Eddie Yeghiayan
L'altro visto da sè.
Genoa: Costa & Nolan,
2nd edition of L'altro visto da sè (1988)
"Baudrillard Shrugs: A Seminar on Terrorism and the Media with Sylvère Lotringer and Jean Baudrillard." In William Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 238-302. London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
"Biosphere II." In Anne-Marie Eyssartel and Bernard Rochette, Des mondes inventes: les parcs à thème, pp. 127-130. Penser l'espace. Nouvelle série. Paris: Les Éditions de la Villette, 1992.
"La dictature démocratique est en bonne voie." L'autre journal (December 30, 1992):40-41.
"The Ecstasy of Communication." In
Jencks, ed.,
The Post-Modern Reader. London: Academy Editions;
New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
See "The Ecstasy of Communication" (1983).
"Die Freiheit als Opfer der Information oder Das Temesvar-Syndrom."
In Zeichen der Freiheit. Reihe "um 9". Bern: Benteli, 1992.
"Vortrage im Kunstmuseum Bern 1991 anlasslich der 21.
Kunstausstellung des Europarates 'Zeichen der Freiheit'."
L'Illusion de la fin ou La grève des
événements. Collection "L'espace
Galilée, 1992.
Pataphysique de l'An 2000:11-22
La réversion de l'histoire:23-27
L'ascension du vide vers la périphérie:29-37
La grève des événements:39-47
La décongélaton de l'Est:49-55
La stratégie de la dissolution:57-81
Les charniers de Timisoara:83-92
L'illusion de la guerre:93-97
La gestion de la catastrophe:99-104
La danse des fossiles:107-113
L'écologie maléfique:115-128
Comment sauter par-dessus son ombre quand on n'en a plus?143-153
Instabilité et stabilité exponentielles:155-160
Hystérésie du Millenium:161-171
For English translation see The Illusion of the End (1994).
Den maskinelle snobbisme: om Andy
Warhol. Copenhagen:
Danske Kunstakademi, 1992.
Danish translation by Carsten Juhl of "Le
snobisme machinal"
"Revolution and the End of Utopia." In William Stearns and
William Chaloupka, eds.,Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and
Politics, pp. 233-242.
New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Translated by Michel Valentin.
Lo scambio simbolico e la morte.
Milan: Feltrinelli,
2nd edition of Lo scambio simbolico e la morte
Det singulaeres politik: om og af Jean Baudrillard. [The
Politics of Singularity: On and by Jean Baudrillard].
Copenhagen: Det Kongelige danske Kunstakademi, 1992.
In Danish.
"Virtual Catastrophies," a conversation with Florian Rötzer.
"The Thaw of the East and the Termination of History,"
by Jean Baudrillard;
"The Politics of Singularity," by Kasper Nefer Olsen.
"Toward a Principle of Evil." In Thomas Docherty, ed.,
Postmodernism: A Reader.
New York: Simon &
London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.
See "Pour un principe du Mal" in Les Stratégies
fatales (1983), pp. 257-273.
"Transpolitics, Transsexuality,
Transaesthetics." In William
Stearns and William Chaloupka, eds., Jean Baudrillard: The
Disappearance of Art and Politics, pp. 9-26.
New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Translated by Michel Valentin.
Transparenz des Bösen: ein Essay über extreme
Phänomene. Internationaler Merve-Diskurs,
169. Berlin:
Translation by Michaela Ott of La
Transparence du mal
Von der Verführung. With an essay by
László F. Foldényi.
Munich: Matthes und Seitz,
Translation by Michaela Messner of De la