1990) 99(6): 1366n51.
Agger, Ben. "Critical Theory, Poststructuralism, Postmodernism: Their Sociological Relevance." Annual Review Review of Sociology (1991), 17:112, 118, 124, 127.
Ahmed, Sara. "Beyond Humanism and Postmodernism: Theorizing a Feminist Practice." Hypatia (Spring 1996), 11(2): 80-84, 90-91.
Ahponen, Pirkkoliisa. "Signifying the Signs--Simulating Cultural Political Subjectivity in Postmodernity." Acta Sociologica (December 1990), 33(4): 345, 347, 348, 350, 351-352, 354, 356.
Aitken, Stuart C. "Contesting the Mobilized Virtual Gaze: Window Shopping: Cinema and and the Postmodern by Ann Friedberg." Enviornment and Planning D: Society & Space (February 1997), 15(1): 113-120.
Aitken, Stuart C.
"Person-Enviornment Theories in Contemporary
Perceptual and Behavioural Geography. II: The Influence of
Ecological, Enviornmental, Learning,
Societal/Structural, Transactional and Transformational Theories."
Progress in Human Geography
(October 1992), 16(4):
558, 559.
Quotes Baudrillard view that theory
cannot be anything but a challenge
to the real.
Aitken, S.C. and L.E. Zonn.
"Weir(d) Sex: Representation of
Gender-Enviornment Relations in Peter
Weir's Picnic at Hanging Rock and
Enviornment and Planning D: Society
& Space
(April 1993), 11(2):
192, 196, 209.
Baudrillard argues that society knows itself only through the
reflections that flow from the camera's eye and that this knowledge
is unreflexive.
Akinsha, Konstantin. "Baudrillard on the Barricades." Artnews (October 1991), 90(8): 49-50.
Albanese, Ralph. "Argent et réification dans L'Avare." Esprit Créateur (Fall 1981) 21(3): 43n15.
Alberoni, Francesco, Georges Balandier,
Gérard Berthoud, Giovanni Busino, Michel Maffesoli and
Fabrizio Sabelli. "Débat autour de 'Plaidoyer pour l'autre'."
Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto
(1983), 21(65):
Transcription d'un cours commun given at the Faculté des
Sciences Sociales at the University of Lausanne on January 20, 1983 at
Debate on Gérard Berthoud's "Plaidoyer pour
Albert, Bruce. "L'Or cannibale et la chute du ciel. Une critique chamanique de l'économie politique de la nature (Yanomani, Brésil)." L'Homme (April-December 1993), 33(126-128):371n37, 372nn43, 44, 46, 373.
Albou, Paul. Les Motivations de la conduite économique. Paris: Ronéo, 1973.
Albou, Paul. "Sur le concept de besoin." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (July-December 1975), 59:219, 220, 233-234.
Albrecht, Juerg. "'Fountain' by R. Mutt: Marcel Duchamp zum 100. Geburtstag." Pantheon: Internationale Jahreszeitschrift für Kunst (1987), 45:170n22.
Aldridge, Alan. "The Construction of Rational
Consumption in Which? Magazine: The More Blobs the Better?"
Sociology (November 1994), 28(4):911.
Quotes Baudrillard to the effect that contemporary societies contain a
conflict of moralities, an aristocratic morality of otium and a
puritan work ethic, and that at the limit are gadgets, which embody pure
gratuitousness under a cover of functionality, pure waste under cover of
an ethic of practicality.
Alexander, Jeffrey C. "Modern, Anti, Post, and Neo:
How Social Theories have Tried to Understand the 'New World' of 'Our
Time'." Zeitschrift für Soziologie (June 1994), 23(3):193,
Refers to Baudrillard's notion of the empty symbol, or simulacrum.
Alexander, Meena. "Outcaste Power: Ritual
Displacement and Virile Maternity in Indian Women Writers." Economic
and Political Weekly (February 18, 1989), 24(7):
367, 372n2.
Quotes Baudrillard to the effect that the unreal or the simulated can
so consume the territory that might have existed for physical, sensual
experience that what is can no longer be distinguished from its image.
Alexandrescu, Sorin. "Aperçu sur la
sociosémiotique." Revue des Sciences Humaines (January-March
1986), 201(1):19.
Cites Baudrillard's work on consumption and the value-sign of objects
in our society.
Alhindi, K.F. and C. Staddon. "The Hidden Histories and Geographies of Nontraditional Town-Planning: The Case of Seaside, Florida." Enviornment and Planning D-Society & Space (June 1997), 15(3):349.
Allen, Richard. "Critical Theory and the Paradox of
Modernist Discourse." Screen (Spring 1987), 28(2):78-82, 84.
A section is entitled "The Culture of the Simulacrum: Baudrillard's
Social Philosophy," pp. 78-82.
