Eddie Yeghiayan
"Is European Citizenship
Possible?" Public Culture:
Society for Transnational Cultural Studies (Winter 1996),
Translation by Christine Jones of "Une citoyenneté
est-il possible?" (1995).
This issue of the journal is on "Cities and
(with Pierre Macherey.) "On Literature as an Ideological
Form: Some Marxist Propositions." In Terry Eagleton and Drew Milne,
eds., Marxist Literary Theory:
A Reader, pp. 275- 276. Oxford &
Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1996.
See "Literature as an Ideological From: Some
Marxist Propositions" (1978).
"Racism and Anti-racism."
The UNESCO Courier
(March 1996), 3:14-16.
This month's theme: "The Roots of Racism."
"What is 'Man' in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy?." In Janet Coleman, ed., The Individual in Political Theory and Practice, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press 1996.