I can help you
- Manage deposit of your publications into open access repositories
- Grow your scholarly reputation via identity management techniques
- Track usage of your publications and data via impact metrics
- Understand better copyright and fair use as an author or a scholar
(949) 824-9732
230 Science Library
UCI online profile
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I can help you
- Write effective Data Management Plans (DMPs) to satisfy funding agency requirements and to potentially enhance the competitiveness of your grant proposals
- Use data management best practices to increase reproducibility of your data
- Develop metadata to describe your data
- Deposit your data into open access repositories, ensuring your data is discoverable and citable
Office phone TBD
229 Science Library
UCI online profile
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I can help you
- Develop, manage, and assess digital programs and projects at any stage
- Identify infrastructure, resources, and expertise that match your research needs
- Plan programs and outreach related to any area of digital scholarship
(949) 824-5678
249 Science Library
UCI online profile
I can help you
- Experiment with digital methods, including text analysis, data visualization, and game development
- Use the tools available through the Digital Sandbox Service
- Identify examples of digital works to inspire ideas for your own work or to revise an existing work in progress
- Explore opportunities for collaborating with other experts, presenting your work at appropriate venues, and migrating your work between digital platforms as needed
(949) 824-8781
243 Science Library
Book an appointment with me
I can help you
- With research support for computationally-centered, data-driven research, and reproducible research workflow development
- Use data management best practices to increase reproducibility of your data
- Set up a programming workshop for your department, class, or lab
- Plan GIS projects, learn and use GIS software, plus find data for your geospatial projects
(949) 824-2024
226 Science Library
UCI online profile
Book an appointment with me
I can help you
- Understand and use technical elements of the Libraries’ digital repositories and digital preservation systems
- Manage feature development to enhance or expand repositories’ and systems’ functions
- Explore and adapt information technologies for digital projects
- Script work flow processes
(949) 824-0193
241 Science Library