Says that Adorno and Baudrillard go wrong precisely when historically
contingent features of the social realm, reification and the
commodification of culture, are interpreted in the light of a
trans-historical and -contextual conception of meaning.
This issue of the journal is entitled "Postmodern Screen."
Reprinted in Philip Hayward and Paul Kerr, eds.,
London: The Society for Education in Film and Television, 1987.
Allies, Paul. "La décentralisation entre modernisation et crise de l'État." Les Temps Modernes (February 1985) 41(463):1461n17.
Allor, Martin. "Relocating the Site of the Audience." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (September 1988), 5(3):226, 227, 231.
Allor, Martin. "Theoretical Practice in the Post."
Communication (1988), 10(3-4):295-303.
Issue is entitled "Postmodernism/Marxism/Feminism" and edited by
Lawrence Grossberg.
Discusses Baudrillard's view that politics is no longer possible.
Altes, Liesbeth Korthals. "L'ironie ou le savoir de
l'amour et de la mort." Revue des Sciences Humaines (April-June
1986), 202:141.
Issue is on Marguerite Duras.
The article is a reading of four novels by Marguerite Duras.
Altman, Karen E. "Television as Gendered Technology:
Advertising the American-Television Set." Journal of Popular Film and
Television (Summer 1989), 17(2):46, 55n5.
Quotes Baudrillard to support the view that broadcast technologies have
turned the home into the "hyperrealism of simulation."
Special issue on Television History.
Altwegg, Jürg. "Jean Baudrillard und die Implosion der Werte." In his Die Republik des Geistes. Frankreichs Intellectuellen zwischen Revolution und Reaktion, pp. 254-259. Munich & Zurich: Piper, 1986.
Alvarado, Luis Felipe. "Postmodern Discourse in the
Dramatic Texts of Hector Azar." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1995,
University of Cincinnati.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (February
1996), 56(8A):3146-A.
Alvesson, Mats. "The Meaning and Meaninglessness of Postmodernism: Some Ironic Remarks." Organization Studies (1995), 16(6):1047, 1053, 1066, 1072.
Alvesson, Mats. "Organization: From Substance to Image?" Organization Studies (1990), 11(3):381, 393.
Amaturo, Enrica, Simonetta Costagliola, and Gerardo
Ragone. "Furnishing and Status Attributes: A Sociological Study of the
Living-Room." Environment and Behavior (March 1987), 19(2):229,
231, 233, 234, 238, 240, 248.
The stimulating and suggestive hypotheses on consumption by Baudrillard
and Bourdieu and others have never become operational concepts, have never
been related to the economic theory of demand. This paper attempts to do
Ames, Sanford S. "Millenary Anamorphosis: French Map, American Dream." L'Esprit Créateur (Winter 1992), 32(4):75-82.
Ammann, Jean-Christophe. "Das Verschwinden der Wirklichkeit." Review of Reinhard Lettau's Zur Frage der Himmelsrichtungen. Du: Die Zeitschrift der Kultur (October 1988), 10:107.
Amossy, Ruth. "Toward a Rhetoric of the Stage: The Scenic Realization of Verbal Clichés." Poetics Today (Spring 1981), 2(3):55, 62.
Amselle, Jean-Loup. "Autosubsistance, petite production marchande et chaînes de sociétés." Cahiers d'Études Africaines (1980), 20(1-2):155-160.
Amselle, Jean-Loup. "Tensions within Culture." Social Dynamics-A Journal of the Centre for African Studies University of Cape Town (June 1992), 18(1):42-57.
Anderson, Carolyn G. "En Route to Transnational Postmodernism: Grace Jones, Josephine Baker and the African Diaspora." Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales (September 1993), 32(3):492-493, 512.
Anderson, Perry. The Origins of Postmodernity, pp. 28, 52. London & New York: Verso, 1998.
Andrews, David L. "Desperately Seeking Michel Foucault's Genealogy, the Body, and Critical Sport Sociology." Sociology of Sport Journal (June 1993), 10(2):149, 163.
Andrews, David L. "The Facts of Michael Jordan's Blackness: Excavating a Floating Racial Signifier." Sociology of Sport Journal (1996), 13(2):126, 153.
Andrews, David L. "Feminizing Olympic Reality: Preliminary Dispatches from Baudrillard's Atlanta." International Review for the Sociology of Sport (March 1998), 33(1):5-18.
Angehrn, Emil. "Krise der Vernunft? Neuere Beiträge zur Diagnose und Kritik der Moderne." Philosophische Rundschau (1986) 33(3-4):162n2, 164.
Angerer, Marie-Louise. "The Pleasure of the Interface: Beziehungsgeflechte in einer telematischen Kultur." Das Argument (September-October 1993), 35(5) [201]:742, 747.
