Exhibit | Anteater Spirit: Student Activism That (Re)shaped UCI, 1965 to Now

Anteater Spirit exhibit graphic of student holding protest sign

Anteater Spirit: Student Activism That (Re)shaped UCI, 1965 to Now is an exploration of six decades of campus activism at UC Irvine. Ranging from anti-war protests in the 1960s to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exhibit illustrates student-led efforts that helped shape campus spaces, curriculum, and culture.

Socially and politically engaged, UCI students have made their voices heard on topics ranging from affirmative action and rising tuition costs to housing equality, free speech, and civil rights. From the origins of the iconic Peter the Anteater mascot to 21st century wellness centers and food pantries, Anteater Spirit showcases how each generation of students organized to serve the needs of UCI’s diverse student body.

Using original materials from the UC Irvine Libraries University Archives, the exhibit brings together more than 100 original photographs, archival materials, and videos, with a special focus on UCI’s history and unique character. Revisit homegrown traditions like the Wayzgoose festival and delight in Petr the Anteatr, the popular reimagining of UCI’s beloved mascot. Alumni and community members alike can walk through campus history from 1965 to present day.

Curated by Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez, Digital Archivist for University Archives; Carolyn Downey, Education & Outreach Library Assistant; Jenna Dufour, Research Librarian for Visual Arts; and Faith Lam (BA in History and Film and Media Studies ’22), Special Collections & Archives Student Curator

Edited by Christina Acevedo and Cheryl Baltes

Designed by Allan Helmick, Sylvia Irving, and Luisa Lee

Downloadable Exhibit Record

Visitor Information

Anteater Spirit: Student Activism that (Re)shaped UCI, 1965 to Now was on display in the Langson Library from November 2022 through April 2023.


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