Eddie Yeghiayan
"After Utopia: The Primitive Society of the Future." New
Perspectives Quarterly (Summer 1989), 6(2):52-54.
An interview with Baudrillard conducted by Nathan Gardels.
"The Anorexic Ruins."
In Dietmar Kamper and Christoph Wulf, eds.,
Looking Back on the End of the World, pp. 29-45. Semiotext(e)
Foreign Agent Series.
New York:
Part of a symposium held in New York in Fall 1986.
Translated by David Antal.
"Baudrillard: le sujet et son double." Magazine
Littéraire (April 1989), 264:18-23.
"L'individue comme concept historique et concept utopie est mort.
Émerge un individu de synthèse, particule neutre liée
réseaux et à la société de masses."
Interview conducted by François Ewald.
Issue is entitled "L'Individualisme: le grand retour."
Cool Memories: 1980-1985.
Anagrama, 1989.
Translation by Joaquín Jordá of Cool Memories
Cool Memories: 1980-1985.
Batterien, 4.
Matthes und Seitz, 1989.
German translation by
Michaela Ott of Cool Memories (1987).
"Décongélation de l'Est et fin de l'histoire."
Libération (December 15, 1989):5.
Reprinted in Écran total (1997), pp. 49-54.
De la seduccion. 6th ed.
Coleccion teorema, serie mayor.
Translation by
Elena Benarroch of De la
"La dépressurisation de l'Occident."
Libération (March 14, 1989):10.
Reprinted in Écran total (1997), pp. 43-48.
"The End of Production." Polygraph (1989), 2-3:5-29.
Translation of
Anthony Julian Pefanis of pp. 22-52 of
L'Échange symbolique et la mort (1976), reprinted from
Revenge of the Crystal (1989).
In Anderem Licht: Holographie und Umraum. A 11
Artforum München.
Katalog zur Ausstellung In Anderem Licht, Holographie und
Umraum. 9 November 1989 - 28 January 1990, A11 Arforum München. 6
April - 13 May 1990, Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum Hagen.
Translation by
Sabine Leker of "Hologramme" Simulacres et
Simulation (1981), pp. 157-163.
"An Interview with Jean Baudrillard."
Block (1989),
Judith Williamson conducts the interview which took place in London on
November 18, 1988.
Translated by
Brand Thumin.
"Interview with John Johnston."
Art Papers
(January-February 1989):4-7.
"The End of the End"
"Jean Baudrillard / Catherine Francblin." In Appuntamenti con
la filosofia.
Collana Terzo millennio, 8. Flash Art Books.
G. Politi,
In Italian.
See "Interview with Jean Baudrillard" (1986) and "Jean
Baudrillard/Catherine Francblin" (1991).
"Objektets onde and." Sosiologi I dag [Oslo] (1989), 4:40-54.
"Panic Crash!"
In Arthur Kroker, Marilouise Kroker and David Cook,
eds., Panic Encyclopedia : The Definitive Guide to the Postmodern
Scene, pp. 64-67.
New York:
St. Martin's Press,
Translation by
Faye Trécartin and Arthur Kroker.
Paradoxe Kommunikation. Vortrag im Kuntsmuseum Bern, 5. Februar 1989. Edited by W. Portmann. Reihe um 9. Bern: Benteli, 1989.
"Politics of Seduction." Marxism Today (January 1989),
Interview with Baudrillard conducted by Suzanne Moore and Stephen
"The Politics of Performance: Montand, Coluche = Le Pen?" New
Political Science (Fall-Winter 1989), 16-17:23-28.
Baudrillard is interviewed by Pierre Archard.
Issue is entitled "Racism in Europe."
"Publicidad absoluta, publicidad cero." Revista de
Occidente (January 1989), 92:5-9, 12-16.
Translation by Consuelo Vásquez de Parya of
"Publicité absolue, publicité zéro" in
Simulacres et Simulation (1981), pp. 133-143.
This issue is entitled "Publicidad."
"Speed-Reading America." New York Times Book Review
(January 1, (1989):23.
Excerpt from America (1988).
In section "Noted with Pleasure."
Subjekt und Objekt: fraktal. Bern: Benteli, 1989.
German translation by Dieter W. Portmann.
Vortrag im Kunstmuseum Bern, 19. Oktober 1986.
Bibliography of J. Baudrillard's works: pp. 38-41.
Includes: Subjectivity. Whole and Parts. Space and Time. Fractals.
In Peter Noever, ed., Peter Weibel: Inszenierte
Kunst Geschichte/Mise-en-scène of Art
History, pp. 8-16.
Stubenring 3 & Stubenring 5. Vienna:
Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst: Österreichisches Museum
für Angewandte Kunst, 1989.
Catalog of an exhibition (Österreichisches Museum für
Angewandte Kunst, Wien, 15. Dezember 1988 bis 30. Janner 1989) created by
Peter Weibel to explore the forms of representation, presentation,
reference, and exhibition through the works of 6 selected artists.
Translation into German by Georg Kranner and CRN.
Translation into English by CRN.
"Travels in Hyperreality." In Paul Ramblai's French Blues: A
Not-So Sentimental Journey Through Lives and Memories in Modern
France, pp. 166-169.
An interview.
"Videowelt und fraktales subjekt." In Philosophien der
neuen Technologie, pp. 113-131.
Internationaler Merve Diskurs, 146.
Merve Verlag, 1989.
Conference: Ars Electronica, 7th, 1988 in Linz,
"Die vorliegenden Texte wurden auf dem Symposion Philosophien der
neuen Technologie am 14. September 1988 im Brucknerhaus zu Linz