Annesley, James. "Blank Fiction: Culture,
Consumption and the Contemporary American Novel." D.Phil. Dissertation,
1997, University of Sussex.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (Summer 1997),
Ansel, Yves. "Stendhal littéral." Littérature (May 1978), 30:87n29.
Antle, Martine. "Nouveaux territoires dans Aden d'Anne-Marie Garat." Romance Notes (Fall 1996), 37(1):49-58.
Antonietti, Thomas. "Vom Schaumuseum zum Museumsprogramm: Das Kleinmuseum als Instrument angewandter Volkskunde." Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde (1985), 81(3-4):133, 142n6.
Antonio, Robert J. "The Normative Foundations of Emancipatory Theory: Evolutionary versus Pragmatic Perspectives." American Journal of Sociology (January 1989), 94(4):742n29.
Antonio, Robert J. and Alessandro Bonnami. "Post-Fordism in the United States: The Poverty of Market-Centered Democracy." Current Perspectives in Social Theory (1996), 16:18-19, 28.
Some look at Baudrillard's characterization of cultural fragmentation and exhaustion as hyperbolic, whimsical and cynical cant, others see it as an accurate depiction of the exhaustion of certain ideas and "a complete formalization" of High Fordst normative aspirations (democracy, freedom, justice) as moribund simulacra.
Anyon, Jean. "The Retreat of Marxism and Socialist Feminism: Postmodern and Postructural Theories of Education." Curriculum Inquiry (Summer 1994), 24(2):118, 131.
Apostolidès, Jean-Marie. "Image du père et peur du tyran au XVII-siècle." Revue Française de Psychanalyse (January-February 1980), 44(1):5-14.
Apostolidès, Jean-Marie. "Le Spectacle de
l'abondance." L'Esprit Créateur
(Fall 1981), 21(3):33n8.
The author acknowledges a great debt to Baudrillard.
On entertainments at the Versailles Court under Louis-XIV.
Applewhite, James. "
"Postmodernist Allegory and the Denial of Nature.
Kenyon Review (Winter 1989),
Asserts that theoretical expositions of the postmodern are based on the
arbitrariness of signs, and quotes Baudrillard that we have to begin "with
a liquidation of all referentials."
Apter, Andrew. "The Pan-African Nation: Oil-Money and the Spectacle of Culture in Nigeria." Public Culture (Spring 1996) , 8(3) [20]:450, 462.
Apter, David E. "Mao's Republic." Social
Research (Winter 1987), 54(4):697.
Issue is on "Social Science in Contemporary China."
Apter, Emily. "Specularity and Reproduction: Marx, Freud, Baudrillard." Princeton Architectural Journal (1992), 4:20-35.
Arac, Jonathan. "The Function of Foucault at the Present Time." Humanities in Society (Winter 1980), 3(1): 73-76, 84n19.
Archer, Margaret S. "Sociology for One World: Unity and Diversity." International Sociology (June 1991), 6(2):138, 145, 146.
Arditi, Jorge. "Out of the Maze? Twists and Riddles
of Postmodern Thinking."
Contemporary Sociology (January 1993), 22(1):19-23.
Review of
Jean Baudrillard's Revenge of the
Crystal: Selected Writings on the Modern Object and Its Destiny,
1968-1983 (1990),
Mike Gane's
Baudrillard: Critical and Fatal
Stephen Crook's Modernist
Radicalism and Its Aftermath:
Foundationalism and Anti-Foundationalism in Radical Social Theory,
Ross Poole's Morality and Modernity,
Neville Wakefield's
Postmodernism: The Twilight of the Real,
Anthony Woodiwiss'
Social Theory after Postmodernism: Rethinking
Production, Law, and
Argyros, Alexander J. "The Aesthetics of a Blood Sport." Diogenes (1989), 145:50, 57.
Armstrong, Edward G. "The Commodified 23, or, Michael Jordan as Text." Sociology of Sport Journal (1996), 13(4):335, 337, 341, 342.
Arnould, Eric J. "Toward a Broadened Theory of Preference Formation and the Diffusion of Innovations: Cases from Zinder- Province, Niger-Republic." Journal of Consumer Research (September 1989), 16(2):258n9, 263.
Arnould, Eric J. and Melanie Wallendorf.
"Market-Oriented Ethnography: Interpretation Building and Marketing
Strategy Formulation." Journal of Marketing Research (November
1994), 31(4):486, 502.
Observation focuses on naturally occurring constellations of
consumption behavior.
Arnoux, Rosemary, Richard Dawson and Martin O'Connor.
"The Logics of Death and Sacrifice in the Resource Management Law Reforms
of Aotearoa/New Zealand." Journal of Economic
Issues (December 1993), 27(4):1065, 1066,
1067, 1085n8, 1092.
Cites Baudrillard's remarks that power "consists in the monopolly of
the spoken word." Domination is exercised when speech is no longer
exchanged, that is, when one party defines exclusively the terms and sense
of the exchange.
