Eddie Yeghiayan
A sombra das maiorias silenciosas:
o fim do social e o surgimento das massas.
Sao Paulo: Brasiliense, 1993.
Portuguese translation by Suely Bastos of À l'Ombre des
majorites silencieuses (1978).
3rd edition.
"Die ästhetische Illusion = The Aesthetic Illusion." Parkett (1993), 37: 10-15.
Buddy Books & Kontekst,
Serbian translation by Mila Bastic of Amérique
Baudrillard Live: Selected Interviews. Edited by Mike Gane.
London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
"Introduction" Mike Gane
Part. I. A Virtual State of Rupture . . .
Interview 1. I Don't Belong to the Club, to the Seraglio:19-25
Part. II. Beyond Alienation . . .
Interview 2. I Like the Cinema:29-35
Interview 3. Baudrillard's Seductions:36-40
Interview 4. The 'Look' Generation--The Mannerism of a World
Without Manners:41-42
Interview 5. The Power of Reversibility that Exists in the
Interview 6. The Revenge of the Crystal:50-66
Interview 7. Is an Image Not Fundamentally Immoral?67-71
Interview 8. Intellectuals, Commitment and Political Power:72-80
Interview 9. Game with Vestiges:81-95
Part III. I Stopped Living . . .
Interview 10. Forget Baudrillard:99-127
Part IV. Radicalism has Passed into Events . . .
Interview 11. America as Fiction:131-135
Interview 12. The Evil Demon of Images:136-144
Interview 13. The Work of Art in the Electronic Age:145-151
Interview 14. The Politics of Seduction:152-155
Interview 15. The End of the End:156-164
Interview 16. Fractal Theory:165-171
Interview 17. Writing Has Always Given Me Pleasure:172-179
Interview 18. This Beer Isn't a Beer:180-190
Interview 19. Sublunar and Atonal Landscape:191-196
Part V. When Reality Merges with the Idea . . .
Interview 20. Baudrillard: The Interview:199-207
Afterword / Amor Fati(A Letter from Baudrillard):208-209
"Colleccionistas y coleccionismos." Revista de Occidente
(February 1993), 141:115-119.
Excerpt from El sistema de los objetos (1969) translated by
Francisco González Aramburo.
"Consumer Society." In James D.
Faubion, ed.,
Rethinking the Subject: An Anthology of Contemporary European Social
Thought, pp. 193-203. Foreword by Paul Rabinow. Boulder: Westview
Press, 1995.
Adapted from "Consumer Society" in
Jean Baudrillard:
Selected Writings, edited by Mark Poster (1988), pp. 31-44.
Cool memories, I et II, 1980-1990. Le Livre de Poche.
Biblio essais. Paris: Librarie
Générale Française,
See Cool Memories (1987)
Cultura y simulacro.
Ensayo, 4.
La precesion de los simulacros.
El efecto Beaubourg.
A la sombra de las mayorias silenciosas.
El fin de lo social.
Translation by Antoni Vicens and Pedro Rovira.
4th edition.
See Cultura y simulacro
(1984) (1987).
"Ensembles artificiels. La Biospère 2 ou De la
conjuration du Mal à la gestion des déchets."
In Un Autre partage: homme, ville, nature,
pp. 91-100.
Érès, 1993.
Actes de la rencontre internationale organisée par le Centre de
recherches (Fundaçao Casa de Rui Barbosa), l'Organisation pour le
developpement de la science et de la culture (Colégio do Brasil) et
la Société internationale pour le développement (SID)
à la Fundaçao Casa de Rui Barbaso, à Rio
de Janeiro
les 25, 26 et 27 mai 1992 sous le haut patronage de l'UNESCO.
"The Evil Demon of Images and the Precession of Simulacra." In Thomas Docherty, ed., Postmodernism: A Reader, pp. 194-199. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
"Hyperreal America."
Economy and Society (May 1993),
Translated by David Macey.
Text of a lecture given at the University of Essex in November
La ilusión del fin o La huelga de los
Argumentos, 142.
