Eddie Yeghiayan
"Ce qui fait qu'un peuple est un peuple: Rousseau et Kant." Revue de Synthèse (July-December 1989), 110(3-4):391-417.
"Citoyen Sujet. Réponse à
la question de
Jean-Luc Nancy:
Qui vient après le sujet?" Cahiers
Confrontation (Winter 1989), 20:23-47.
This issue is entitled "Après le sujet qui
"Cultura e identità."
del Socialismo [Rome] (September-December 1989), 3:13-34.
An Italian translation by E.R. of the keynote speech for a
organized by the Division de Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines
de l'UNESCO, Paris, December 14-15, 1989.
(with Pierre Macherey.) "Déterminisme." In Encyclopaedia Universalis, Vol. 7, pp. 283-288. Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1989-90.
(with Pierre Macherey.) "Dialectique." In Encyclopaedia Universalis, Vol. 7, pp. 359-363. Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1989-90.
(with Pierre Macherey.) "Engels (Friedrich)." In Encyclopaedia Universalis, Vol. 8, pp. 372-374. Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1989-90.
(with Pierre Macherey.) "Formalisme et formalisation." In Encyclopaedia Universalis, Vol. 9, pp. 707-710. Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1989-90.
"Foucault et Marx: L'enjeu du
nominalisme." In Michel
Foucault philosophe: Rencontre internationale Paris 9, 10,
11 janvier 1988, pp. 54-75. Collection "Des
Paris: Seuil, 1989.
Followed by "Compte rendu des
discussions," pp.
See "Foucault and Marx: The Question of
"Gibt es einen `neuen
Rassismus'?" Das
Argument (May-June 1989), 3(3) [175]:369-380.
Translation by Frieder O. Wolf of "Y'a-t-il un
in Race, Nation, Classe: Les identités ambiguës
pp. 27-41.
"Un jacobin nommé Marx?" In
de la Révolution: pour un autre bicentenaire, pp. 223-231.
Montreuil: La Brèche-PEC; Malakoff: Diffusion, CLEA-Diffusion,
See "Un jacobin nommé Marx?" (1988).
(with Pierre Macherey). "Literature as an
Ideological Form."
In Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh, eds., Modern Literary Theory:
A Reader, pp. 62-70. London: E. Arnold; New York: Routledge,
Chapman and Hall, 1989.
Partially reprinted from "Literature as an
Form" (1981).
(with Pierre Macherey.) "Marx et marxisme." In Encyclopaedia Universalis, Vol. 14, pp. 646-656. Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1989-90.
"La Proposition de l'égaliberté." Les Conférences du Perroquet [Paris] (November 1989), 22.
"Racism as Universalism."
Political Science (Fall-Winter 1989), 16-17:9-22.
This paper was delivered at the New School for Social Research,
on October 6, 1988, at the request of the Departments of Philosophy
and Political Science.
This issue of the journal is on "Racism in
See Masses, Classes, Ideas (1994), pp. 191-204.
"Racisme: encore un
universalisme." Mots/Les
Langages du Politique (March 1989), 18:7-20.
Special issue on "Racisme et antiracisme: Frontières et
"Razzismo: un altro universalismo." Problemi del Socialismo [Rome] (1989), 2:33-44.
"Spinoza, politique et communication." Cahiers Philosophiques: Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (June 1989), 39:17-42.
"Spinoza, the Anti-Orwell: The Fear of
the Masses."
Rethinking Marxism (Fall 1989), 2(3):104-139.
Translated by Ted Stolze of "Spinoza, l'anti-Orwell: la
crainte des masses" (1985).
See Masses, Classes, Ideas (1994), pp. 3-37.
(with Grahame Lock, Herman R. van Gunsteren.) Sterke posities in de politieke filosofie. Leiden: Stenfert Kroese, 1989.
"Lo stesso o l'altro? Per un'analisi del
razzismo contemporaneo."
La Critica Sociologica [Rome] (April-June 1989), 89:5-38.
Translated by Maria Teresa Maiullari and Clara