Printing and Scanning

Printing (Including Wireless)

$0.12 / page

$0.20 / duplex

Color $0.50 / page 

Color $0.75 / duplex

Microfilm printed copies $0.12 / page  
Scanning Free  
Poster Printing $50 / poster  
3D Printing Costs vary  

The UCI Libraries offers Wepa printing:

The UCI Libraries offer Scansnap SV 500s at both Langson and Science Libraries.


Langson Library

1st floor (near elevators 1 & 2) - printers
2nd floor (Room 227) - printers, scanners

Libraries Gateway Study Center

2nd floor - printers

Science Library

1st floor (MRC) - scanners
2nd floor (Grand Reading Room) - printers, scanners
5th floor (near elevators) - printers, scanners
6th floor (OIT lab) - printers

Grunigen Medical Library

1st floor - printers, scanner

Need assistance at Langson Library?
Visit the Check Out Desk in the 2nd floor lobby.

Need assistance at Science Library?
Visit the Check Out Desk in the 1st floor lobby.

Need assistance at the Libraries Gateway Study Center?
Visit the Service Desk. (You may be referred to the Check Out Desk at Langson Library.)

Need assistance at Grunigen Medical Library?
Visit the Service Desk.