Tools and Resources

The Data, Publishing, and Digital Scholarship (DPDS) department provides consultative and technical support for a wide range of tools and platforms, which are made available at no cost to UCI researchers. 

programming workshops logo
Programming Workshops

Cost: Free
DPDS Contact: Danielle Kane

DPDS offers a range of programming workshops that cover foundational coding, and data science skills.  We regularly offer general workshops for R, Python, Unix, Version Control with Git, and OpenRefine. Our list of workshops and events includes information on upcoming sessions. Many of our workshops are delivered asynchronously in Canvas.

Digital Sandbox

Cost: Free
DPDS Contact:

UCI Libraries' Digital Sandbox Service is a fully hosted platform that researchers can use to explore specialized software applications for digital projects. Gain hands-on experience with a range of digital tools (such as Omeka, Scalar, Pressbooks), build out early stage projects, and join a community of fellow researchers through one-on-one consultations, workshops, and events.

DMPTool logo

Cost: Free
DPDS Contact: Wasila Dahdul

The DMPTool is a free resource that helps researchers create data management plans (DMPs) necessary to meet institutional and funding agency requirements. It provides customized templates for creating DMPs that guide researchers in addressing data-related requirements. This tool also provides links to funding agencies, best practices documentation for creating DMPs, and samples of public DMPs shared by their authors.

Dryad logo

Cost: Free
DPDS Contact: Wasila Dahdul

The Dryad Digital Repository is an open and curated data publishing platform for researchers to share and publish their data. The UC’s California Digital Library and Dryad co-develop this service that is designed to be a simple data publication tool for researchers to meet funder and publisher requirements. Each dataset goes through a curation process to check for findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability.

e-Scholarship logo

Cost: Free
DPDS Contact: Mitchell Brown

eScholarship® provides scholarly publishing and repository services that enable departments, research units, publishing programs, and individual scholars associated with the University of California to have direct control over the creation and dissemination of the full range of their scholarship

EZID logo

Cost: Free
DPDS Contact:

EZID (easy-eye-dee) makes it easy for University of California (UC) scholars and researchers to create and manage long-term, globally unique identifiers for data and sources, ensuring their future discoverability. Use EZID to:

  • Create identifiers for anything: texts, data, bones, terms, etc.
  • Manage your research objects more easily with shareable, unbreakable links
  • Store citation information for the objects in a variety of formats
  • Fit identifiers into your automated workflows with our standards-based API
Merritt logo

Cost: Free
DPDS Contact: 

Merritt is a “dark archive,” a back-end repository without public access. Merritt performs critical long-term preservation tasks, such as fixity checking, replication, and assignment of permanent identifiers using EZID. Merritt may be a solution for those who need to store files that are no long being actively worked with and no longer require regular access 

ORCID logo

Cost: Free
DPDS Contact: Mitchell Brown

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) to disambiguate authors, connect to professional information — affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, and more. ORCID allows machine-readable sharing of  information with other systems, linking relationships between authors and research outputs, and to reduce the risk of errors.

Overleaf logo

Cost: Free
Contacts: Mitchell Brown (technical); Carrie Cullen (outreach) 

Overleaf is a collaborative cloud-based LaTeX editor used for writing, editing and publishing scientific documents. The service coordinates with scientific publishers to provide official journal LaTeX templates, and direct submission links. UCI subscription includes Dropbox cloud storage and GitHub collaboration.


Cost: Free
DPDS Contact: Madelynn Dickerson

TheirStory is an easy-to-use, web-based interviewing and storytelling platform for collecting and transcribing oral history (testimonies, one-on-one interviews, and group interviews.) UCI Libraries maintains a subscription with a limited storage capacity.

UCI researchers have a wide range of needs and DPDS often makes referrals to other campus-based resources. The list below is not exhaustive, but includes key services that provide essential infrastructure for digital scholars.

ArcGIS (OIT Licenses)

Cost: Desktop is free for students, Staff & faculty - varies depending on type of license / A free online account to ArcGIS Online can be created.
DPDS Contact: Danielle Kane

ArcGIS is a geographical information system (GIS) software that allows handling and analyzing geographic information by visualizing geographical statistics through layer building maps like climate data or trade flows

Campus Research Storage Pool
Campus Research Storage Pool (CRSP)

Cost: Free up to 1TB

A network-based storage cluster for the UCI campus research community, managed by the Research Cyberinfrastructure Center (RCIC). CRSP supports multiple modes of storing and retrieving data including web browsers, "folders" on laptops, and file paths on UCI’s High-performance computing clusters. Faculty members or staff researchers who request space may be allocated up to 1TB of storage at no cost. Additional storage is available via recharge. 

Center for Statistical Consulting

Cost: varies, see consulting rates

The UC Irvine Center for Statistical Consulting provides research and data analysis support to faculty, staff and students at UCI. This support includes grant proposal development, IRB application, study design and statistical advice, database design, and manuscript preparation.

High Performance Community Computing Cluster
High Performance Community Computing Cluster (HPC3)

Cost: Faculty and researchers can purchase nodes by the core-hour

HPC is a ‘condominium’ high performance computational cluster and associated high performance storage system available to all UCI research groups, staff, and students.  It consists of equipment and software provided by the RCIC as well as individual research group contributions from HPC Partners.

Virtual Computer Lab (OIT)
Virtual Computer Lab (OIT)

Cost: Varies 

UCI's virtual computer lab offers the ability to run specialized instructional/classroom software within an internet browser. Software include programs such as Anaconda/Python, ArcGIS, Stata, SPSS, and more.

UCI Sites (OIT)

Cost: Free 

UCI’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides basic web hosting services to the UC Irvine campus with Wordpress.

Web Hosting - Advanced (OIT)

Cost: Yes

Based on the LAMP stack, OIT UNIX web servers offer the combination of Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl, PHP, and Python. Subscribers are given 10 GB of storage space and shell access to the web server via SSH to publish content for their website. OIT provides server maintenance, system administration, filesystem backups, and web server configuration. Additional services will be offered either as a standard hourly rate or a flat monthly charge depending on the nature of the services being requested.

Other Services from OIT


UCI's Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides a wide range of services to the UCI campus community.