Eddie Yeghiayan
"Ambiguous Universality."
Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies (Spring
1995), 7(1):48-74.
The issue is entitled "Universalism."
This paper is an abridged and slightly revised version of the
paper which was presented on February 18th, 1994, at the Conference:
"Cultural Diversities: On Democracy, Community, and
at the Bohen Foundation in New York. The complete version will
in the proceedings of the conference.
"Une citoyenneté européenne
possible?" In Brunot
Théret, ed., L'État, la finance et le social:
nationale et construction européenne. Collection
Paris: La Découverte, 1995.
Presented at the Ministry of Research and Technology on February
12, 1993, during the session, "Franco-European Seminar of
Research and Futurology on the State: Sovereignty, Finance and
Social Issues."
"Culture and Identity (Working
Notes)." (Translated
by James Swenson) In John Rajchman, ed., The Identity in
pp. 173-196. New York & London:
Routledge, 1995.
See "Cultura e identità" (1989).
"Has 'the World' Changed?"
In Antonio Callari, Stephen
Cullenberg and Carole Biewener, eds., Marxism
in the Postmodern Age: Confronting the New World Order, pp.
405-414. Critical Perspectives. New York: Guilford,
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the conference
"Le nouveau système du monde," Paris, Sorbonne,
May 29-30, 1992.
"Identité et conscience de soi dans l'Essai de Locke." Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale (1995), 100(4): 455-477.
"The Infinite Contradiction."
Yale French Studies (1995), 88:142-164.
Translated by Jean-Marc Poisson and Jacques
The Philosophy of Marx. London: Verso, 1995.
Translation by Chris Turner of La
philosophie de Marx
1. Marxist Philosophy or Marx's Philosophy?:1-12.
2. Changing the World from Praxis to Production:13-41.
3. Ideology or Fetishism: Power and Sujection:42-79.
4. Time and Progress: Another Philosophy of History?:80-112.
5. Science and Revolution:113-122.
(with Hélène Cixous, Jacques
Derrida, Philippe
and Jean-Luc Nancy.) "La
Vérité?" Le Monde
(August 13-14, 1995), 15722:9.
Dénonciation d'attentisme occidental en ex-Yougoslavie.
Coordinated (with Bertrand Ogilvie.) Violence et
politique. Colloque de Cerisy, 1995.
Published in a special issue of Lignes (May 1995), 25.