Aro, Jari. "Jean Baudrillard ja modernin
kulttuurin patologia."
Sosiologia (1990),
In Finnish.
Aronowitz, Stanley. "Postmodernism and
Politics." Social Text (Winter 1987-88), 18:105-106,
On Baudrillard's view, the villain is consumer society, and the
absence of critical debate by the silent majorities is evidence of a
politics that views the democratic state as a ruse, which merely delivers
an ersatz public life in which there is no critical debate on important
issues. This reaffirms, rather than attacks, the moral foundations of
Aronowitz, Stanley. "The Situation of the Left in
the United States." Socialist Review (January-March 1994),
23(3):61, 78n22.
Says Baudrillard glorifies the absention from voting by 50 percent of
the electorate.
Arrigo, Bruce A. "Desire in the Psychiatric Courtroom: On Lacan and the Dialectics of Linguistic Oppression." Current Perspectives in Social Theory (1996), 16:159, 184.
Arrouye, Jean. "Mors alma mater: de la
photographie." Revue des Sciences Humaines
(1988), 210:157.
Quotes Baudrillard on "la reste" from Simulacre
et simulation
(1981), p. 207.
Ashley, David. "Introduction: Postmodernism in the
Social Sciences." Social Science Journal (July 1991),
Issue is on "Postmodernism in the Social Sciences."
Ashley, David. "Marx and the Excess of the Signifier:
Domination as Production and as Simulation." Sociological
Perspectives (Spring 1990), 33(1):129-146.
Discusses Baudrillard and Lyotard and the relationship between Marxism
and postmodernism.
Ashley, David. "Postmodernism and
the 'End of the Individual': From Repressive Self-Mastery to Ecstatic
Current Perspectives in Social Theory (1990), 10:195, 196, 197,
198-199, 199-207, 209, 211, 212, 214, 216, 217n5, 218n7, 219n10,
Discusses, among many things, Baudrillard's treatment of symbolic
exchange .
Ashley, David and Damian Betebenner.
"Mathematics, Postmodernism and the Loss of Certainty."
Current Perspectives in Social Theory (1996), 16:122, 127,146,
They use Baudrillard's description of the four successive phases of
the image: "the precession of simulacra." Cite Baudrillard's view that
human beings can be seduced to foundationalize the dissimulations that
provide a basis for their language-games. Cite also Baudrillard on the end
of realist or instrumentalist theories of value and that the end of
modernist illusions hints at new kinds of freedom.
Ashley, Richard K. and R.B.J. Walker. "Reading
Dissidence/Writing the Discipline: Crisis and the Question of Sovereignty
in International Studies." International Studies Quarterly
(September 1990), 34(3):407n11, 414.
Makes reference to discussions in the literature of hyperreal
simulation in international relations.
Atias, Christian. "Metamorphoses de la réalité juridique." Corps Écrit (1988), 26:27-28, 30-31.
Augras, Monique. "A ilusao de racionalidade
em pesquisas de
opiniao." Arquivos Brasileros de Psicologia (July-September 1988),
40(3):67-68, 69.
"Aqui está o irritante livrinho de Baudrillard, A sombra
das maiorias silenciosas (1982), qui encontra, tanto no público
norte-americano como no europeu, uma imensa carga inercial que acaba
falseando as próprias regras do jo politico."
Augras, Monique. "Poder do desejo, ou desejo de poder?" Arquivos Brasileros de Psicologia (April-June 1985), 37(2): 107, 109.
Auslander, Philip. "Going with the Flow: Performance
Art and Mass Culture." TDR: The Drama Review: A Journal of Performance
Studies (Summer 1989), 33(2):134n6.
Argues that Baudrillard's early essay "Requiem for the Media" (1971,
1981) recapitulates Sartre's theory of mass media in Critique of
Dialectical Reason (1960). Baudrillard then carried this further
with the view that mediatized reality, simulacra, superceded reality, and
imposed meaning, and the only critical response is to refuse all meaning.
But, the author argues, artistic discourses depend on representation, not
Auslander, Philip. "Toward a Concept of the Political in Postmodern Theatre." Theatre Journal (March 1987), 39(1):32.
Austrin, Terry. "Flexibility, Surveillance and Hype
in New Zealand Financial Retailing." Work Employment and Society
(June 1991), 5(2):208, 220.
Refers to Baudrillard's view that fashion and advertising have replaced
custom and tradition.
Avigal, Shoshana and Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan.
"What Do Brook's Bricks Mean? Toward a Theory of the 'Mobility' of
Objects in Theatrical Discourse." Poetics Today (Spring 1981),
2(3):17, 34.
This issue is on "Drama, Theater Performance: A
Semiotic Perspective."
On Peter Brook's Ubu aux Bouffes.
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