Spanish translation by Thomas Kauf of
L'Illusion de la fin
L'illusione de la fine, o, Lo sciopero degli eventi. Lo
Spirito del tempo, 9.
Italian translation by Alessandro Serra of
L'Illusion de la fin
"Natural Wood, Cultural Wood." In Penny Sparke, ed., The Plastics Age: From Bakelite to Beanbags and Beyond. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1993.
"Pas de pitié pour Sarajevo." Libération (January 7, 1993): 6.
"The Precession of Simulacra."
In Joseph Natoli and Linda Hutcheon, eds.,
A Postmodern Reader,
pp. 342-375.
State University of New York Press,
See Simulations (1983), pp. 1-75.
"The Timisoara Syndrome:
The Télécratie and the
Revolution." Columbia Documents of
Architecture and Theory: D
(1993), 2:61-71.
A transcription of Baudrillard's lecture at Columbia University on April 6, 1992.
"Der reine Terrorismus. Ein gespräch mit Eckhard Hammel."
Der reine Terror: Gewalt von rechts,
pp. 47-58.
Passagen Heft, 9.
Interview conducted by Eckhard Hammel.
Symbolic Exchange and Death.
Introduction by Mike Gane.
Theory, Culture & Society.
1 The End of Production:6-49
The Structural Revolution of Value:6-9
The End of Production:9-30
Political Economy as a Model of Simulation:31-38
Labour and Death:38-49
2 The Order of Simulacra:50-86
The Three Orders of Simulacra:50
The Stucco Angel:50-53
The Automation and the Robot:53-55
The Industrial Simulacrum:55-57
The Metaphysics of the Code:57-61
The Tactile and the Digital:61-70
The Hyperrealism of Simulation:70-76
Kool Killer, or The Insurrection of Signs:76-86
3 Fashion, or The Enchanting Spectacle of the Code:87-100
The Frivolity of the Déja Vu:87-89
The 'Structure' of Fashion:89-92
The Flotation of Signs:92
The 'Pulsion' of Fashion:93-95
Sex Refashioned:95-98
The Insubvertible:98-100
4 The Body, or The Mass Grave of Signs:101-124
The Marked Body:101-104
Secondary Nudity:104-107
Planned Narcissism:111-112
Incestuous Manipulation:112-114
Models of the Body:114
Phallus Exchange Standard:114-116
Demagogy of the Body:116-118
Zhuang-Zi's Butcher:119-124
5 Political Economy and Death:125-194
The Extradition of the Dead:125-131
The Exchange of Death in the Primitive Order:131-144
Political Economy and Death:144-148
The Death Drive:148-154
Death in Bataille:154-158
My Death is Everywhere, my Death Dreams:158-194
6 The Extermination of the Name of God:195-242
The Anagram:195-213
The Linguistic Imaginary:213-222
The Witz, or The Phantasm of the Economic in Freud:222-242.
Translation by Iain Hamilton Grant of L'Échange symbolique et
la mort (1976).
Le Système des Objets.
Tel, 33.
See Le Système des Objets
"Toward a Principle of Evil." In Thomas Docherty, ed., Postmodernism: A Reader, pp. 355-361. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme
London & New York: Verso,
Part I
After the Orgy:3-13
Superconductive Events:36-43
Operational Whitewash:44-50
Xerox and Infinity:51-59
Prophylaxis and Virulence:60-70
Drives and Repulsions:71-74
The Mirror of Terrorism:75-80
Whatever Happened to Evil?81-88
The Fate of Energy:100-105
The Theorem of the Accursed Share:106-110
Part II: Radical Otherness
The Hell of the Same:113-123
The Melodrama of Difference:124-136
Radical Exoticism:146-155
Pursuit in Venice:156-160
Viral Hospitality:161-163
The Declination of Wills:164-171
The Object as Strange Attractor:172-174
Translation by James Benedict of La
Transparence du mal: Essai sur le phénomènes
extrêmes (1990).